


How do death taxes work and do we need one?

All taxes are unpopular but death duties are more controversial than most. Are they a good idea?


From Elon Musk to Warren Buffett, the idea of applying a tax on estates or inheritances, popularly known in Australia as “death duties”, has gained some unlikely advocates in recent years.

“Generally, I think the estate tax is a good tax,” said the world’s richest man Musk, who is under pressure over the size of his tax bill, in December.

When then-newly elected US president Donald Trump looked at abolishing the US federal estate tax in 2017, legendary investor Warren Buffett warned that would be a “terrible mistake”.

“Dynastic wealth, the enemy of a meritocracy, is on the rise,” Buffett observed at the time. “Equality of opportunity has been on the decline. A progressive and meaningful estate tax is needed to curb the movement of a democracy toward plutocracy.”

Credit: Artwork Steve Kiprillis

If abolishing death duties is a mistake, it’s one that Australia made years ago when Queensland premier Joh Bjelke-Petersen became the first of the state premiers to abolish his state’s death duty from the start of 1977. Other states quickly followed suit, fearing an exodus of wealthy older people.

The COVID pandemic has dealt a body blow to public finances while delivering windfall gains to some billionaires, prompting calls for countries to consider heavier taxes on inherited wealth such as death taxes.


How do death duties work? Does Australia need one? And would it help to fix the budget or reduce inequality?

What is a death duty?

A duty, or tax, is simply an amount that the government collects on certain activities. There are only three things governments can tax:income, consumption or wealth.

A death duty is a tax on wealth, payable on the value of accumulated wealth at the time of death. The tax may be applied directly to the holdings of a deceased person’s estate (an estate tax) or levied on the person who inherits the money, at whatever their marginal tax rate is (an inheritance tax).

“It does create work for tax lawyers ... which doesn’t mean to say it’s a bad idea.”

Death duties usually exist alongside a gift tax, to stop people simply making “inter vivos” transfers (between the living) and gifting away all their money before they die. Australia has neither.

University of Melbourne professor of tax law Miranda Stewart is an advocate of both, noting that Australia taxes wealth relatively lightly compared to other countries.


“I do think it’s a good idea to tax estates. It does create complexity. It does create work for tax lawyers – there’s no doubt because these are precisely the people who tax plan – which doesn’t mean to say it’s a bad idea.”

Why did Australia abolish its death duties?

Death duties were first introduced in Australia in NSW in 1851 where they were abolished in 1874 and then reintroduced in 1880.


According to economist Saul Eslake, “By 1895, all the Australian colonies had some form of ‘death duty’; and by 1910, estate duties accounted for more than 30 per cent of total state government revenues.”

In 1914, the Commonwealth government imposed a federal death duty on top of state-based duties, to fund the war effort.

However, as the tax system evolved and states were granted other revenue-raising powers, such as taxing payrolls, death duties shrank as a proportion of total revenue.


Meanwhile, death duties began to bite harder into middle-income families. Eslake explains: “By the late 1960s, the failure of state and federal governments to adjust the thresholds at which estate duties became payable since the 1940s meant that individuals with quite modest levels of wealth [as little as $5000 for estates passing to beneficiaries other than a surviving spouse, children or grandchildren] were becoming subject to duties that were originally only meant to tax very large inheritances or bequests.”

Farming families, in particular, despised the tax, which made it hard for cash-poor inheritors to pay the tax without selling the family farm.

During the 1977 election, both Gough Whitlam and Malcolm Fraser promised to follow suit with state premiers and abolish the federal death duty – a promise later fulfilled by Fraser as prime minister in 1979.

Which countries still charge death duties?

As it turns out, Australia was something of a global pioneer in the abolition of death duties. The last of Canada’s provincial-based death duties was abolished in 1985 followed by New Zealand (in 1992), Israel (2001), Portugal and Sweden (2004), Hong Kong (2006), Singapore and Austria (2008), and Norway and Estonia (2014). However, death duties are still the norm among the 37 member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), existing in 24 countries.

Belgium and France raise the most revenue from such taxes in Europe while in Asia, South Korea and Japan also tax estates relatively heavily.

Inheritors of the late Samsung Group chairman Lee Kun-hee are preparing to pay what is believed to be one of the world’s biggest ever inheritance tax bills. The South Korean billionaire’s surviving wife and three children will collectively pay around $US10 billion ($14 billion) thanks to the nation’s hefty 50 per cent inheritance tax on large bequests. They will reportedly sell some company shares and real estate to pay the tax, while also donating a large portion of Lee’s fine art collection, which includes pieces by Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali, to reduce their liability.


Different countries apply different thresholds to exempt a portion of inherited wealth from taxation. In the United States, president Trump increased the tax-free threshold to $US11.7 million of all estates, so in practice, only 0.2 per cent of estates are liable to pay any tax (and then only on the portion above the threshold).

Belgium currently has the lowest threshold, at around $US17,000, meaning that in the Brussels-Capital region, 48 per cent of estates is taxed.

In South Korea, the family of the late Samsung chairman Lee Kun-Hee, pictured here, will pay one of the world’s biggest inheritance tax bills.

In South Korea, the family of the late Samsung chairman Lee Kun-Hee, pictured here, will pay one of the world’s biggest inheritance tax bills. Credit: AP

Are inheritances driving rising inequality?

You might think one of the main reasons to implement a death duty is to stop the inter-generational transmission of ever larger inheritances from deepening inequality in society.

But surprisingly this is not the case, according to a Productivity Commission research paper released in December.

Yes, richer parents do leave bigger dollar sums to their children. But as a proportion of the child’s existing wealth prior to receiving an inheritance, it is lower- and middle-income children who benefit the most.


“This might be a surprise to some, but it’s been found in every other country that’s been studied,” says Productivity Commissioner Catherine de Fontenay.

“When measured against the amount of wealth they already own, those with less wealth get a much bigger boost from inheritances on average, about 50 times larger for the poorest 20 per cent than the wealthiest 20 per cent. Hence, wealth transfers tend to reduce the share of wealth held by the richest Australians and our projections show this is likely to continue.”

That’s not to say an inheritance tax applied only to inheritances above a certain threshold wouldn’t act to reduce wealth inequality. It would. It’s just that, despite appearances, society isn’t currently getting any more unequal because of inheritances. At least, that’s the Commission’s conclusion.

So, are death duties a good idea?


Yes, according to the last major review of Australia’s tax system spearheaded by the Treasury secretary at the time, Ken Henry, and published in 2010.

“A bequest tax would be an economically efficient way of raising revenue and would allow reductions in other, less efficient taxes. It would not affect saving decisions to fund an adequate standard of living in retirement. Saving decisions motivated by the desire to leave a bequest would be affected, but only to a limited extent.”

However, Henry did not specifically recommend a death duty, as such. “Given the controversial history of bequest taxation in Australia, the review has not recommended the introduction of a bequest tax, but believes that there should be full community discussion and consultation on the options. Most OECD countries impose bequest taxes – either through taxes on the whole estate or individual inheritances.”

In May 2021, the OECD released a report calling on member countries to embrace inheritance taxes. Former Australian Labor MP David Bradbury, who now heads tax policy at the OECD’s Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, says they can be an efficient way of collecting revenue.

“Inheritance taxes can help raise revenues, address inequality and improve the efficiency of the tax system,” says Bradbury. “On efficiency grounds, inheritance taxes have been found to generate fewer distortions than many other taxes, in the sense that they have less of an impact on work and investment decisions.”

“One of the particular challenges that common law countries face is the fact that trusts can be used to circumvent inheritance taxes.”

However, as with most taxes, the devil is in the detail.

Bradbury says international and Australian experience shows many wealthy families will go to great lengths to avoid paying the tax.

“One of the particular challenges that common law countries face is the fact that trusts can be used to circumvent inheritance taxes,” says Bradbury. “This was particularly the case in Australia before these taxes were repealed in the 1970s.”

These problems are not insurmountable, says Bradbury. “An inheritance tax with low rates and a broad base could limit tax-avoidance opportunities. Other features of tax design such as higher tax-exemption thresholds could improve popularity of inheritance taxes, as this could allow middle-class households to pass wealth to their heirs free of tax while targeting large inheritances typically received by wealthy individuals.”

However, high thresholds also undermine death duties as a powerful revenue generator.

Indeed, in OECD countries that do levy inheritance taxes, those taxes are responsible for raising only about 0.5 per cent of total revenue on average.


So, will we ever see death taxes reintroduced in Australia?

Bradbury is definitive: “In my view, there are two chances: Buckley’s and none. Implementing tax reform in Australia in recent times has been incredibly difficult. The politics of reintroducing an inheritance tax in Australia would be incredibly challenging.

“To make it remotely palatable to the electorate, you would have to introduce so many exemptions that in the end you would raise very little revenue. Frankly, in the Australian context, it is hard to see how the fiscal gain could be worth the political pain.”

During the 2019 election campaign, then-Labor leader Bill Shorten was forced to refute false reports circulating on Facebook that the party had struck a secret deal with the Greens to levy a death tax at 40 per cent. Labor asked the social-media giant to remove the content from its site.

In the lead-up to this year’s election, Labor leader Anthony Albanese has stressed his support for Australians “creating wealth”, pledging to be “the party of the person who wants to get ahead and own their own home and, you know, make some investments for their kids”.

All taxes are unpopular but death duties are more controversial than most.

Critics decry them as a form of “double taxation”, given that money held in assets such as property or shares has been paid for from after-tax income. But Stewart says double taxation is actually quite common in our system. “The GST falls on wage earners,” she says. “So, for example, you’re a wage earner and you’ve paid income tax on your wage and then you go out and buy a washing machine and pay GST on your purchase of a washing machine. Is that double tax? We wouldn’t talk about it that way.”

Others instinctively dislike the way an estate tax potentially undoes some of the sacrifices of one generation for another; grandparents and parents, particularly immigrants, who might work hard, scrimp and save all their lives to ensure a better future for their children. To limit this, most estate taxes globally only apply to inheritances above a threshold amount.

“It might make people feel good ... but it doesn’t raise very much money; and it takes the focus off true tax reform.”

Stewart agrees the revenue available would be minimal but still supports a death tax with a sufficiently high threshold.

University of NSW economics professor Richard Holden is in the “no” camp: “It might make people feel good [some folks enjoy running around with pitchforks] but it doesn’t raise very much money; and it takes the focus off true tax reform.”

Eslake remains an advocate, however. He says governments could offer to issue credits against tax liabilities that fall due at death to the value of any charitable donations made during life. A native Tasmanian, Eslake has recommended the Tasmanian government do just this.

“In effect, such a system would offer a choice to [the relatively small number of] wealthy Tasmanians: leave a relatively small part of your estate [less than one-fifth, for the largest estates] to ‘worthy causes’ in Tasmania, or pay an equivalent amount in estate duties. Most, if not all, Tasmanians would likely choose the former option: and a large proportion of the Tasmanian community would thereby indirectly benefit through the work that the recipients undertake.”

Eslake is unmoved by the prospect that this might encourage some wealthy Tasmanians to up sticks for the mainland.

“To the extent that some wealthy Tasmanians chose to avoid that choice by moving to another state, there would probably be some small, intangible benefit from having fewer mean-spirited citizens in our midst; and some very marginal tangible benefit in reduced demand on Tasmania’s hard-pressed healthcare system.”

Still, most Australians can continue to rest in peace at the idea they will be able to pass on their wealth to their children tax-free – for better, or for worse.

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