

This was published 2 years ago


By George, the culture warriors are busy

By Noel Towell and Kishor Napier-Raman

The libertarian activists at the Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance are set to hold their annual “Friedman Unchained” conference next month at the unsuitably Soviet surrounds of the University Technology Sydney, with Northern Territory Senator-elect Jacinta Price booked in as the headline act.

Change of jobs: George Christensen.

Change of jobs: George Christensen.Credit: John Shakespeare

Price, the Country Liberals’ latest pick, is a Warlpiri-Celtic woman from Alice Springs, a “Sky After Dark” favourite and long-time conservative activist best known for her campaign to “Save Australia Day”.

Getting a new senator is a big coup for the alliance, who’ve recently been fighting a largely unsuccessful battle to legalise vaping. Joining Price in the line-up so far is the Liberal Democrats’ former Victorian upper house MP and failed Senate candidate David Limbrick, famously fined for attending an anti-lockdown protest in 2020.

Attendees willing to stump up $400 for a standard ticket will also hear from cryptocurrency enthusiast Sinclair Davidson, University of Queensland law professor Suri Ratnapala and the Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance’s own Gabe Buckley, a former Liberal Democrat Senate candidate and “avowed Satanist and mad hedonist”.

Meanwhile, it’s a tough world out there for some of the 46th parliament’s biggest culture warriors. Plunged into obscurity by the voters of Queensland, George Christensen is shilling $99 annual subscriptions to his daily Substack newsletter. Will it be enough to replace his $211,250 per year backbench salary? Well Gorgeous George is boasting on his newsletter about turning down a cushy three-year $350,000 per annum government job so he could keep on fighting for freedom. Perhaps the media empire’s going all right after all.

And One Nation leader Pauline Hanson, on track to narrowly retain her Senate spot, has been largely anonymous since her pre-election COVID bout, which she promised to survive “to some people’s disgust”. We’re told the unvaccinated senator is recovering with the help of “home remedies”.


At CBD, we’ve been keeping a close eye on former Liberal Party talent purged from office by the Great Teal Wave. We can confirm former treasurer Josh Frydenberg will be working in the private sector over the next few years.

Former treasurer Josh Frydenberg on election night.

Former treasurer Josh Frydenberg on election night.Credit: Nine


The one-time future prime minister is firming up office space in South Yarra’s plush Como Centre precinct. While it’s not quite Parliament House, the famously publicity hungry Frydenberg won’t be far from plenty of microphones and cameras. Ten’s Melbourne studios are based in the same building.


Well-known Labor operative Eamonn Fitzpatrick is the latest man-around-the-party to hang a shingle outside his own start-up lobbying shop after Anthony Albanese’s election victory.

Fitzpatrick’s ability as strategist and fixer in his Labor days led him to be dubbed as the “agent of infection” by his Coalition opponents in Queensland and NSW. A mark of grudging respect, apparently.

Launching his new outfit, Fitzpatrick Advisory, on Wednesday, the former Hawker-Britton director pointed out that he was a handy bloke for “advising businesses – including some of the biggest global and Australian brands – on working with Labor”.

One of those brands was the government of Hong Kong where Fitzpatrick spent time in 2020 and 2021 working for UK PR firm Consulum on a $8.5 million contract with the territory’s authorities to counter negative foreign press coverage of their crackdown on pro-democracy activists.

If he can spin that, he can spin anything.


The Victorian Racing Club pulled out all the stops at a cold and rainy Flemington on a Wednesday, spruiking the new line-up of eating, drinking and shopping operators at the racecourse.

The club has signed a new three-year deal with Crown – the casino people – for the catering and shopping at the race track which, when everything is ready, will make the place feel and taste a lot like the Crown’s behemoth Southbank spread.

In attendance at Wednesday’s launch were 400 Gradi founder Johnny Di Francesco, who will take over the track’s Straight Six eatery from Saturday, teaching champion jockey Jamie Kah to make pizzas for the cameras.

Johnny Di Francesco, 400 Gradi founder and chef.

Johnny Di Francesco, 400 Gradi founder and chef.Credit: Calida Pendock

Another member of the Crown stable, Guillaume Brahimi, who will be cooking at Flemington’s luxury nosebag The Bryerly, was whipping up creme brulee for racing royalty Kate Waterhouse and three-time Melbourne Cup winning jockey Glen Boss.

VRC chairman Neil Wilson was also on hand, along with the new operation’s executive chef Josh Pelham, who swapped notes with his Crown counterpart Kelly Jackson, while E! Australia host Francesca Hung – a “friend of Crown”, apparently – was there too.

But what of Peter Rowland, the Melbourne catering legend who has fed and watered Flemington’s punters for many decades?

When the club went to market for the new deal, the Rowland Group, which told CBD it was pursuing a “new and bold path toward ambitious growth”, decided that days at the races were no longer for them.

“A conscious decision by PRG to exit the long-term partnership with the Victoria Racing Club was made in 2021 because of the changed business direction,” a spokeswoman said.

The venerable catering outfit, founded in Portsea in 1961 and which has put on soirees for the likes of Rupert Murdoch, Kerry Packer, Alan Bond and Christopher Skase, was reported in the Murdoch media in February to be going out of business.

But it appears news of the group’s demise were exaggerated, and the company is going strong under the leadership of chief executive Michelle Biddle, planning interstate expansion and moving into department stores, hotels and cultural venues. Oh, and coffee too.

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