

This was published 8 years ago

Muslims don't need Western cultural supremacists to tell them what Islam needs

 Muslims do not need a Western cultural supremacist like Tony Abbott to tell them what Islam needs.

By Reem Sweid

It seems that Tony Abbott has taken a page out of Donald Trump's campaign booklet. Last night, in a Sky News interview with Paul Murray, Abbott managed to further alienate an already ailing Muslim community and reinforce white-supremacists everywhere in one fell swoop.

As a self-proclaimed expert on cultural issues, Abbott has used his personal experience as a Catholic, white male to champion the "freedom and tolerance" in "Western" culture and demanded that the "live and let live" Muslims recognise that "all cultures are not equal" and push for a revolutionary "Islamic reformation" from within.

Abbott's first mistake is conflating human rights with "Western values". Human rights are universal and exist today because of an accumulation of philosophy and activism across civilisations. They no more belong to the West than they do to the Iranians for the work of Cyrus the Great in 539 B.C. in freeing the slaves and declaring racial equality and religious freedom in the first ever Human Rights Charter – the Cyrus Cylinder.

Abbott has managed to broad-brush all Muslims as potential extremists by rooting the challenge of Islamic extremism as a "problem within Islam" and defining it as a culture that thinks you can "kill in the name of God".

"Abbott has used his personal experience as a Catholic, white male to champion the 'freedom and tolerance' in 'Western' culture."

"Abbott has used his personal experience as a Catholic, white male to champion the 'freedom and tolerance' in 'Western' culture."Credit: Nic Walker

As someone who once trained to be a priest, Abbott should know that it is not difficult to find a verse in the Bible that permits killing in the name of God. The unfortunate truth is that all religions are comprised of people who can be driven by greed or power to commit some of the most heinous acts. For example, victims are still dealing with the ramifications of rampant sexual abuse of children and subsequent cover-ups by members of the Catholic Church.

Finally, he failed to recognise that there is already a thriving movement for an Islamic renewal within Muslim communities around the world. This push for renewal doesn't stem from a desire to adopt Western values but rather from Islam's own strong tradition of freedom, tolerance, pluralism, democratic institutions and enlightenment.

Some examples of this are how Islam has an inbuilt system of social welfare (zakat), or how it specifically endorses freedom of religion in the Koran ("there is no compulsion in religion"). Another example is how Islam protects women's rights, agency, and inheritance.


If Abbott were interested in examining the movement that he professes to support he would find that progressive Islamic scholars (such as Amina Wudud, Reza Aslan and Adis Duderija) use the Koran as their main source in supporting the Islamic renewal, not Western civilisation. The main thesis of their argument for reformation is not to "emulate the West" but rather to address the transgressions from the true religion of peace.

As a member of the progressive Islamic movement, I recognise that Muslims have a problem with the spread of extremist ideologies such as Wahabbism and Salfism (offshoots of Sunni Islam that advocate for a strict literal interpretation of texts rather than contextual interpretation).

But I do not see these ideologies as a reflection of the values of Islam that I, and many other Muslims, grew up with. For example, as a child there were very few women in my home city of Damascus who wore a hijab – today it is rare to see a woman who doesn't. The ruins of Palmyra stood undisturbed by Muslims for centuries before Islamic State came to town. Extremism within Islam is a modern phenomenon and recognising that will combat the idea that Islam is the problem.

What Muslims need is not "a restoration of cultural self-confidence in those who are supporters of Western cultural civilisation" but rather the space to allow Muslim progressives to speak for themselves and not be associated with the likes of Tony Abbott and other Western cultural supremacists.

The push for reform must be an independent self-driven movement from within Muslim communities. Building a safe space for Muslims to be self-critical and reflective about how their religion is being practiced is a difficult undertaking at the best of times. Australians, both non-Muslim and Muslim need supporters who will help revive the peaceful pluralistic traditions of Islam, not demean it and give credence to the ideology of the extremists.

Reem Sweid is the director of Muslims for Progressive Values, Australia.

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