

This was published 4 years ago

Wearing his heart on his lawn: one refugee's 'endurance' work

By Hannah Francis


Every day, artist and Afghan refugee Sha Sarwari walks for two hours in his backyard in suburban Melbourne, wearing out the shape of a heart in the lawn, a potent symbol of his holding pattern.

He began the endurance work, Against the Time, on May 28 and will continue until June 20 – World Refugee Day – to raise funds for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre.

Afghani refugee Sha Sarwari's endurance work, Against the Time

Afghani refugee Sha Sarwari's endurance work, Against the Time

“In some ways [the work] symbolises an endurance of the public as a whole, a collective endurance, the suffering of our daily lives,” Sarwari says. “We are waiting for the cure, waiting for the hugs and all the things we used to do.”

But it has a personal meaning, too. He’s waiting for his wife and six-year-old son to return from Pakistan, where they went in early March to visit her brother. (The brother is also waiting on an application to come to Australia.)

“I used to mow the lawn with my son,” Sarwari says. “He runs around following me with the mower. I said I’d wait [to mow it] in the hope they will get a plane ticket soon … then it came to me how I could show him and leave a mark that I was waiting for him.”

Sarwari had two exhibitions cancelled or postponed due to the lockdown. He’s still completing artworks for those but wanted to create something more timely.

“There was another thing – some friends called me from Pakistan and asked for monetary assistance,” he says. “I couldn’t help them because I’ve lost my job and I have no income.”

That’s when he got the idea to raise funds for the ASRC.

“Some of the most wonderful people I know are refugees, and sometimes they’re not entitled to JobSeeker.”

How you can help: Watch Sarwari’s daily performances at and donate to the ASRC here:

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