

This was published 8 years ago

The time is now: An Australian republic is too important to wait

By Peter FitzSimons

In my address to the National Press Club in August of last year I stated that, "Never before have the stars of the Southern Cross been so aligned as now, pointing to the dawn of the Australian republic."

The fact that Malcolm Turnbull became Prime Minister shortly afterwards only lined those stars up even better, and that alignment has continued at astonishing pace since. This Australia Day, the Australian Republican Movement has quadruple the number of members as last year. Donations, which used to sound, for very good reason, like a 20 cent piece landing in an otherwise empty 44 gallon drum, are now pouring in as never before. Business leaders like Alan Joyce, Ken Henry and Tony Shepherd have been as proud to stand with us, as we are to have them by our side, begging only they don't step on the toes of Julia Gillard, Anna Bligh, Senator Nova Peris-Kneebone and Hugh Jackman.

And then, the true breakthrough: Monday's "Declaration of Desired Independence", as I call it, whereby seven out of eight of the premiers and chief ministers signed up in honour of Australia Day, affirming their desire that we get on with it. The upshot is that that dawn is now close. We can do this, and we can do it soon. As the Prime Minister – the most passionate republican in the land – surveys the chances of getting up a referendum "with a majority of people in a majority of states", it is a hell of a start to have all the leaders of those states with him! (Particularly when, the only one who didn't sign, WA Premier Colin Barnett, is also a strong republican.)

The euphoric response to the release of that declaration – expressed on talkback, twitter, emails and on the street – was nothing less than thrilling and historic. It included myriad front pages around the country applauding the move. I am a Fairfax man from the hairs of my chinny-chin-chin to the marrow of my bones, but the positive front page of the Daily Telegraph, with a headline hailing the "United States of Australia," and a supportive editorial to boot, was of enormous significance – as is the fact this column is jointly published by Fairfax Media and News Corporation.

Peter FitzSimons, Australian Republican Movement chairman, says the country should get on with becoming a republic sooner rather than later.

Peter FitzSimons, Australian Republican Movement chairman, says the country should get on with becoming a republic sooner rather than later.Credit: Andrew Meares

All of us are putting our differences behind us, and coming together for the sake of the belief that in the 21st century, Australia really can do better than find our heads of state from one family of unelected English aristocrats, living in a palace in London, however much we might admire the head of that family, in her majesty. People believe!

One key sticking point is timing, with many maintaining that while we want to be a republic, it is better we wait until the Queen passes away.

I write now, to express my passionate contrary view.

I say we Australians have two ways of doing this.


We can do it while her majesty is still young enough to travel to this country, at which point, instead of bowing, curtsying and scraping ... instead of that, as a nation we could rise as one, give her a standing ovation, and say "Thank you, your majesty, for the sterling service you have provided our nation." She can then hand us the keys, and we affirm that, like the other 33 Commonwealth nations that have become republics on her watch – while still remaining part of the Commonwealth – we can take it from here. We could do that like grownups, looking our British equals in the eyes, and affirming that we have grown sufficiently to do this our way.

Or we can do it the sneaky way. We can wait till her majesty passes away, at which point we sneak out the back of Westminister Abbey and greet on the stairs the incoming King Charles – who has been waiting 70 years for the role – with the humiliation of our public affirmation before the world that while we were happy with his mother for all that time, we can't cop him for five minutes.

Is that fair to him? Does that fine man deserve that? I think not.

So let's be fair, let's be fabulous, and let's get on with it. Let a thousand flowers bloom as so many people from across our brown and pleasant land come forward offering their help, and let us set ourselves to get this done by 2020. Join the Australian Republican Movement, tell your friends, write to your parliamentarians, and let's make this happen!

Let us have this government commit to asking the Australian people a very simple question: "Do you think Australia should have an Australian as our head of state?" There will be a thumping YES, and we are on our way.

Twitter: @Peter_Fitz

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