

This was published 4 years ago

Ten things you never knew about Neil Gaiman: Secrets shared in Perth show

By Emma Young

Given the sell-out crowd of 1700, Neil Gaiman’s conversation with us at Perth Concert Hall on Sunday night felt strangely intimate.

This is the author and screenwriter who brought us The Sandman comics, Coraline, Good Omens with Terry Pratchett plus its recent TV adaptation, American Gods (TV adaptation continuing), The Ocean at the End of the Lane, and will soon recreate Jim Henson’s classic The Storyteller series for TV.

Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer at the premiere of Good Omens in London last year.

Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer at the premiere of Good Omens in London last year. Credit: WireImage

For Perth Festival, part of a national tour, he appeared against the backdrop of a cloudy night sky, surrounded by bare hanging lightbulbs like stars and beneath an enormous chandelier possibly intended to look like a moon (but which he described as a giant wedding cake).

In the gentle, mellifluous voice that’s made for memorable narrations of his own books on audio, Gaiman told stories of his life, read short stories and poems (including his yet-unpublished new children’s book) and went through a big stack of questions from the audience.

He gave festival-goers insights into both his home life with singer-songwriter wife Amanda Palmer and his four-year-old son Ash, and his work life, which he described as “seven different full-time jobs” what with all the screen projects he has on the go, as well as a sequel to the 1990s bestseller Neverwhere, and a new children's picture book currently being illustrated.

It included a few reveals:

  1. His most unexpected collector’s item:
    When he was a “starving journalist” in the 1980s, he was offered a contract to write a Duran Duran biography. He leapt at the chance and bought an electric typewriter. The publisher went straight out of businesses when the book came out and the remaining copies in circulation have become collectors’ items; Gaiman himself bought one in recent years for $800 and has heard of copies selling for as much as $10,000.
  2. Most awkward moment with a fan:
    Once, a fan pulled up her miniskirt to show him a large tattoo of his own face on her upper thigh. Others have asked him to sign their body parts then later showed him the tattoos they used this as templates for, with Gaiman wishing they'd signalled their intentions so he could have signed more neatly.
  3. His favourite of his own books:
    “Always the next one, because that’s the one you’re going to get right.”
  4. Where he got the idea for his new children’s book:
    From four lines of a poem jotted on a piece of paper he had had sitting in his passport wallet (where he keeps his most precious things) for the past nine years.
  5. Where the The Neil Gaiman musical is:
    He’s written five pages. He’s “very late” on the rest.
  6. Which of his own characters he relates to most:
    The little boy protagonist in The Ocean at the End of the Lane – that and Merv Pumpkinhead from The Sandman who “can’t believe the idiocy of all those above him.”
  7. His son’s future career:
    Four-year-old Ash recently sneaked up and flushed the toilet as Gaiman sat on it, then dashed away cackling evilly and shouting that he was going to be a supervillain when he grew up.
  8. His Spotify playlist:
    Exclusively songs about zombies to satisfy the macabre tastes of the future supervillain.
  9. His goal for the second draft of any book:
    “To make it look like you knew what you were doing the entire time”.
  10. His famous friendships:
    As well as the friendship with Sir Terry Pratchett that brought the world Good Omens, Gaiman was also close friends with Ray Bradbury, who wrote Fahrenheit 451, The Martian Chronicles and The Illustrated Man. Gaiman wrote short story ‘The man who forgot Ray Bradbury’ to read at the author’s 91st birthday party, and read it again aloud on Sunday to a spellbound crowd.

What he wouldn’t reveal...

As to whether there’s going to be a new adaptation of Neverwhere, Gaiman can’t confirm or deny”; but he does hope a theatre adaptation of The Ocean at the End of the Lane will soon make it from the West End overseas to Australia.

Neil Gaiman appears at the Capitol, Melbourne, on Tuesday and will also present a Bushfire Recovery Event with Amanda Palmer on March 8 at Forum Melbourne before continuing his tour in the United States.

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