

Professor David Hayward is Emeritus Professor of Public Policy at RMIT University.

The great housing con is turning Melbourne into an Asian-style megacity
City life

The great housing con is turning Melbourne into an Asian-style megacity

The government is trying to dupe citizens about the real causes and nature of a housing crisis.

  • by Michael Buxton and David Hayward


Your beach house is lovely, but it’s killing Australia

Your beach house is lovely, but it’s killing Australia

We have plenty of housing in this country, but for the greedy few who can afford it, property has become an addiction that’s getting worse by the day. I call them MMOOYBYs – those who want to Make Money Out of Your Back Yards.

  • by David Hayward
Hey big spenders: Tackling debt doesn’t seem to be either party’s priority

Hey big spenders: Tackling debt doesn’t seem to be either party’s priority

We find ourselves on the eve of a state election in which public debt is worrying a lot of Victorians, but the major parties are turning the other way and vowing to spend more.

  • by David Hayward
Pallas sitting pretty atop the debt pile

Pallas sitting pretty atop the debt pile

When Treasurer Tim Pallas hands down the budget on Tuesday, he will have a spring in his step - for good reason.

  • by David Hayward
Most people just want a roof overhead and a place to call home

Most people just want a roof overhead and a place to call home

A review of social housing in Victoria has found a dearth of suitable properties to accommodate renters and lower income workers.

  • by David Hayward
Melbourne might need the casino but what about its owners?

Melbourne might need the casino but what about its owners?

The economy needs the casino and entertainment complex but whether Crown Resorts should continue to hold the licence is another thing altogether.

  • by David Hayward
Anti-vax tax could be a solution to COVID policy muddle

Anti-vax tax could be a solution to COVID policy muddle

Instead of enforcing mandatory vaccines, perhaps a tax on the unvaccinated could encourage people to roll up their sleeves.

  • by David Hayward
Are you a corona moaner or a winner in the pandemic shake-up?

Are you a corona moaner or a winner in the pandemic shake-up?

How will you remember 2020? That will depend on many things, but I suspect mostly your social class.

  • by David Hayward
Private landlords are losing billions. Should we keep picking up the tab?

Private landlords are losing billions. Should we keep picking up the tab?

The reality is that private rental housing guzzles government subsidies that in total dwarf what we put into public housing.

  • by David Hayward

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