

This was published 9 years ago

Married At First Sight? Not if you're a gay Australian...

By Candice Barnes

We all have our guilty pleasures – and one of mine is reality television.

Actually, it's a guilty pleasure I share with my long-suffering bloke of five years who knows the way to my heart is a chicken roll, a bucket of Ben and Jerry's and some mind-numbing rubbish on the boob tube.

Jamie Otis was less than impressed when she first laid eyes on her husband-to-be in the American version of Married At First Sight.

Jamie Otis was less than impressed when she first laid eyes on her husband-to-be in the American version of Married At First Sight.Credit: Doug Hehner / Twitter

Imagine my excitement when I come home one day to learn that aforementioned bloke had acquired the American version of a series called Married At First Sight.

The concept is simple – a bunch of people agree to marry a complete stranger, who is selected for them by a panel of experts.

A panel of experts brought American couple Jason Carrion and Cortney Hendrix on the reality TV series.

A panel of experts brought American couple Jason Carrion and Cortney Hendrix on the reality TV series. Credit: Cortney Hendrix / Twitter

The series was great in that it's-so-bad-it's-good kind of way, so it's not too surprising that Channel Nine has developed a local version, which will go to air later this year.

I didn't think much of it until I saw a sarcastic post on social media by a close friend, who happens to be in a committed same-sex relationship.

"Let's protect the 'sanctity of marriage in Australia', let's 'keep the family unit' by marrying someone you have never met," he wrote.


"Let's do this and not let gay people marry in Australia! Stupid show!"

It got me thinking. How is it that two complete strangers can be lawfully married in this country, yet a loving couple of the same sex can't?

I know why it technically can't happen yet – the Marriage Act 1961 is pretty clear on that.

"Marriage means the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life," the legislation states.

But what I haven't heard is one decent argument as to why those words haven't been tweaked yet to allow any consenting adult to legally declare his or her love for another consenting adult?

Some people argue that current laws do offer same-sex couples many of the same rights as de facto heterosexual couples. Sure, that's all well and good if you need to divide assets after a breakup or need to access insurance after a death – but it's not good enough.

I'm not married, or engaged, or likely to change my de facto status anytime soon. But if I wanted to, I might be able to convince my bloke to sign a certificate elevating me to the status of wife.

The point is, I can legally declare my love for my partner when others can't.

Is the love of a gay, lesbian or bisexual person less valuable than that of a heterosexual person? Why is this even a debate?

Fortunately, the tide seems to be turning – albeit very, very, very slowly.

Some Liberal MPs have come out in favour of a free vote on the issue, which is yet to be formally discussed in the party room, though this would only be the first in a series of hoops to jump before making this fundamental right a reality.

When the Kiwis made marriage equality a reality in 2013, members of parliament raised their voices in a heartwarming rendition of Maori love song Pokarekare Ana.

Wouldn't it be awesome to see Tony Abbott breaking out into John Paul Young's Love Is In the Air?

Plus, a local same-sex version of Married At First Sight would be awesome.

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