

This was published 9 years ago

Bronwyn Bishop isn't alone: the age of entitlement is alive and well in Canberra

Politicians need rules to clarify the difference between entitlement and rorting.

By Allan Behm

The image of Bronwyn Bishop as a kind of septuagenarian sea gull hovering above the public trough for some satisfying morsel may be amusing. It is also unfair.

The problem is not the Speaker's predilection for luxury, though one might have thought that Peter Slipper's experience would have tempered that. The problem is the system of self-monitored entitlement on which our elected representatives rely to meet the on-costs of their parliamentary duties.

Senior Coalition figures contacted by Fairfax Media have admitted privately that the Bronwyn Bishop entitlements controversy is doing "massive" harm to the government.

Senior Coalition figures contacted by Fairfax Media have admitted privately that the Bronwyn Bishop entitlements controversy is doing "massive" harm to the government.Credit: Dallas Kilponen

Like all self-monitored systems, it is open to abuse. But unlike most other self-monitored systems, there is no watchdog to catch the abusers. The list of parliamentarians rushing to repay dodgy claims – always, of course, to clear up any "misunderstanding" rather than to right a wrong – is growing. And from the Prime Minister down, there are big names on that list from both sides of the political divide.

For all of their self-righteousness and self-importance, our elected representatives are no different from the rest of the community: suggestible, frail and often venal. The key question for most of them is not "What is the right thing to do?" but "What can I get away with?"

So it is "What can I get away with?" that has to be fixed. There is a need for clear principles, unambiguous guidance and precise rules to ensure that the standards expected of those whom we elect are met. Such rules must remove the subjectivity that blurs the distinction between entitlement and rorting.

Here are a few suggestions that might help.

First, election to parliament and appointment to public office should not generate any advantage that is unavailable to the electorate at large. The spectre of MPs and senators lining up for free tickets to cultural and sporting events, exploiting their position for personal benefit, is unacceptable. At the very least, receipt of a free ticket to anything should prompt the immediate payment of the equivalent cost to the public purse. Not a charity, of course, since most of our worthy parliamentarians would claim a tax deduction, thereby effectively halving the reimbursement.

Second, the standard of travel, accommodation and subsistence available to parliamentarians and public office holders should be the same as those that apply to all other people who are paid from the public purse. In recent years, the conditions of service applicable to public servants, for instance, have been reined in significantly as governments move to cut costs. Accommodation allowances have been trimmed back, business-class flights on short-haul routes have gone, and taxis are the approved form of ground transport.

And to record ground transport as "taxi" when in fact it was a limousine is simply misleading.


Third, the symbols of privilege should go. The sight of a queue of Comcars at the airports, or the shining white vehicles lined up outside the House of Representatives and the Senate on any sitting day, serves only to reinforce the sense of entitlement and separateness in which so many of our elected representatives indulge.

Fourth, the creation of a spurious "public" event to justify a private expenditure should be prohibited. Tacking on a conversation with a parliamentary mate in some distant electorate, or imposing on the hardworking staff of a hospital or a school, to justify a taxpayer-funded journey across the continent should be seen for what it is – fraud. The same should apply to the use of publicly funded vehicles to attend private events. The litmus test should be: if an elector cannot do it, why should an MP be able to?

Fifth, the claims submitted by MPs and senators should be independently audited. The Department of Finance officials do a good job in monitoring the expenditures of ministerial staff, whose conditions of service pale against the entitlements of their ministers. But the claims of MPs are rarely questioned, mainly because there are no clear rules. It is all discretionary.

Finally, consideration must be given to how Parliament itself operates. Sharman Stone is just the latest MP to comment on the absurdity of much of what passes for "business" in the federal Parliament. There is a lot to be said for reducing the number of sitting days and the sitting hours in Canberra – even if only to protect the sanity and health of our elected representatives.

Much of the cynicism abroad in the community concerning the current state of our democracy is a direct consequence of the political and moral self-indulgence of our elected representatives. But while our political leaders themselves remain unable to set the standard, the voters will continue to regard our parliament with contempt.

Allan Behm is the author of No, Minister, a former senior public servant and a former chief of staff to a federal minister.

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