

This was published 3 years ago

WA tourism operators ‘overlooked’ by federal $1.2b support package

By Tess Ingram

Exmouth tourism operator Sonia Beckwith has a strong message for the state and federal governments: “Do your job and help us.”

After 12 months of uncertainty, the founder and general manager of whale shark swim tour company Live Ningaloo said her business was still in “survival mode”, like many other small tourism operations across the state.

Face to face with a whale shark in the waters of the Ningaloo Marine Reserve.

Face to face with a whale shark in the waters of the Ningaloo Marine Reserve.Credit: Live Ningaloo

“We were nearly 70 per cent down last year,” Ms Beckwith said. “We have not moved on to recovery mode because we still checking our bookings on a daily basis and running profit and loss statements every other day to make sure we are tracking the way we need to be.”

On Thursday, the federal government unveiled a $1.2 billion support package that included discount airline tickets to regional locations across the country, which the government said were dependent on aviation for tourism during April to July.


It is offering 800,000 half-price tickets to 13 regions from April 1.

West Australian tourism operators say the state has been overlooked, with the discounted airfares applying to just one WA destination – Broome – compared with five in Queensland and three in Tasmania.

While airlines welcomed the package, industry groups said the absence of broader support for operators would result in job losses and federal Labor leader Anthony Albanese accused the Morrison government of targeting marginal seats.

“It’s not who needs support most ... it’s the electoral map,” he said.


WA Premier Mark McGowan acknowledged the state was “missing out” and accused the Morrison government of “punishing” Western Australia for its border policy.

“It is very disappointing that they would ignore WA like that,” he said. “I’d urge them to ensure that this decision is changed.”

Ms Beckwith said tourism operators like Live Ningaloo just wanted to be able to trade through this difficult time and said governments needed to better target and co-ordinate support.

“They all need to start working together,” she said. “Operators like us don’t care about the politics because we are still in this survival mode.

“We all need to be more transparent about the fact that not everyone is OK and acknowledging where we are at ... the state and federal governments have the figures now, they know who is hurting, they need to acknowledge that and they need to come to the table with some real help that will assist the people that need it. Do your job and help us.”

Busselton Jetty chief executive Lisa Shreeve said businesses in the South West were struggling and would have benefited from subsidised flights.

“There’s a perception the South West has gone really well and it doesn’t need any help and in part they’re right because hotels and restaurants are going gangbusters, but there is a two-speed economy and there are lots of businesses down here in the tourism industry that aren’t going well,” Ms Shreeve said.


“We would like to have a conversation with government about tour operators and attractions that are doing it tough so they might be able to consider us [for support] in the future.

“Nationwide, until interstate and international visitors come back, there are a lot of attractions that might fold. It’s hard to define who is in trouble and I know the government can’t keep handing out money but it’s important these businesses don’t disappear.”

In Broome, Robert Dann of Kimberley Cultural Adventures said while 2020 was one of his biggest years in five years operating, other Kimberley businesses more reliant on international visitors were struggling.

“If we have cheap eastern states flights coming into Broome that will be good for boosting tourism for us,” he said. “This support is good but what we need is for the borders to stay open.”

The announcement comes amid fears the industry will shed thousands more jobs when the JobKeeper wage subsidy ends later this month.

Tourism Council WA chief executive Evan Hall said one in five tourism operators risked closing their doors when JobKeeper, rent freezes, and loan deferrals ended in March. Mr Hall said continued financial assistance was required to help businesses survive until domestic travel returns in earnest.

“We urge the federal and state governments to provide direct support to all those businesses which are still facing a significant downturn due to interstate and international border restrictions and uncertainty,” Mr Hall said.

TCWA and Australian Hotels Association WA on Thursday called for Perth to be included in the subsidised flight destinations.

“It is pleasing to see Broome included but Perth must be included as a key destination as it will deliver a significant return on investment and meet the objectives of the support package,” AHA WA chief executive Bradley Woods said.

“With the WA government providing subsidised regional airfares, the inclusion of Perth would benefit the suffering Perth accommodation industry, but also act as gateway to tourism areas throughout the state.”

Federal Tourism Minister Dan Tehan told Radio 6PR the best thing WA could do for tourism was start using border closures as a last resort.

“It is the biggest obstacle to confidence,” Mr Tehan said.

“It is state border closures more than the pandemic which is now stopping people from travelling.”

While the industry battles on, Ms Beckwith and Ms Shreeve say the best thing individuals can do is to jump on a tour or visit an attraction while travelling in the state.

“People need to support the tours and attraction sector when they travel if they want these businesses here in the future,” Ms Beckwith said.

“Everybody boasts about how tourism in Australia is so sustainable and how we are world leaders but international travellers attracted to Australia will not come here if attraction and tours, especially in the wildlife sector, are not here after this.

“That’s the reality and I know a lot of people don’t want to talk about it but it’s a very real risk.”

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