

This was published 11 months ago

Why no two weeks are the same for this primary school principal

By Michael Hopley
It’s always story time for Our Lady Queen of Peace Primary Greystanes Principal Michael Hopley.

It’s always story time for Our Lady Queen of Peace Primary Greystanes Principal Michael Hopley.Credit: Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese

Name: Michael Hopley

Job title: Principal Our Lady Queen of Peace Primary School, Greystanes

What do you do, and what does a typical workweek look like for you?

I’m the Principal of Our Lady Queen of Peace Primary School at Greystanes. There are no typical weeks for me. The assistant principal and I often joke that “you never know what’s going to happen next”. Generally, I listen to stories – everyone has a story. Kindergartens’ are always the best because they’re told with such gusto, spontaneity, and fun. Teacher stories range from concern to jubilation when a child achieves their potential. Parent stories range from a place of deep love to a heightened sense of anxiety about their children’s future.

How long have you been doing this job, and what first sparked your interest in this area?

I am now in my 42nd year of teaching, which sounds like a lifetime. I was a typical teenager who wasn’t fussed about schoolwork but enjoyed the social life. I remember that one of my teachers seemed really uninterested in his work and I started thinking: “If that was me, how would I teach this class?” That thinking stayed with me during high school. I’m the youngest of six in my family and all my siblings were teachers, so there must have been something in the DNA, but I also remember my siblings talking so positively about what they did. Every day seemed different for them, and they were great role models of integrity and care for others.


What do you like most about the job?

Listening to stories. So many people I encounter just want to be listened to. Sometimes I can advise from my 42 years of experience and there is a great sense of satisfaction in believing I’ve made a difference. I like to share my story when it’s relevant and can help someone know that I empathise. I’ve met so many incredible people in my career through stories – connecting with people is what teaching is all about.


What was the most unexpected thing you have had to do in your job?

The most unexpected thing I ever did was to crawl into the back of an overturned car to release a child, who was trapped in the passenger side. It wasn’t the smartest or safest thing I ever did, but it’s amazing how you react, particularly when a child is involved.

What skills and personal skills do people need in teaching?

Before becoming a teacher I worked in hospitality. I learnt quickly that the best way to diffuse an angry customer was to agree with them as it put them on the back foot and lowered the temperature. People skills are a key ingredient in my role.

There are some significant strategies that can be applied to difficult situations that help with defusing them. I suppose many of these strategies would be employed by counsellors and psychologists with patients. In any significant encounter, it’s important to hold on to your beliefs, listen and acknowledge a person’s concerns, remain transparent as much as possible and don’t rely on always having the answers.

What advice do you have for people wanting to get into a career related to your skills and experience?

For anyone wanting to be a teacher or leader in schools, the most obvious skills are patience and understanding. The ability to identify needs, plan for sequential development, and evaluate and re-evaluate your teaching and learning program are all important skills. Resilience has become a key trait for teachers and the conscious understanding of our own wellbeing, particularly through work-life balance, is an essential ingredient for a successful teaching career.

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