Milo Yiannopoulos, a young British journalist whose extreme, irrational views and ego-laden speaking performances excite and incite neo-Nazis and misogynists, is a ridiculous fraud. He claims to be a libertarian, but is merely a public bully and fool intent on depriving others of their cultural and social liberties. He has reportedly suggested that it is fine for adults to have sex with children.
His Australian tour is sponsored by Damien Costas, who runs an outfit called Filthy Gorgeous Production, holder of the publishing rights to Penthouse Australia, that bastion of respect for women.
Wrong way, go back. A scene from outside the venue at which Milo Yiannopoulos spoke in Melbourne.Credit: Jason South
The Melbourne event sparked grotesque violence when supporters and opponents clashed outside the venue at which he delivered his usual risible tirade against women, Indigenous people, Muslims and journalists who have actually earned respect – rather than infamy for provocation and self-promotion that is needy to the point of pathological. He sits on stage, laughably sporting sunglasses, on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle.
The Age covered his Melbourne appearance because it caused such violent unrest, and is publishing this editorial because ridicule, not rioting, is the best way to counter absurd and vicious views.
He's not a political commentator, he's a joke. A feeble, second-rate joke. He righteously cloaks himself in the lightweight, disingenuous assertion that he's all about free speech. No, he's all about hate speech. Authentic libertarians stress that rights come with responsibilities. This appears not to have registered with Yiannopoulos, 33, who also spoke in a meeting room at Federal Parliament to a small group, including a number from One Nation, at the witless invitation of libertarian senator David Leyonhjelm, who debased his own currency by promoting someone who spouts such vile views.
Yiannopoulos claims domestic violence, the leading preventable cause of illness and death for Australian women aged 15 to 45, is not a "gendered problem", and that men are victims as often as women. He decries feminism – which is strange, as feminism is about liberty and equity, values he would like to think he shares. He was sacked by Breitbart News – an extreme propaganda US website that fans the social and economic disillusion behind the election of Donald Trump – after he was widely perceived to have suggested it is acceptable for older men to have sex with teenage boys.
Many felt he should not have been granted a visa. That would merely have martyred him; better to let him come here and demonstrate what a pathetic joke he is. Australia cherishes free speech, and has robust laws to protect it. We also have laws that give those who feel they have been defamed or are the victims of hate speech the means to strike back.
Yiannopoulos is a self-proclaimed troll – someone who uses outrageous claims, racist slurs and vilification to provoke a response. His speaking visit is called the Troll Academy Tour. Those who are supporting him on stage in the role of master of ceremonies might think they are standing up for free speech, but they are merely gormless twits being used by a stupid narcissist. They themselves are being trolled, but fail to see the irony.
While it is understandable that people wish to protest against his tour, they are unwittingly doing his bidding if they turn up to events and get into altercations with his angry acolytes.
Yiannopoulos is a spouter of outmoded, debunked prejudice. He's just a small man with a big mouth.
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