This was published 1 year ago
Rub thoroughly before hanging: Getting to the mushy bottom of the banana at the NGV
There is a banana duct-taped to the wall of the NGV. It’s part of the sprawling Triennial exhibition, and, despite stiff competition for both attention and space, this seemingly simple work gets a room of its own.
Titled Comedian, it was first created by Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan in 2019 and its appearance at Art Basel Miami Beach sparked furious debate around the world about what art really is.
NGV art handler with Comedian 2019 by Maurizio Cattelan at NGV Triennial. Credit: Eugene Hyland
Cattelan’s work often makes headlines, often for unusual reasons. Also in 2019, his work, America – a functioning toilet made of solid gold – was stolen in an elaborate heist from Blenheim Palace, the birthplace of Winston Churchill. Four men have been charged over the theft, though the fate of the artwork remains unknown. Comedian, too, continues to make headlines – first for being sold for $US120,000 ($175,591), and then when people began to pluck the work from the wall and eat it.
With Comedian now in Melbourne, we had some questions, both intellectual and practical. So, we turned to the only person who could truly answer them: the artist himself.
When you created Comedian, did you expect it to be so controversial or popular?
I had high hopes, but reality exceeded my expectations. The unforeseen controversy and popularity surrounding Comedian became an integral part of the artwork’s narrative, emphasising the notable role spectators play in shaping it.
Artist Maurizio Cattelan.
In the process of creating it, did you consider other forms – different fruit, different ways of adhering it to a wall – or was it always going to be a banana and silver duct tape?
It all started in 2018, when the banana was just an image on a poster and the tape used was red. The work had been crafted to celebrate New York Magazine’s 50th anniversary and was meant to be displayed all around the bustling streets of the Big Apple. Years later, Miami called. At that time, the only topic during art fairs was the economic value of works on display. I simply couldn’t wrap my head around it. That humble tropical fruit sealed on a white canvas became my challenge to the established norms of artistic significance. The silver tape was just easier to find.
Could the work be as effective with a different fruit instead of a banana?
Perhaps some papayas or passionfruit may be a more fashionable choice; nonetheless, I like bananas best. They are simply delicious and shamelessly evocative, they are energising, recognisable, and easy to find. They are exotic yet affordable. What else could I ask for?
“Typically, when the urge to eat it dissipates upon first glance, it’s time to take it off the wall.”Credit: Eugene Hyland
What is your response to people who don’t consider Comedian to be art?
“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are saying”! Just kidding … the truth is that the attitude of “even I could have done it” is a common refrain when faced with a work that appears deceptively easy to replicate, and I get it. However, I truly appreciate comments that go beyond being an end in themselves. Instead, I value feedback that serves as a cue for further action, improvement, or sparks creativity.
With the work being sold and shown around the world, how do you prevent imitation?
Why would I? When creative work becomes captivating for others and inspires them to innovate, it adds fresh perspective to the conversation. Ultimately, we are all influenced by external inputs. Seizing opportunities presented by what belongs to others but is perceived as a triumph is a human inclination from ancient times, and I’m willingly participating in the game.
What is your response to people eating the artwork?
I am flattered to some extent. The action reminds me of the Eucharistic or even cannibalistic rituals where people consume the body and blood of their saviour or enemy, as if by ingesting it, they could gain some of their power. There is a certain allure to the concept of “eating” someone’s work as if it could somehow release the creative force that inspired it.
How often are the banana and duct tape replaced? Is it every three days?
Let’s just say “when it’s ripe enough” is the general rule. The specifics are left to the discretion of galleries and museums. Typically, when the urge to eat it dissipates upon first glance, it’s time to take it off the wall.
How is the banana selected and who is responsible for selecting the banana? Are specific instructions sent to the gallery?
Left aside the technical aspects of angle and arrangement when positioning it, the instruction manual includes buying the banana from a local market, possibly near the exhibition site, and rubbing it thoroughly before hanging it.
How much control do you have over the work displayed at a gallery?
Once the work is out, very little is left in my hands. Some day I may have to eat the banana myself to prove I still have some power over it.
The banana is removed and replaced when it’s ripe enough.Credit: Eugene Hyland
In the instructions to galleries displaying the work are there specific instructions about the type of banana used, its size or the length of the duct tape?
Ideally, the juicier the better and don’t be stingy with the tape! As for size … we all hope it still doesn’t matter much.
Anything to add?
… Why did the banana go out with a walnut? Because he couldn’t find a date.
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