

This was published 1 year ago


Has it been a bad week for the Voice? Yes and No

For a politician in a fundamentally weak position, Peter Dutton has done well while doing little. He’s an unpopular new leader of a shattered party. He hasn’t yet declared his position on the proposed Indigenous Voice to parliament, neither for nor against. Yet he’s managed seriously to unnerve many Voice supporters.

The consensus of most commentary across the political spectrum is that the Voice is now in deep difficulty. Even though the campaign in favour has yet to begin. Even though it won’t be put to the people in a referendum until September at the earliest.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s repeated demands for details have have had an effect.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s repeated demands for details have have had an effect. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

How did Dutton manage to inspire such anxiety? Merely by asking questions in recent weeks, prodding the government for answers. Accusing Anthony Albanese of arrogance, and demanding detail. Repeatedly.

“This last two months the Yes campaign has certainly taken a hammering in the media,” a Yes campaign leader, Noel Pearson, tells me. “I’m worried about the traction the campaign for detail seems to be getting.”

Dutton also pounced on a radio interview with Albanese a couple of weeks ago: “It was a complete train wreck,” said the Opposition Leader. Albanese had declined to answer a question and gave an answer which needed to be corrected later.

“It’s no wonder Australians are confused. If Anthony Albanese can’t explain it to you, why would you vote for it?” It was a reworking of a line that Paul Keating used to campaign against John Hewson’s proposed GST: “If you don’t understand it, why would you vote for it?”

Indigenous leader Noel Pearson is worried about the traction the campaign for detail is getting.

Indigenous leader Noel Pearson is worried about the traction the campaign for detail is getting.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

It was hardly a killer blow in this case, but Dutton used it to change the atmospherics.

Then the anxiety turned to near-panic on Tuesday when the results of the latest Resolve Strategic Poll were published in this masthead under the headline: “Support for Voice slips as voters await more detail”.


Public support for the Voice had slipped from 53 per cent three months ago to 47 now. And Dutton’s demands for detail appeared to be vindicated; only 13 per cent of respondents said that they were confident they understood the proposal.

All this is pretty handy work for a politician with a net performance rating of minus 17, versus Albanese’s plus 35. And for a politician whose party is in an existential crisis after it lost its traditional heartland bastions at the May election, including the seat of the party’s founder, Robert Menzies.

Dutton’s not the only doubter, but his words have the greatest reach. His junior coalition partner, the Nationals, decided formally to oppose the Voice in November. The hardcore No campaigners in the Nationals – Jacinta Price, Barnaby Joyce, Matt Canavan and Keith Pitt - are working daily to build resistance to the Voice.

Joyce explains how his constituents see the Voice by saying he was in a cattle truck with a bloke who spontaneously raised the matter and asked Joyce what the Voice was about.

“It would give capacity for Aboriginal people to have more involvement in making laws”, answered the former Nationals leader. “Well, do I get it?” No, answered Joyce. The man wanted to know whether Joyce supported the idea and seemed satisfied when the answer was “no”.


This anecdote, told to me by Joyce, actually reveals how he wants voters to see the Voice, rather than the way they necessarily see it. His explanation to the man is slippery in two ways. First, “involvement in making laws” makes it sounds like Aboriginal people would have an extra bite at the lawmaking cherry, maybe grabbing the drafting pen from the elected members.

In fact, the draft wording of the constitutional amendment to create a Voice says only that it “it may make representations” to Parliament and to the government. So the Voice would be advisory only. Parliament would remain sovereign. No pen-grabbing allowed.

Second, the draft says that the Voice may make representations “on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples”. Not on anything else.

Nonetheless, this is a useful pointer. The committed No campaigners are not waiting to shape opinion. And recall that it was the Nationals, and Barnaby Joyce in particular, who led the Liberals to rupture Australia’s bipartisan consensus on climate change in 2009.

Where Joyce led, Tony Abbott followed. This was when an admiring Abbott described Joyce as “the best retail politician in Australia”. A divisive decade followed, but it was a division that helped put the Coalition in power. And helped keep them there. Are we about to see something similar now?

Barnaby Joyce thinks the Voice is going down.

Barnaby Joyce thinks the Voice is going down.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

“The Voice is going to go down, and it’s going to be one of the most divisive things to happen in Australia for a long time,” says Joyce. “But not because of the people who put it down but because of the people who put it up.”

Is this where it’s heading? Are the Nationals and the committed No campaigners ultimately going to sway Dutton to oppose the Voice? If so, history tells us what happens next. Only eight referendums have succeeded out of 44 attempts since Federation in 1901. No referendum has succeeded when the main political parties are split over it.

Before joining the fashionable rush to declare an emergency, consider four points. First, the strongest piece of evidence that the Voice could be in trouble, this week’s Resolve poll, is actually inconclusive.


While the Yes vote fell, the No vote didn’t rise. Instead, the support that apparently was lost from the Yes column went into the undecided column. And when the poll respondents were pressed to give a straight Yes or No without the option of saying they were undecided – in other words, as they would in an actual referendum – 60 per cent chose Yes. This was down by 4 percentage points over three months but still a firm majority.

The pollster, Resolve director Jim Reed, puts it in perspective: “The Yes vote still holds a lead nationwide and in every state, so it meets the double majority test,” as the constitution demands, “but this downward trajectory makes a result later this year less clear now. The comments we collected in this latest poll suggest that the recent drop is about voters feeling they don’t have enough information to make what they regard as an important decision.”

Okay, so the country is broadly well-disposed to the idea. People want more information. The good news for Voice supporters is that more information is on the way. Among other things, there will be a parliamentary inquiry into the proposed referendum, and there will be parliamentary debate to follow. This will unfold over some months.

Second, before panicking over the slowness of the pace, recall that Albanese faced exactly this same pressure during the term of the Morrison government. As Opposition Leader, he faced intense pressure for years. To produce more policy, to “throw more punches”. Albanese held to his plan. And, of course, was vindicated.


It’s the normal course of events in any campaign that the broad aim comes first, with the detail supplied later. Whether it’s a promise of lower taxes or a Voice. And Noel Pearson, despite his worries, says that “whether the detail campaign is translating into what Dutton wants is what Textor and the campaign people say isn’t happening.”

Pearson is giving us a glimpse behind the scenes here. Mark Textor, the most effective Liberal pollster and strategist for a generation, is advising the Yes campaign. If he’s not panicking, why should anyone else?

But what happens when voters eventually get more information about the Voice? This is the third point. One of the pro-Voice bodies conducted focus groups in Cairns. After being asked their initial views on the Voice, the voters were given the wording of the draft constitutional amendment that Albanese has proposed.

“When they saw it, they literally said, ‘is that it?’” recounted one of the researchers. They saw the Voice as a reasonable and modest reform.

Finally, Dutton faces a momentous decision on the Voice. It’s not as simple as seeking to wreck it. If the Liberals want to recover any of the heartland they lost to the teals last year, they will not do it by opposing the Voice.

The teal seats are economically conservative but socially progressive. They are solidly pro-Voice. Dutton knows that his party is on its way to becoming a populist right-wing rump. His task is to arrest this and make it electable.

And even if Dutton decides to oppose the Voice, history’s precedents might not hold. The last referendum was held in 1999. Before the proliferation of the smartphone. The big parties were the dominant communication sources last century, but campaign communications are radically different today.

Some of the shrewdest political strategists contend that the Coalition could oppose the Voice yet find that the referendum is carried regardless. So, does Dutton need the Voice to succeed more than the Voice needs Dutton?

Peter Hartcher is political editor

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