

This was published 1 year ago

‘My publisher will probably hate it’: Nigella wants your old cookbooks

By Kylie Northover

The question that’s already been addressed, the nervously delivered non sequitur, the probing personal inquiry – for many authors, audience Q&A sessions are the least favourite part of a live appearance.

Not for Nigella Lawson. The food writer and TV cook considers the Q&A section the most significant part of her In Conversation appearances.

“I really love talking to audiences,” she says on the phone from London. “The only questions that I think can sometimes … open themselves less out to the room are technical.” She “slightly quakes” if someone asks how much batter to use in a round tin instead of a rectangular one, “but I always say to people, ‘I’m a cook, I’m not a scientist or technical person in the kitchen’.”

Nigella Lawson loves interacting with her fans.

Nigella Lawson loves interacting with her fans.

Lawson is appearing later this month for a small series of events (hastily organised, she says, apologising that she can’t do a bigger tour). And she’s looking forward to interacting with her fans.

“And I find Australians have a particular wit which I warm to. It’s the same sort of … slightly subversive sense of humour I think a lot of us have over here. It’s not that hushed respectful, reverential attitude. I much prefer that, not taking yourself too seriously, and having a laugh.”

Lawson (it feels odd using her surname given she’s so mononymous) will be interviewed by broadcaster Matt Preston, discussing her love of food as a personal and connecting process. The first half is your standard interview format, and Lawson prefers even that part be unrehearsed.


“That’s what makes the evening feel alive to me,” she says. “It’s not a lecture and I think, in a way, just like when you cook, you have to allow for a bit of chaos. I can just supply the spontaneous, potentially chaotic element and the poor interviewer has the job of keeping the structure and obeying form.”

The joy of a live event, she says, has become particularly important in a world where we live our lives by our screens. “I think you should cherish the slightly anarchic nature of a live event and not make it conform to a polished screen production,” she says. Not, she adds, that her television shows are polished; her programs have never been scripted.

Lawson in Melbourne for the 2022 World’s Longest Lunch.

Lawson in Melbourne for the 2022 World’s Longest Lunch.Credit: Luis Enrique Ascui

“I do think about what I might want to say before, and obviously the recipes I know, and I’ve written a book by the time I do a TV series. I have a relationship with the dish I’m cooking and I’m also trying to talk about it as it unfurls, a bit like a sports commentator. Essentially, it’s better to be a person thinking, than giving a performance.”

The former journalist’s books have always been part lovingly written long-form essays and part cookbook, her unbridled enthusiasm something that can’t be faked; interacting with fans is no schtick.

It’s because when you talk about food, Lawson says, you’re talking about things that matter in life. “I think that food gets to the real heart of who we are … emotionally. And generally speaking, when you’re talking about food you’re talking about memory, about things that matter to you; there’s so many levels you can discuss food on,” she says.

As with the interview part of the evening, she shuns being given audience questions ahead of time. “Once you start fussing over things, your mind doesn’t focus in the same way and it doesn’t give that freshness to an event. There is something about talking to people there in the moment, and hearing other people’s voices and having an exchange of views. I also think that’s something Australian audiences are good at.”


She’s even looking forward to post-show book signings, such interactions having been verboten for so long. And it’s not merely to flog copies of her latest book, Cook, Eat, Repeat. “My publisher’s probably not happy when I say this, but I always feel, bring me your old battered books with spills on. That is the best compliment,” she says.

She’s never expected people to buy new books – it’s one of the reasons she puts many of them on her popular website.


  1. Worst habit? Interrupting people – and that includes, pre-eminently, always interrupting myself.
  2. Greatest fear? It’s the greatest fear every parent has, and one I can’t even bear to put in writing.
  3. The line that stayed with you? Not poetry or fine prose, but the words “Do it now!”
  4. Biggest regret?  No one gets to my age without accumulating grounds for regret, but I do my best to resist, as it keeps you negatively in the past rather than positively in the present.
  5. Favourite room? The kitchen, though since I made mine open plan, it pretty well is the whole house!
  6. The artwork/song you wish was yours?  Never mind having the talent to create a song, I just wish I could sing!
  7. If you could solve one thing… I’d be very happy indeed! In the meantime, I blunder on.

“Some people can’t afford books, or they just want to test things out, or are just looking for a recipe at the end of their day for dinner,” she says. Her publisher only allows her a certain percentage to run online, but they are, she says, generous, “and when I ask to put more on there, they get it.”

“If food is something you love doing … it stands to reason that you want to share your recipes. Of course when you write a book and you say things in it that are meaningful to you, you want to share ideas, but it is for me, also incredibly important to be sharing on my website and then by extension, on social media, because that’s often where people are looking for ideas. I like that – I think food is about communication and connection; we are social creatures.”

Even if that interaction is virtual. During the pandemic, four months of which Lawson spent alone, she took comfort in Twitter, where she’s been a long-time presence and has created her own community.

“I was writing my book so as you know, Twitter seemed a very reasonable way of spending three hours of my time! But I really valued the community – and I still do.”


Lawson shares her recipe of the day on Twitter, promotes other cooks’ and chefs’ books, and happily answers queries from people trying her recipes, querying substitute ingredients or worrying about cooking times. I once asked her on Twitter if lasagne could be frozen, and she happily replied, with detailed instructions.

“I love seeing what people are cooking at home,” Lawson says. She’s even changed a couple of her recipes after fans have made suggestions. She will, though, go “a bit stern nanny” if she sees people being rude to others when they share photos of their homemade bakes.

Nigella Lawson’s favourite room is, of course, her kitchen.

Nigella Lawson’s favourite room is, of course, her kitchen.

“I’m always – I hope – polite, although I go a bit glacial.” She doesn’t mind someone being rude to her, but her Twitter feed feels like her home. “I say who comes into my home or not. I can say to someone, ‘don’t speak like that, please’.”

Mostly, though, she loves her “little patch”. “It’s quite cheering sometimes that it’s so different from the main drag of Twitter, which can actually feel a bit toxic sometimes.” She likens it to watching food TV; half an hour when people can switch off from the troubles of the world.

“It’s not a permanent escape, but it’s something,” she says. “Also, without wanting to sound all … hushed and holy, I can’t tell you what it feels like (when) food that’s been part of my family, that I cooked my kids and I loved, is now part of someone else’s family story.”

She cites an example of someone who has baked her Malteser chocolate cake for their son’s birthday since he was eight years old. “It’s like being part of someone’s life and … it’s quite an amazing feeling. I can be quite overawed by it. It’s like a privilege,” she says. “But when you say things like that, it always sounds a bit Hollywood speak, doesn’t it?”


Coming from Lawson though, it doesn’t (and not only because of her charming RP accent). She often slips personal anecdotes into her recipes and her essays – such as those in Cook, Eat, Repeat, which range from thousands of eloquent words about anchovies to expansive meditations on food and eating as an elemental pleasure – are always personal without veering into self-indulgence.


Over the course of almost an hour, Lawson discusses the arguments around cultural appropriation in food (“It’s just about being completely honest and saying why you’re using certain ingredients, why you’ve chosen to bring them together. I don’t think that’s disrespectful”), the evolution of ingredients (“I remember my great aunt saying to me, when I was having people coming around saying, ‘you’re putting garlic in?’ Because when she was young, it was considered foreign ingredient”), and our respective grandma’s recipe boxes. She also urges me to muck about with her recipes.“You don’t have to make big changes! Just like in life, you can make extraordinary changes just by making small changes,” she says. “People used to say there are only seven plots in the world for a novel - well maybe there are only 10 recipes, if you were to break them down. It’s not about reinventing the wheel.”

Regardless of the topic, Lawson uses food and cooking as impassioned analogies for, well, almost everything; when you have something you love in life, she says, that’s how you see things.

“As Nora Ephron always said about making a sauce with a roux - however life was shambolic or difficult or alarming, you knew if you mixed butter and flour it would form a paste and when you put milk in it, it will make a sauce. There are some things you can hang on to safely.”

Lawson’s next book, I suggest, when she tells me that “cooking, like life, is a lot like muddling through”, should be about philosophy.

“Funny you should say that! It’s something along those lines, but I’m still incubating,” she says, adding that “philosophy is too grand a word for the warblings that come out of my mind.”


It might be, she says, about seeing cooking as something different in our lives.


“We’re all living by screens, everything is in our head and sometimes we’re focusing on that little screen and it feels like your forehead gets fuzzy, and fogged by too many words. So cooking, if you put your phone down, you’re letting your intelligence be in your fingertips and your sense of smell – that for me, is very necessary sometimes,” she says.

“It’s a bit like gazing into a long horizon – which is also why I come to Australia because I crave a big sky.”

An Evening With Nigella Lawson, Hamer Hall, Arts Centre Melbourne, May 19,; State Theatre Sydney, May 21, (2pm and 7.30pm). Nigella Lawson’s book Cook, Eat, Repeat is out now.

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