

Thomas Keneally is an Australian novelist, playwright and essayist

Endeavour calling from its murky waters: time for change
James Cook

Endeavour calling from its murky waters: time for change

Novelist Thomas Keneally asks if Australia will become a wreck, like the Endeavour, with “HM” emblazoned on it?

  • by Thomas Keneally


Arts ministers watched on as Australian film and television suffered

Arts ministers watched on as Australian film and television suffered

In A Bloody Good Rant, Thomas Keneally says the arts must again be nurtured, funded and valued as an extension of our country’s identity.

  • by Thomas Keneally
How we moved from convict brutality to songs around the piano

How we moved from convict brutality to songs around the piano

A cast of convicts performed Australia’s first play at Sydney Cove in 1789. But by the end of the 19th century the heart of entertainment was in the home.

  • by Thomas Keneally
Politics turned nasty after Sydney Olympics but social cohesion is once more our virtue

Politics turned nasty after Sydney Olympics but social cohesion is once more our virtue

The last 20 years has not been built on the structure of efficiency and conviviality we projected in September 2000. Howard released the dogs of ethnic hysteria soon after, and they are running still, and mauling our repute

  • by Thomas Keneally
Cultural cringe + market economics = lower education

Cultural cringe + market economics = lower education

The government wants to turn universities into factories turning out future workers, but can we trust it to know where the jobs will be? And while we're at it, do we settle for importing our culture?

  • by Thomas Keneally
Market economics was never the answer, so why would it be now?

Market economics was never the answer, so why would it be now?

In the midst of pandemic, the voices of history echo among us still.

  • by Thomas Keneally
We're not quite all in this together: just ask the academics

We're not quite all in this together: just ask the academics

Academics and artists have been left behind in the politicisation of COVID-19.

  • by Thomas Keneally
Late-night liquidity worries haunt the land in lockdown

Late-night liquidity worries haunt the land in lockdown

Every time I wake in the night now, I get a sense that throughout the city and the countryside there are younger men and women who’ve been woken by a much harder emergency than an ageing bladder.

  • by Thomas Keneally
Can the physical world compete in the time of COVID-19?

Can the physical world compete in the time of COVID-19?

Amid all manner of virtual offerings, our need to gather is under siege.

  • by Thomas Keneally
Why the government must act to save the arts - before it's too late

Why the government must act to save the arts - before it's too late

There's plenty of industry support except for one vital industry.

  • by Thomas Keneally
How the COVID-19 gloom doesn't match the dark days of the Depression

How the COVID-19 gloom doesn't match the dark days of the Depression

The safety nets the government has recently introduced were missing for the unemployed in the 1930s.

  • by Thomas Keneally

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