

George Brandis is a former high commissioner to the UK, and a former Liberal senator and federal attorney-general. He is now a professor at ANU.

Just don’t call him a hero. Assange’s recklessness may have cost lives

Just don’t call him a hero. Assange’s recklessness may have cost lives

I know the view of Australian intelligence agencies: it’s likely that Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks dump of information cost lives. It was wickedly reckless.

  • by George Brandis


Brexit will dominate the UK election. Not this one, but the next

Brexit will dominate the UK election. Not this one, but the next

Labour looks set to return to government in Britain on July 4. But the party will do that without a policy to reverse Brexit, even though many Brits now acknowledge it was a mistake.

  • by George Brandis
There are no fun facts about the next UK PM, but that’s his strength

There are no fun facts about the next UK PM, but that’s his strength

Sir Keir Starmer looks certain to lead Britain with the most left-wing Labour government on economic matters since Harold Wilson was PM.

  • by George Brandis
I attended the Sea Power Conference. On behalf of Australia, I was embarrassed

I attended the Sea Power Conference. On behalf of Australia, I was embarrassed

Inexcusably, not a single officer of our navy had bothered to travel from Canberra to attend our AUKUS partner’s principal naval strategic forum.

  • by George Brandis
It’s not corruption, but the Albanese government is guilty of cronyism

It’s not corruption, but the Albanese government is guilty of cronyism

Corruption’s insidious cousin has become one of the dominant motifs of this government.

  • by George Brandis
It’s what Penny Wong didn’t say in her two-state solution speech that’s most alarming

It’s what Penny Wong didn’t say in her two-state solution speech that’s most alarming

The foreign minister’s failure to say more about the world’s most serious conflict is symptomatic of the way Ukraine has slipped down the list of Australia’s priorities.

  • by George Brandis
Tories may throw Sunak overboard, but rearranging deckchairs can’t save this ship

Tories may throw Sunak overboard, but rearranging deckchairs can’t save this ship

Are the Tories mad enough to roll another leader? My spies inside the Conservative Party tell me this is a real possibility.

  • by George Brandis
As Liberals navigate a ‘sea of red’, the Greens are making waves of their own

As Liberals navigate a ‘sea of red’, the Greens are making waves of their own

The Tasmanian state election was bad news for the Liberal Party, but the potency of the Greens as a political force is growing, and it spells bad news for Labor in key battlegrounds.

  • by George Brandis
The alternative is awful, but not even conservatives should back Trump

The alternative is awful, but not even conservatives should back Trump

There is no excuse for conservatives to turn a blind eye to the threat Donald Trump poses to values which they have always considered sacrosanct.

  • by George Brandis
As Morrison leaves parliament, we should honour his legacy

As Morrison leaves parliament, we should honour his legacy

Fallen Australian leaders are eventually remembered for the good, not the bad. Scott Morrison will be no different.

  • by George Brandis
Meet my friend, the UK Labour candidate seeing Red amid Tory death spiral

Meet my friend, the UK Labour candidate seeing Red amid Tory death spiral

Winning back the “Red Wall” seats seized by Boris Johnson is the key to Labour’s path to government. I caught up with one of the party’s brightest hopes.

  • by George Brandis

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