

This was published 10 years ago

ABC's tale of abject misery fails to make a splash

Those slamming the public broadcaster have ignored its report on people smugglers.

By Jonathan Holmes

Last Thursday night was a good one for Fairfax Media: its journalists, cartoonists and photographers won a dozen Walkley Awards, including the Gold. The ABC (with seven) and News Corp Australia (with five) were left trailing in its wake.

There wasn't one award I would argue with. And yet as every journo knows, the Walkleys are a bit of a lottery. There are usually at least half a dozen worthy winners in each category. And occasionally extraordinary journalism can slip by almost unnoticed.

I'll come to one example in a moment. Meanwhile let's note that News Corporation Australia, and especially The Australian, has kept up the onslaught against the ABC, for having the temerity to join The Guardian in breaking the story about the Defence Signals Directorate's spying on SBY in 2009.

Columnist Janet Albrechtsen, a former ABC board member, called last week for managing director Mark Scott's resignation, for being ''willing to risk Australia's national interest for no discernible public interest''.

Foreign editor Greg Sheridan intoned solemnly that ''the ABC emerges from the Indonesian spy scandal … morally compromised and journalistically discredited''.

This from a man whose idea of journalism is to trot out the strategic leaks he receives from the intelligence establishment, as he is doing this week, and as he did time and again before and during the Iraq War. Not once has he conceded, since then, that his role in trumpeting as certainties ''intelligence'' about Saddam's non-existent weapons of mass destruction left him ''morally compromised and journalistically discredited''.

Naturally, Sheridan has made no allusion whatsoever to one of the central issues of the Snowden leaks: that Australia's intelligence agencies seem to have allowed unencrypted documents in their hundreds or thousands, describing highly sensitive operational details, to be stored and circulated by their ''five eyes'' partners; and that their biggest partner, the United States, has made them accessible even to a part-time contractor like Edward Snowden.

Mark Scott argued to a Senate estimates committee that a crucial reason for publishing the Snowden documents was to focus attention on ''how the information gleaned [from intelligence operations] is shared - and then how secure that information is''.

But Sheridan, Albrechtsen and the rest prefer to blame the ABC's political bias: ''It presumably is no coincidence that The Guardian's scoop fits so perfectly into the ABC's distorted, ideological world view,'' writes Sheridan.


''Its decision to go ahead showed a blatant political preference,'' Albrechtsen chimes in. ''… The orthodoxy at the ABC has long been to oppose strong border policy and offshore processing as lacking compassion and human decency.''

And now to that example of extraordinary journalism. Just over two weeks ago - on the very day that the spy story first broke - 4 Corners broadcast an astonishing program by reporter Sarah Ferguson and producer Clay Hichens.

Through the survivors of one disastrous attempt to reach Christmas Island by boat, Trading Misery gave us a vivid picture of the people smugglers and their cynical trade. It showed an entire Lebanese village engulfed in grief as it buried 11 of its children, just some of the 40 people drowned off the coast of Java in early September this year.

It revealed how the smugglers had recruited their victims by promising they could reach Australia by air, armed with stolen passports and corruptly obtained visas. It revealed how when they reached Indonesia, having paid tens of thousands of dollars each, the would-be asylum seekers were told the flights were off. A big ship would take them to Australia instead. The ship too, was a myth. Instead 72 of them were crammed onto a leaky boat manned by teenagers, and left to their fate.

The program showed us the people smugglers operating in Australia's suburbs, and (on a concealed camera) in Malaysia. It showed that their boss, an Iraqi called Hussain Hamid Abudi, alias Abu Saleh, is organising his smuggling ring with absolute impunity from inside an Indonesian prison (where he's doing time for murdering a young Saudi man in a Jakarta nightclub). Abu Saleh was even filmed giving orders to his own prison guards in court.

This was not the product of a ''distorted ideological world view''. It was not armchair opinionating. It was real reporting: clear-eyed, hard-headed, and extraordinarily informative.

But Trading Misery did provide ample support for politicians and commentators who take a hard line on people smuggling. The smugglers, the program demonstrates, really are evil men. Their victims are often people who - understandable though their desire to get to Australia may be - would not meet the strict criteria that define a refugee.

Yet the program was ignored. Ignored by other reporters. Ignored by the politicians. Ignored by the pontificators busily smearing the ABC. Why? Well perhaps because such a program does not fit their ''distorted, ideological view'' of what the ABC does.

Sarah Ferguson, of course, has won a swag of Walkley awards already, including the Gold. It will be interesting to see if Trading Misery wins her and her team yet another, next November.


It should, but it probably won't. Usually, the winning reports have repercussions, make some sort of splash. But with the Indonesian spy storm raging, Trading Misery has slid quietly beneath the waves, like too many of the victims of the miserable trade it so graphically exposed.

Jonathan Holmes is an Age columnist and a former presenter of the ABC's Media Watch program.

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