

This was published 6 years ago


Blowing the immigration whistle, never mind the facts

It’s been coming for the past year or so – the would-be populist end of the coalition’s right wing getting into immigration bashing. The question now is where it might lead.

The odds of an immigration cut were shortening in the lead-up to last year’s budget. As it turned out, the government has so far maintained the permanent visa numbers but took an axe to temporary worker visas. As previously reported, 457 visa applications dropped by more than a third in the September quarter.

The relevant minister, Peter Dutton, was happy to tell the 2GB audience the government was not tied to the present level of immigration, and that it had already reduced the number of people entering Australia by 100,000 on levels when Labor was in power.

"We have to reduce the numbers": Minister Peter Dutton.

"We have to reduce the numbers": Minister Peter Dutton.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

One could well guess the Ray Hadley audience wouldn’t be interested in the detail of an unprecedented mining construction boom coinciding with the fruits of under-investment in medical training, a combination that would have had dire consequences for both the provision of vital services and avoiding a wages explosion that would have seen higher interest rates.

But this particular episode of Dutton pushing negative buttons didn’t last long. He was obliged to join the Cabinet pile-on slapping down Tony Abbott and defend our permanent visa settings.

The marginalised backbencher for Warringah managed to get himself back into the headlines with another blow on the immigration whistle.

It’s a stretch to call it news as Abbott has been having cracks at immigration levels as part of a “conservative manifesto” for the past year. Sometimes he received coverage, sometimes we were spared.

In the Prime Minister’s absence, Treasurer Morrison took the lead in attacking Abbott and his call to cut the annual 190,000 family reunion and skilled permanent visas to 110,000.


ANU demographer Dr Liz Allen did as well, putting the optimal level of immigration at between 160,000 and 210,000. Abbott's suggested cut could result in the adverse aspects of immigration being greater than the positives.

In a previous series of tweets, Dr Allen summarised that immigrants don’t steal Australian jobs – in fact, they “do work Aussies either aren’t skilled for, or won’t do”.

“Setting immigration intake at the historical average is nonsensical,” she tweeted. “Population characteristics have changed. The age structure is ageing. There’s no evidence supporting return to historical intake, there’s evidence to support the recent levels.”

Half-baked idea

But detailed analysis won’t shake believers in a “conservative manifesto” designed to appeal to One Nation voters, blaming immigration for “stagnant wages, unaffordable housing and clogged infrastructure” as Abbott has done.

And the entire exercise achieved for Abbott what Abbott wanted it to achieve – it had him back in the media as some sort of “conservative” spokesman, albeit reduced by the end of the week to having a sooky public hissy fit.

“One thing I am not going to cop is gratuitous criticism from ministers who are only in government because I led them there,” Abbott wrote in the Australian.

Yet, like Tony Abbott, attempts to blame immigration for some of our problems won’t go away. Like many a half-baked idea, there are some superficial elements of truth in it. Rather than the permanent visa quota being an issue, it’s been abuse of temporary visas that has become a problem.

Parliamentary Library researcher Henry Sherrell compiled the accompanying graph which shows the dramatic fall in 457 visa applications in the wake of the government announcing its temporary visa changes.

Perhaps of more interest for the population impact argument is the way the way the relationship between primary 457 visa applications and the ANZ job ads survey broke down in mid-2011. (The June 2013 spike was to beat a price rise that came in on July 1.)

Until then, there was an entirely reasonable correlation between employers advertising for workers and employers seeking temporary workers from overseas. It is curious that they started heading in opposite directions. That curiousness was a factor in the Gillard government looking to crack down on 457s in 2013.

Given that 457s make up barely one per cent of the workforce and they are spread across so many industries, it’s a very big stretch to suggest it is much more than a coincidence that the slide in wages growth started in late 2012.

Still, some change happens at the margin and some industries have felt temporary worker impacts more than others.

The apparent disconnect between the direction of labour demand and 457 applications may be a minor but still contributing factor along with the usual more obvious suspects of unemployment, underemployment, technological change, shrinking union power and chief financial officers protecting their bonuses by curtailing costs.

With the government now talking up the importance of getting wages growth off the floor, being seen to restrict the supply of labour becomes a tool.

BCA chutzpah

In the context of the corporate tax cut debate - in which the Business Council of Australia claims it’s all about providing more jobs and higher wages - it therefore takes a particular level of chutzpah for the BCA to ask for “trusted” employers to be exempt from some of the tougher temporary worker requirements come March 1.

The BCA wants more occupations to be eligible for longer-term visas and more leeway and less red tape for its members in hiring temporary workers when the government is specifically wanting to reduce the number of temporary visas.

The BCA submission does illustrate a core difference between beneficial and questionable visas. The examples it provides of occupations that should be granted longer and perhaps permanent visas tend to be jobs that effectively enable more jobs to be created, rather than filling a temporary hole.

That’s where Australia’s predominantly skills-based migration program allows one plus one to equal more than two.

The Productivity Commission’s 2016 report on Australia’s migrant intake stresses that point. It found that our current immigration profile is projected to deliver both demographic and per capita economic dividends, but there was room for improving the selection process.

The PC also underlined the need for more resources to be put into understanding what is happening with migration here to guide future immigration policy.


Without more research and hard data, populist grandstanding can too easily grab a headline. Cue Tony Abbott and, for that matter, novice Senator Jim Molan.

It was Senator Molan’s maiden speech that provided the trigger for Peter Dutton’s 2GB migration whistle. It’s another curiosity when the Liberal Party takes much notice of someone who was so far down their totem pole.

Australia’s permanent visa quota of 190,000 places for skilled migrants and family members (overwhelmingly spouses) has been steady for five years. Last financial year saw a boost in humanitarian visas to 24,612 thanks to the extra 12,000 places granted by the Abbott government to Syrian and Iraqi refugees.

Much of the population surge over the past two years came from the jump in foreign students – our third-biggest export industry.

But that's another detail that won't interest the whistlers.

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