

This was published 3 years ago

Israel Folau fighting fund hands back cash

By Stephen Brook and Samantha Hutchinson

After passing around the collection plate to assist Israel Folau to fight his sacking by Rugby Australia for damning homosexuals and other “sinners” to hell, the Australian Christian Lobby has contacted donors with some happy news: a partial refund.

Israel Folau.

Israel Folau.Credit: Illustration: Simon Bosch

The ACL fighting fund amassed an astonishing $2,103,773.79 and it spent $1,657665.96 on lawyers and associates, a figure that has amazed many in the legal fraternity, who are shocked by the size of the bill, considering Raelene Castle and Rugby Australia settled before trial.

“We are offering to return the balance of donated funds on a pro rata basis, after costs incurred by Folau’s lawyers and representatives,” said ACL chief political officer Dan Flynn.

That adds up to $446,107.83 remaining, a 21.2 per cent refund for all donors.

Even the ACL must have wondered at the fees because it independently reviewed the legal invoices. “While we agree that the charges are high, they are not inconsistent with the work that was completed,” managing director Martyn Iles told donors.

Melbourne solicitor George Haros, of DWF, assembled the legal and PR team of industrial relations barrister Stuart Wood, QC, and junior barristers Eddy Gisonda and Nico Burmeister. They were joined by comms executives Chris Newman and Jason Aldworth of Civic Reputation. A source close to the legal team said the donations “enabled Israel to get the top flight legal team he needed”.

Evidently, Iles and the ACL were happy with the job done with Iles praising the case for sending “a signal to corporate Australia that they cannot ruin someone’s life simply because they disagree with them”.

“Christians will also be delighted by the opportunity it presented for the gospel to be declared across the nation and the world.”

Rugby Australia used Herbert Smith Freehills with an estimated legal bill of about $1 million.


If donors don’t respond to the ACL, their money will be held for seven years and then given to the Commonwealth.


Beach crusaders

Brighton locals have been fighting to preserve their beach since Victoria was a colony. They won big in 1876 when a local “Committee of Defence” fought off the 19th century equivalent of a development proposal thanks to a court ruling by Justice Molesworth. Maybe Karens were in force last century as well.

Fast forward to next week when local residents are once again heading to court, this time to oppose a development proposal from Bayside Council. The council plans a $10.6 million rebuild of the Dendy Beach Life Saving Pavilion including “timber cladding to the upper storey” which reflects “the natural and beachy theme which was the preferred look identified through community consultation”. But the local Brighton Foreshore Association, founded by historian Weston Bate whose widow Janice is now president, thinks the revamp is monstrous. BFA supporters include Elizabeth McQuire and Roger Gillard, QC.

It is hoping for a Supreme Court decision to match 1876, which led to the colonial government passing the Brighton Land Vesting Act 1877, transferring Brighton Beach Reserve Crown land to the “mayor, councillors and burgesses of the Borough of Brighton for purposes of public recreation”.

The council thinks that the new lifesaving club, cafe and function space qualify as “places of public resort or recreation” but the BFA begs to differ. It thinks the new design is inappropriate and will impinge on the public’s ability to use the foreshore for their usual dog-walking and lycra-wearing activities. The BFA lost a VCAT case last October opposing the development but is lining up in the Supreme Court next week with barristers Stephen Moloney and Antony Berger, while Stuart Morris, QC — a former VCAT president — appears for Bayside Council.

Spreading the word

You’ve got to feel for Liberal federal director Andrew Hirst and his Labor equivalent, national secretary Paul Erickson. Both the Libs and the ALP scored $1.1 million each from the Department of Finance’s Australian Political Parties for Democracy program in October but the pandemic means both parties will have trouble spending the cash.

The annual program is a neat arrangement which helps local campaigners hone their craft in overseas elections while fostering democracy. In the past, the Libs used the money to fly in guests to its Federal Council and funded Young Liberals to attend the UK Conservative Party's annual conference. In 2018, the party planned to fly staff to Beijing to meet Chinese Communist Party officials but those meetings never eventuated.

Meanwhile, Labor traditionally funds Labor-aligned parties in the region. In 2018, it sent members to work on US Senator Bernie Sanders’ race against Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination. That move landed the party a $14,500 fine from US electoral authorities for breaching a ban on in-kind contributions from foreign nationals. Whoops.

But there’s been nothing of the sort this year, even during the US election.

“International engagement activities have been significantly curtailed,” Hirst said. “The party will return unspent funds … in the usual way.” Labor is in the same boat. “COVID-19 has had a big impact, and the program hasn’t supported any international travel since March,” Erickson said. Labor has been using video links to meet with other parties in the region and deliver training. “The program is not currently operating at capacity,” he added.

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