

This was published 4 months ago

His mum and dad were treated differently. He wanted to understand why

Ziggy Ramo’s raw hip-hop made a lot of Australians uncomfortable. He expects his book to do the same.

By Michael Dwyer

Credit: Jessica Hromas

Nobody likes uncomfortable truths, so here’s just one. First Nations people account for 33 per cent of prison inmates in this country. It suggests an uncomfortable question. How does said country sleep? Make no mistake, we sleep. Like several other shocking indicators of national indifference, that number is rising.

Ziggy Ramo’s uncomfortable answer is also the premise of his book, Human? We don’t act because we don’t think Original Peoples, to use the term he prefers, are people at all. It’s a belief conditioned over half a millennium, since Pope Alexander VI decreed on behalf of budding explorers in 1493 that “non-Christians held no rights in the eyes of the Lord”.

Alexander’s “Doctrine of Discovery is the legal framework to not only dispossess Original Peoples, but to justify murder and enslavement,” the rapper, actor, musician and author writes. “If we are not seen as human then ‘Thou shall not steal’ and ‘Thou shall not murder’ would simply not apply to us.”

Ziggy Ramo performing at the Sydney Opera House in 2021.

Ziggy Ramo performing at the Sydney Opera House in 2021.Credit: Getty Images

Talking by Zoom from his Perth home, Ramo is far more genial and less confronting than he can be on the page. But his argument, gleaned from many generations of family history, independent research and lived experience spanning black, white, rich, poor, island, outback and urban Australia, is firm and clear.

“The position we find ourselves in is not an accident,” he says. “This was a design. When you start colonisation and you create missions, you create segregation. When you create segregation, you stop communication. And when you stop communication, you stop seeing each other as humans.

“That figure of 33 per cent [for example] doesn’t impact us in a way that creates immediate action because for the last 235 years, we have been taught to compartmentalise and disconnect from our human emotion as to what that represents.


“The point of this book, and why I go to those hard, confronting places, is that we have to start listening to each other’s stories. It’s not about this single book, or a single song. It’s about creating momentum and space for many voices to tell their stories, so that 33 per cent starts to have faces attached to it. It starts to have a heartbeat.”

Ziggy Ramo Burrmuruk Fatnowa’s own story forms a natural heartbeat to the book he launches at next month’s Melbourne Writers Festival. His great-great grandmother was stolen from her family in Wik country in Aurukun. She met his great-great grandfather when he was “blackbirded” — kidnapped and enslaved — from the Solomon Islands to work the Far North Queensland sugarcane fields.

Three generations later, a woman of Scottish extraction married his father, to their parents’ mutual disapproval. Young Ziggy grew up in multiple worlds. His family was welcomed into a Yolngu commmunity in Arnhem Land. Later he won a scholarship to Sydney’s uber-privileged Scots College.

What I would ask the reader to understand is, if it’s difficult to read, how [infinitely] more difficult it is to live.

“It’s a really difficult thing to make sense of, as you’re growing up, that your mum and your dad are literally treated differently when they walk outside in this country,” he reflects. “For me, there was such a curiosity, just trying to understand why, because I saw that my parents just loved each other for who they were.”

Confusion turned to trauma. Human? is not light reading. But the artistic outlet Ramo found at 15, when freestyle rapping began to pour out of him in an almost miraculous deluge, brings a kind of respite at the end of each of the nine chapters. QR codes link to nine songs. Nine paintings by his sister, Brydi Fatnowa, complete what he calls a “three-dimensional multimedia” project.


“There was a natural pull towards music when I was younger but I came to understand that in Australia, the art form of hip-hop isn’t as well respected and well understood as a book,” he says. “There was always something inside of me that knew that it was just about communicating the story.”

Ramo’s raw hip-hop debut, Black Thoughts, was so blunt in style and content that he opted to shelve it for five years until the Black Lives Matter protests of June 2020 presented a context for it to be heard and understood.

Next, he adapted the feelgood campfire amble of Paul Kelly and Kev Carmody’s From Little Things Big Things Grow to smuggle a different story of cause and effect into the mainstream. His “little thing” was Alexander’s Doctrine of Discovery. Big things include stolen children, mass incarceration and a still-rising toll of deaths in custody.

April 25th asks such an uncomfortable question that Ramo devotes a chapter in his book to the many ways the song has literally been censored from the public conversation. Recast in more welcoming folkie form, he gives it another go in the Human? project.

“This isn’t about hurting or blaming people. It’s that I respect you enough to give you the truth, and the truth of my lived experience,” he says. “I guess what I would ask the reader to understand is, if it’s difficult to read, how [infinitely] more difficult it is to live. As uncomfortable as you may feel, that’s the line I tried to walk in this book.”

Recent lived experience has prepared him for mixed reactions to the work, he says. “I will see this book as a success within the conversations it sparks. I want to build a space for dialogue and discourse to happen, regardless of who you vote for, regardless of what you believe in. I would like to get to the root of my understanding of what my lived experience has taught me, because I think that is ultimately the path forward.”


Ziggy Ramo speaks with Jan Fran and performs songs from Human? at the Athenaeum on May 10. He joins Chelsea Watego and Lamisse Hamouda at the State Library Conversation Quarter on May 11. The Melbourne Writers Festival runs May 6-12. The Age is a festival partner.

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