

This was published 8 years ago

China's great wall of sand is theatrical bluster

Beijing will push and rattle sabres but it won't risk a catastrophic conflict against the United States.

By John Garnaut

China's sabre-rattling generals would have us believe that their president, Xi Jinping, is so unhinged that he would risk nuclear Armageddon to preserve his country's nationalistic pride in the South China Sea. They promised to strike a "head-on blow" at any foreign vessel that challenged China's territorial virility by sailing close to the five artificial islands that Xi has been dredging into existence off the Philippines coast.

And yet when the United States tested this thesis on Tuesday, by sailing a guided missile destroyer close to one of those islands, China barely raised a murmur. "China strongly urges the US side to conscientiously handle China's serious representations [and] immediately correct its mistake," said a statement from China's Ministry of Defence, which gave no indication of what, exactly, it expected the US to do.

Tuesday's voyage by the USS Lassen was a seminal test of wills between the world's sole super power and its only credible challenger. Leaders throughout the region have framed this burgeoning tussle as a battle between a rules-based order and a philosophy of might-is-right.

And it was deliberately timed ahead of the start of the annual summit season, with regional defence ministers, including Australia's Marise Payne, preparing to confront their Chinese counterparts at the first big meeting in Malaysia next week. "We have to stand up for a rules-based international order, which means that the strongest power cannot just do whatever it likes," Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull told Fairfax last week.

The USS Lassen was met by no naval interception, no coast guard brinkmanship, and no exchange of fire when it visited Subi Reef.

The USS Lassen was met by no naval interception, no coast guard brinkmanship, and no exchange of fire when it visited Subi Reef.Credit: AP

Under the guidance of Xi, as chairman of the Central Military Commission, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has shown it might push the boundaries of Chinese sovereignty wherever it can safely do so.

In the East China Sea, Xi mustered vast military, para-military and political resources to challenge Japan's administration of the seas and skies around the Senkaku, or Diaoyu, Islands. He pushed until it became clear that neither Prime Minister Shinzo Abe nor US President Barack Obama were prepared to give ground.

To the contrary, Abe redoubled his efforts to "normalise" his self-defence forces. The US signalled its resolve by sending a pair of unarmed B-52 bombers through disputed airspace, and Obama went out of his way to affirm the sanctity of the US defence treaty with Japan.

Obama summed up the lessons he's learnt on China in an interview with The Economist last year: "One thing I will say about China, though, is you also have to be pretty firm with them, because they will push as hard as they can until they meet resistance."

Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Barack Obama at the White House in September.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Barack Obama at the White House in September.Credit: Andrew Harrer

Xi dialled down the intensity in the East China Sea and turned his attention southward, where there was less formidable resistance. His island-building has been his most audacious move to date. In a little over 18 months he's built five huge artificial islands in the Spratly archipelago, more than 1000 kilometres from the Chinese mainland.

Subi Reef, visited this week by the USS Lassen, had formerly been submerged at high tide but now appears to include a range of military-capable infrastructure including a 3km runway.

In theory these islands could enable the PLA to project force deep into the South China Sea. These "salami slicing" tactics – silk worm "nibbling", in Chinese terms – have been successful, as far as they go. They have advanced China's territorial position steadily, altering the status quo in incremental steps, each too small to yield a military response.

Strategically, however, these tactics have been counter-productive, as they have encouraged China's neighbours to forge new security partnerships with each other and the US. This week we learnt that China will only go as far as the world will let it.

After six months of Chinese theatrical bluster, and anxious expectation, the US has called China's bluff. The USS Lassen was met by no naval interception, no coast guard brinkmanship, and no exchange of fire. There was certainly no "head-on-blow", as the PLA's Rear Admiral Yang Yi promised only last week.

Admiral Yang has backpedalled from his earlier promise of immediate retaliation, predicting only that military conflict will ensue if such US incursions "become a regular thing".

The US had done its homework. It had caucused with allies and partners, and the American warship took care to sail close to modest reef constructions that have been built by Vietnam and the Philippines as well as Subi Reef.

With a bit of strategy and co-ordination, the US and its allies and partners have shown that China has neither the will nor the capability to simply do as it pleases. And Xi Jinping's PLA has shown itself to be opportunistic, and audacious, but not the unstoppable force that it is often made out to be.

The PLA boasts "carrier-killing" ballistic missiles, the world's fastest-growing navy, and consistent double-digit funding increases. But it is also corroded by corruption, riven by networks of personal patronage, and diverted from professional war-fighting to the needs of regime-preservation.

Xi's PLA will push, and it will bluster, but it will stop at the point at which it meets credible resistance. Contrary to what we've been led to believe, Xi is not interested in risking everything against the military might of the United States.

John Garnaut is Fairfax Media's Asia-Pacific editor.

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