

This was published 7 years ago

If you bait a hook with avocado, someone will bite

By Matt Holden

"Coffee in a cone – delicious new trend."

"The most Instagrammed coffee in the world".

Developer Tim Gurner.

Developer Tim Gurner.Credit: Darrian Traynor

The online buzz was near universal last year when Dayne Levinrad, a barista in South Africa, started serving caffe lattes in specially-constructed chocolate-covered wafer cones.

The cone coffee's hashtag, #coffeeinacone, scored more than a million hits on Instagram from one end of the planet to the other, while the craze swept South Africa and some other countries that don't really take coffee seriously.

Enough already!

Enough already!Credit: Jenni Finn

Melbourne – home of the notorious deconstructed hipster coffee in a beaker – sighed a collective "meh", failed to get into this coffee-dessert hybrid, and went about its flat-white sipping ways.

Until last week, that is, when Jaydin Nathan, barista at Truman Cafe in Albert Park, posted a video on Instagram of his smackdown to the South Africans – a caffe latte poured in the skin of a hollowed-out avocado.

Actually mashing these two potent symbols together proved more than the internet could handle. The avolatte ricocheted around the world, hitting the headlines in media outlets big and small.

The Independent in Britain offered that while avocados and coffee are good things, putting them so closely together isn't, while Mashable pleaded for the avolatte not to become a real thing.


Avocados are on the national mind in this country. We can't stop eating them, we can't stop talking about them and the rest of the world can't stop paying attention every time we do it.

Last week property mogul Tim Gurner – a millennial-ish 35 years old – told his generation they can get on the property market ladder as long as they cut back on their discretionary spending.

"When I was trying to buy my first home, I wasn't buying smashed avocado for $19 and four coffees at $4 each," Gurner told 60 Minutes. That comment hit headlines around the world, and proved that a throwaway line originally thrown away in jest can quickly become a truth.

If you bait a hook with avocado, someone will bite.

Down at Truman Cafe, Nathan knows first-hand how a joke can take on a life of its own. After his Instagram post, people came into the cafe actually wanting avolattes.

But the avocado latte was just a joke, he told another news outlet. "It's literally coffee in a piece of rubbish."

It makes you wonder whether this newspaper, as the journal of record in Melbourne, might not have to appoint an avocado correspondent to keep track of this fruity symbol, or at least a dedicated coffee writer. The Denver Post has a marijuana critic, so why not?

Matt Holden is The Age avocado correspondent.

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