This was published 1 year ago
PwC boss to take action as battle to release names heats up
By Colin Kruger
The battle to release the names of PwC staff implicated in the tax scandal is set to intensify this week as the global consulting giant prepares to make its first significant announcement since effectively losing any further business with the Commonwealth.
PwC insiders who are not authorised to speak on the matter have confirmed that acting chief executive Kristin Stubbins will make an announcement this week.
PwC declined to comment, but the firm is dealing with staff implicated in the scandal being stood down from government work, a criminal probe by the Australian Federal Police over the matter and an effective ban on future work by the Finance Department.
The main focus will be on the Greens, who have signalled they still intend to seek to publicly release a list of 36 PwC partners allegedly involved in the tax advice scandal.
A Tax Practitioners Board inquiry found in December 2022 that former partner Peter Collins repeatedly leaked confidential information with senior PwC staff about government plans to combat tax avoidance over three years, for PwC’s benefit. A 144-page document of PwC emails was released in Senate estimates on May 3, showing staff involved in plans to use the confidential information for commercial gain. All names, except Collins, were redacted.
Greens senator Barbara Pocock sought to table the list of names during a committee hearing on Friday, but it was decided that advice should be sought first. Richard Pye, clerk of the Senate, is preparing advice on whether Senate estimates can release the names without jeopardising the Australian Federal Police investigation launched last week.
“I have said that I respect the decision of the finance and public administration committee on Friday to refer the tabling of the names to the clerk for advice, but I believe that the Australian public should have access to this information at the earliest opportunity, and I am not alone in this belief,” Pocock said.
Labor senator Deborah O’Neill was concerned about the motives of whoever provided the mystery list with no one able to verify its provenance. “A list from an unverified and unidentified source of 36 names is something, but it is not the list that PwC must make public,” she said.
O’Neill expressed concern that this could be an attempt to get the legal cover of parliamentary privilege for the 36 people on the list, to protect them from any future court action.
“There are so many sensible reasons not to table the 36 list in parliament. It’s past time, PwC Australia and PwC Global. Name the names,” she said.
More than 50 email recipients were mentioned in the 144-page document detailing the scheme by PwC partners to use sensitive government plans – aiming to combat tax avoidance – to gain business from the major corporations involved in tax avoidance.
Even the Tax Practitioners Board, which conducted the initial investigation, said it did not know how many PwC staff were involved.
The Tax Office, which referred the leak to the Tax Practitioners Board, rather than to the AFP for a criminal investigation, will go before a Senate committee on Tuesday, while the board will appear on Wednesday.
Queries are expected to include asking the board why Collins – the PwC partner who was the source of the leak and who was banned for two years over the matter – was the only person banned.
PwC, with more than 9000 employees in Australia, needs to deal with the immediate problem of losing its largest single customer.
Finance secretary Jenny Wilkinson also effectively banned PwC from all future government work with an edict that reminded government departments to “consider previous behaviour, including ethical conduct” when making procurement decisions.
PwC was awarded more than $255 million in Commonwealth business from the start of the current financial year up to May 16. Repercussions from the loss of this business will be severe for the firm, which generated revenue of $2.6 billion last year, according to IBISworld.
PwC is expected to appear before a Senate committee on June 7.
It said previously it would co-operate fully with any investigations and expressed its regret over the incident.
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