

This was published 8 years ago

How the gambling dollar is corrupting sport

Look at the AFL. Look at the Australian Open. The integrity and purity of sport is being undermined.

By Tony Robinson

It's a hackneyed expression, but Victorians love their sport. But there is an emerging fault line in professional sport which, if not addressed, will ultimately do irreparable damage.

In only a generation, sports betting has assumed enormous scale and, it seems, an ability to compromise the instincts of sports administrators.

Only a few weeks ago, as Melburnians celebrated our own Grand Slam, tennis was rocked by claims of match fixing. Nothing undermines the confidence of the sporting public more than allegations that gifted performers are prepared to betray their talent for the sake of a secret pay-off. Nothing threatens a code's future more than a rising belief that this behaviour is ingrained. And nothing undermines the confidence fans have in protective integrity policies than a pervading sense that they are not working and that independent regulators are not vigorously tackling the rot.

In Victoria, sports betting integrity polices are designed to ensure a clean sport in which potential as well as actual risks are quickly dealt with. For betting to be offered on the Australian Open, the peak sporting body has to satisfy the gambling regulator that it has adequate control, administrative capacity, expertise and resources to ensure the integrity of its event, as well as procedures that allow it to properly investigate and penalise those found to breach its policies.

Gambling is casting a cloud over our game.

Gambling is casting a cloud over our game.Credit: Darrian Traynor

Once satisfied, the gambling regulator effectively appoints the sports body to act as an integrity sheriff, so that the public's deep desire for corruption-free sports can be realised.

But the exponential growth in sports betting presents new challenges, not the least of which is the gambling industry's inexorable search for further growth. Gambling sponsorship has unbalanced the framework.

The English Premier League knows the phenomenon well, its players constantly emblazoned with a prominent commercial betting logo. In the case of tennis it was disconcerting to watch officials recently defending the sport's integrity while seated in front of a sports betting brand.

It defies credibility to argue that the public interest is maintained by allowing sports administrators to seek sports betting approvals while in sponsorship agreements with the gambling industry. Decent administrators have an obvious inclination to maintain the integrity of their sports and know, vacuous assurances aside, that accepting gambling dollars compromises this same instinct.

During this year's Australian Open, tennis was rocked by claims of match fixing.

During this year's Australian Open, tennis was rocked by claims of match fixing.Credit: Paul Rovere

The tribulations of tennis came a year after the AFL displayed remarkable immaturity in responding to its own sports betting disturbance. Like other peak bodies it had satisfied the Victorian Gambling Commission's sports betting requirements, but when the framework was tested over the 2014 Rising Star Award, the AFL was found wanting. By early 2015 the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation was questioning the AFL's suitability as a sports controlling body. Rather than face up to this, the AFL resorted to distraction by sooling the media in the direction of former champion player and commentator David King, and his perfectly legal betting on the award. In the AFL's eyes, King's reputation mattered far less than its.

It's not just sports bodies that are struggling to come to terms with the deep risks that sports betting presents. Regulators are also being caught short. During the extremely serious claims made over the summer, I cannot recall a single utterance from any Australian gambling regulator.

Former Victorian gaming minister Tony Robinson.

Former Victorian gaming minister Tony Robinson.Credit: Joe Armao

Their silence is as disappointing as the response I received from the Victorian regulator when, as state gaming minister in 2010, I urged a response to revelations that Pakistani bowlers had been no-balling at Lords as ordered by match fixers. My request to the independent regulator was simple enough: consider suspending all approvals for betting contingencies involving the Pakistani cricket team. The response, when it arrived some time later, was distinctly underwhelming. The regulator was reluctant to do this lest it cut across action international cricket administrators might take, give rise to legal action and not accord with due process. The public interest, it seemed, would have to wait.

Gambling regulators, whether they realise it or not, are slowly being consumed by the very industry they are meant to regulate. Hindered by peak sporting bodies that do not value sports integrity as highly as they should, and reluctant to loudly articulate the public interest they exist to defend, our sheriffs are becoming little more than parking inspectors satisfied with an occasional infringement notice.

Gambling regulators, whether they realise it or not, are slowly being consumed by the very industry they are meant to regulate.

Victorians, indeed Australians, who love and value their sport deserve much better.

Tony Robinson was Victorian minister for gaming from 2007 to 2010.

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