

This was published 4 years ago

Destruction or art? Hosier Lane street art 'attacked'

By Nick Miller

Is it vandalism or art? Or something in between?

A group of masked men used paint-filled fire extinguishers on Saturday evening to coat a large chunk of Melbourne’s internationally famous Hosier Lane with a hastily applied abstract blur of green, pink, yellow and blue.

Cleaning in Melbourne's Hosier Lane, where masked killjoys paint-bombed popular street art.

Cleaning in Melbourne's Hosier Lane, where masked killjoys paint-bombed popular street art.Credit: Jason South

The coordinated action, which obliterated existing street art, was documented with a drone and cameras.

Melbourne man Joe Musco, who caught the action on video and shared it via Instagram, said a “lot of awesome artwork was destroyed. I don’t know mate, but that’s just shit”. He labelled the vandals “hooligans”.

But others on social media were unsure if the lane, which has been painted and repainted on an almost daily basis for decades, was seeing just another chapter in the contested, ephemeral story of urban art.

And there was speculation that the blur was a guerrilla reaction to fears the lane’s art is being commoditised and commercialised.

The question can only really be answered by the - so far anonymous - perpetrators, says Zoe Paulsen, festival director for Melbourne's new urban art and street art festival Can't Do Tomorrow, which takes place later this month.

"It's really important to find out what their motivations were," she said. "[This group] wants to say something, and I'm really interested to find out what that is."


The fact the incident was filmed, in broad daylight, gave it a performative element, Paulsen said. And it could well have been making a cultural or political point.

"We respect and acknowledge all forms of expression. There's a lot of conversation within the street and graffiti world about Hosier Lane. It has become fairly commercial these days, with corporates commissioning artworks in the lane.

"So many artists in the lane know their work can be there one day and gone the next. And they have provided the space with a whole new canvas."

Hosier Lane on Monday morning.

Hosier Lane on Monday morning.Credit: Jason South

Others were more critical.

Victorian tourism minister Martin Pakula said the perpetrators were "idiots" who had done it "for their own gratification".

"I hope they're caught, I hope they're dealt with," he said. "In terms of Hosier Lane, it is a very dynamic space and I've got no doubt our street artists will be there very soon to paint more wonderful art to redress the ridiculous behaviour of these vandals."

Melbourne Lord Mayor Sally Capp told radio station 3AW that unlike the street art which was in Hosier Lane, the paint bombing was “self-centred, it’s damaging and creates no value for anyone”.

“It’s vandalism at its worst ... I think it was very intimidating, the way they went about it, it was not the sort of behaviour we will have in the city,” she said.

“Our focus is on making sure the people who have vandalised our city are identified and called to account.”

Victoria Police have confirmed they're investigating the "criminal damage incident".

"A number of vandals caused extensive damage when they spray-painted over artwork and cobblestones in Hosier Lane," a spokeswoman said.

Two Americans visiting Melbourne - Ben and Julia from California and New York - said they had heard Melbourne was "really good for street art" so had popped by to take a look at Hosier Lane.

"I would have liked to see what was there before they spray-painted over it," said Ben. "But it's a part of it now and I expect some artists are going to come and cover up what they covered up."

Chase Joslin, an employee of Hosier Lane streetwear shop Culture Kings, said "down here any street art is culture I guess.

"But where you’re going through and destroying people's art, I don’t think it’s part of the culture," he said.

"At the end of the day, it is the artists who want to do it ... What is art these days? It could be anything."

Art vandalism has a long history, sometimes committed by vandals intent on simple destruction, other times by artists who consider their act itself to be art.

In December, performance artist David Datuna ate a banana taped to a wall at Art Basel in Miami. The banana had just been sold for $120,000 as a “symbol of global trade”.

The fruit was replaced. Gallery director Lucien Terras said the artwork had not been destroyed: “The banana is the idea”.

Hosier Lane became a street art gallery in 1998 and attracts about 5000 visitors per day, according to the City of Melbourne.

It doesn't host the city's most famous street art (that honour belongs to nearby AC/DC Lane with its 2003 stencils by British street artist Banksy) but it has featured a number of noteworthy works, including a paste-up mural by Chinese-Australian activist Badiucao to mark the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre last year.

The lane's current tribute to firefighters, a koala with a hose which captured worldwide attention, remains intact at the other end of the lane.

The City of Melbourne acknowledges in its 2014 Graffiti Management Plan that protection of street art is not practical because it is “not meant to last”.

And while much of Hosier Lane is covered by a general permission from the property owners, any street art technically requires prior agreement of the property owner.

With Ashleigh McMillan

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