

This was published 10 years ago

Joe Hockey sends a smoke signal

By Mike Daube

Treasurer ‘‘smoking Joe’’ Hockey’s lighting up of a cigar in public on the eve of his first budget sent an unfortunate smoke signal to those of us interested in Australia’s present and future wellbeing. The National Commission of Audit’s report had already made for depressing reading on public health issues. Its chairman Tony Shepherd’s rigorous rationale for reducing access to health services was simply: “I just don’t think we’re that crook.” The authors seemed to know little and care less about our nation’s health.

As AMA president Steve Hambleton said, it’s “a health system designed by bean counters for bean counters”. This was in marked contrast to Defence, where the approach “should be set on the basis of first determining the defence capability the country requires ... then matching this with appropriate funding”.

Treasurer Joe Hockey and Finance Minister Mathias Cormann enjoy cigars as the medical community petitions for anti-tobacco funding.

Treasurer Joe Hockey and Finance Minister Mathias Cormann enjoy cigars as the medical community petitions for anti-tobacco funding.

There was no evidence they considered what might actually be good for our health. Remarkably, for them, health was explicitly not a “core” federal responsibility, and far removed from former British prime minister Benjamin Disraeli’s famous dictum that “the first consideration of a minister should be the health of the people”.

They proposed scrapping the Australian National Preventive Health Agency with some functions going to other agencies, but bizarrely none to the Health Department, which has relevant expertise. They listed dozens of agencies to be scrapped or merged, clearly without any insights into the vital work of organisations such as the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care or the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

They also proposed health insurance funds should charge smokers more, a meaningless gesture, given that most smokers (of cigarettes, if not cigars like Mr Hockey) are from disadvantaged groups.

Otherwise, there was nothing about prevention, even to reduce pressures on our health system. There was no concern about the preventable costs of tobacco, alcohol and obesity, or the huge burdens future generations and health systems would face from diseases such as diabetes. Nowhere did they note that reforming the alcohol tax system described by the Henry tax review as “incoherent” would both reduce alcohol problems and bring in substantial much-needed revenue.

But – although irrelevant to their terms of reference – they were apparently keen to defend the aggressive promotional and other activities of the tobacco, alcohol and processed food industries. Their “Principle of Good Government” that regulation should be avoided like the plague looked like a manifesto from industry think tanks that offered knee-jerk opposition to public-health measures. Their alternative, wonderfully simplistic answer? “Families should be the prime social institution for dealing with risk.”

The ANPHA was established in 2010 to develop and co-ordinate national prevention activity. Like other four-year-olds, it has had little time to develop. But if it goes, the funding trail will be all-important.

After a difficult start around food labelling – perhaps not all of their making - Health Minister Peter Dutton and Assistant Health Minister Fiona Nash should be given a chance to show that the government supported prevention. A test will come with budget decisions about prevention programs and, most urgently, funding for tobacco media campaigns.


The government supported tobacco plain packaging and (whether or not he smoked in public) Hockey deserved credit for his commitment to regular annual tax increases.

But despite overwhelming evidence that, second only to tax, whole-of-population mass media campaigns were the most effective means of reducing smoking, there has been no national tobacco media activity since June last year. That is cause for alarm.

Tobacco still kills 15,000 Australians a year. At a crucial time, when strong media campaigns should have been complementing both plain packaging and significant tax increases, there has been no national media presence.

There is strong evidence that, without these campaigns, we run the risk of going backwards. Earlier this year, the government justified its tobacco tax increases by focusing on the harms of smoking, with a commitment to continuing public education programs. The $15 million investment in tobacco campaigns cost just 0.2 per cent of the government’s revenue from tobacco taxes, and was one of the nation’s best investments in health.

Preventive action costs relatively little, but is fundamental to our status as one of the world’s longest-lived and healthiest countries. Anti-tobacco campaigns save lives: any decisions to cut them will indeed be the cuts that kill. Cigarettes kill at least half of all regular smokers but, despite all our successes, there are still close to three million smokers.

And it isn’t only thousands of preventable tobacco deaths. A study for the Preventative Health Taskforce shows that, if current trends in obesity persist, the life expectancy of Australian children will fall, which will be an appalling legacy to leave for future generations.

Anyone concerned for the future health of Australians will be watching closely on Tuesday to see whether the crucial tobacco funding – a bellwether for prevention – survives and is accompanied by a commitment to further prevention programs. It will be very good to add some praise into Tuesday’s mix.

Mike Daube is Professor of Health Policy at Curtin University and President of the Australian Council on Smoking and Health.

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