

This was published 9 years ago

Brazil's stark electoral choices

By Sean Burges

To say that emotions are charged going into the ballot is an understatement. The campaign has been the most ill-tempered in democratic Brazil's history with both candidates publicly and frequently accusing each other of outright lying and fabricating false charges of malfeasance. Chief among the accusations has been that of corrupt use of public office. Rousseff charged Neves with building an airport to service a family member's ranch as well as syphoning off tens of millions of dollars from the state health budget. For his part Neves jumped on the recent revelations that the PT was running a kickback scheme sucking millions from state oil company Petrobras into the party's coffers.

Contrasting policies: Dilma Rousseff (left), of the Workers' Party, and Aecio Neves, of the Social Democratic Party.

Contrasting policies: Dilma Rousseff (left), of the Workers' Party, and Aecio Neves, of the Social Democratic Party.

But the mutual corruption allegations remain a bit of a sideshow to the main electoral event, largely because most voters in Brazil wearily admit that there is likely more than a grain of truth to the allegations. Of greater concern to Brazilians is the future of the social programs that have lifted more than 30 million from poverty over the last decade and the ability of the next government to restart job-generating growth in the country's moribund economy. Despite the warnings from Rousseff that the opposition would end social programs or Neves' claims that the PT will cause them to collapse through mismanagement, the reality is that both candidates are deeply committed to strengthening and deepening the social safety net that has been transforming Brazil over the last two decades. Where they differ is in how they will go about funding it, which has important implications for the direction Brazil will take over the next four years.

Voters face a classic choice between the left and the right. For the last 12 years the PT presidencies of Lula da Silva (2003-2010) and Rousseff (2011-present) have pursued an increasingly statist approach to national development. As Rousseff has repeatedly emphasized during her campaign the PT gives primacy to advancing social inclusion – badly needed in Brazil – over economic orthodoxy, creating an either/or division contested by many Brazilian analysts. Social programs launched during the last PSDB presidency of Fernando Henrique Cardoso from 1995-2002 were consolidated and then expanded by the PT, most notably under the umbrella of the conditional cash transfer program Bolsa Familia. The bill was paid through the two main avenues of taxation on consumer goods and the strategic manipulation of state-controlled assets and large public spending campaigns.

The critique delivered by Neves is twofold. While the PT's social policies have delivered laudable results, they are not sustainable in the current economic climate. Exacerbating matters is the government's failure to deliver in key areas such as healthcare, education and infrastructure provision – the same policy areas that led to mass street protests in June 2013. Inflationary pressures, an old public enemy, also seem to be back, with rates currently above the Central Bank's target ceiling of 6.5 per cent and rising.

The PSDB plan is to bring mainstream conceptions of economic rationality and responsibility back to government decision-making. In particular, Neves wants to reduce the state's role in the economy and focus on creating the conditions that will allow a rise in the private investment levels, which will result in more job creation and restart growth. He also wants to end what his party labels an ideologised foreign policy that has prevented Brazil from signing new trade deals both in the hemisphere and globally, failures that he claims are strangling the national economy.

With the easy growth days of the commodity boom now a fond and fading memory, Brazilians are faced with a difficult choice about how they want to see their country governed. Rousseff's social inclusion approach has soaring popularity in the poorest parts of the country, particularly the North-east, while Neves' economic growth approach is resonating most strongly with the richer areas that have a rising middle class. For Brazilians the choices are stark and divisive with the most recent polls pointing to an almost dead heat between the candidates. The direction that Brazil will take for the next four years will only begin to become apparent a few hours after voting ends on Sunday night.

Dr Sean W Burges is deputy director of the Australian National Centre for Latin American Studies at the Australian National University.

Patrick Carvalho is a lecturer in the Research School of Economics at the Australian National University.

The authors will be providing a series of briefings in Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra on the implications of the election result. Details at

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