

This was published 9 years ago

ABC wasn't wrong to have Zaky Mallah on Q&A

By Sam de Brito

It would be heartwarming watching Q&A unite both sides of politics, save for the fact such unity is only to denounce unpopular opinions.

One week, the small "l" liberal left are fizzing about Fred Nile being part of a panel on queer issues, the next week it's the big "l" Liberal right vapouring about a Muslim radical saying it's understandable his bros would wanna join ISIS.

You don't have to agree with either man to see how oceanically silly it is to get upset about other people's opinions on a TV show designed to encourage them to express those opinions.

Then again, I get the feeling both sides of politics would like to see Q&A stocked with polite minorities, accommodating women and a couple of ageing comedians who all agree with each other.

Zaky Mallah: "The Liberals have just justified to many Australian Muslims in the community tonight to leave and go to Syria and join ISIL because of ministers like him."

Zaky Mallah: "The Liberals have just justified to many Australian Muslims in the community tonight to leave and go to Syria and join ISIL because of ministers like him."Credit: ABC

Oh wait, The Project already's done that.

What's far more disturbing than the predictable outrage every Tuesday morning, is how large sections of Australia seem to flirt with the idea people like Nile or Zaky Mallah should be silenced.

This is not to say trickheads like either of these men should be given their own syndicated radio show, but is Australia's moral psychology really so fragile it can't resist the occasional late-night cameo from the fringes of pluralist society?

Will our moral compass spin like the completely respectable roulette wheels in a Packer casino if we pause to consider that not everyone, everywhere agrees with us?


Steve Pinker, in his book The Better Angels of our Nature, addresses the concept of heresy in silencing opponents. Though he was talking about matters of faith, his words still resonate when it comes to politics and culture.

"When people organise their lives around these beliefs, and then learn of other people who seem to be doing just fine without them ... they are in danger of looking like fools.

"Since one cannot defend a belief based on faith by persuading sceptics it is true, the faithful are apt to react to unbelief with rage, and may try to eliminate that affront," writes Pinker.

This is the nasty grain of truth in the black pearl of liberal censorship; heretics are simply people who don't agree with you.

seditiousCharlie Hebdo,

The left almost respected our Prime Minister for a second when he committed himself to these principles, yet in their next breath demanded his government deny a visa to an anti-vaccine activist, then a sexist Christian preacher.

Add to them the thought crimes of deported pick-up artist Julian Blanc, another Muslim with the temerity to raise the "Dangerous Idea" of Honour Killings and we seem to have slipped back to the time of Calvin - he who so successfully argued - "we muzzle dogs, and shall we leave men free to open their mouths as they please?"

I applaud the ABC for continuing to expose the Australian psyche to unpopular and dangerous opinions. The only thing they got wrong Monday night was Tony Jones' cringe-worthy apology that someone actually said something unpalatable.

As a country we shouldn't fear people saying things that offend, horrify or disgust us.

To paraphrase a more eloquent man than I: Let truth and falsehood grapple. Truth is strong.

You can follow Sam on Twitter here. His email address is here.

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