

This was published 5 years ago

'Not working': Ombudsman calls for overhaul of unfair dismissal rules

By Cara Waters

Small businesses will be able to automatically sack staff who steal or are drunk at work under an overhaul of unfair dismissal laws recommended by the sector's ombudsman.

Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Kate Carnell on Tuesday published a review of the Small Business Fair Dismissal Code saying it is "not delivering what was intended".

Small business ombudsman Kate Carnell wants an overhaul of the small business unfair dismissal code.

Small business ombudsman Kate Carnell wants an overhaul of the small business unfair dismissal code. Credit: Jamila Toderas

Small businesses have been calling for reform in the wake of research published earlier this year which showed less than 1 per cent of unfair dismissal claims were backed by the industrial umpire.

During the first three months of this year the Fair Work Commission received 3583 unfair dismissal applications and most were settled during mediation.

Of the 172 cases that were presented to the commission, 111 were dismissed because they were without merit or deemed legally invalid, Ms Carnell said.

The Ombudsman's review calls for separate processes under the code for serious misconduct, conduct and redundancy.

Serious misconduct is currently defined in the code as "theft, fraud, violence and serious breaches of occupational health and safety procedures".

The review recommends a significant widening of this definition to include wilful or deliberate behaviour by employees inconsistent with the continuation of the contract of employment, causing serious and imminent risk to the health or safety of the employee or others, reputational risk, theft, fraud, assault or violence, intoxication at work and refusal or failure to carry out reasonable instructions.


It recommends the removal of the application of the code on grounds of capacity, which deals with people who are unable to perform their job because they are ill or injured.

The review also recommends the removal of qualifying language including the legal concepts of "reasonable belief" and "reasonable chance" that are open to contest and interpretation.

The review calls for the establishment of a dedicated small business division of the Fair Work Commission to deal with unfair dismissal cases.

"The code in its current form is not achieving the ends it is supposed to," Ms Carnell said. "The way it was written left too many holes for lawyers to drive through."

Ms Carnell said the ambiguity in the code means too many small businesses are being pulled into unfair dismissal hearings which are costly and impact productivity.

"Nobody wants to dismiss somebody but when it happens you want to do it fairly," she said. "It's not working."

Ms Carnell wants the government to consider the recommendations in its review of the industrial relations process.

"I would like the government to take it on board as part of the conversation about the changes that need to happen to the industrial relations space to make it work better both for employees and employers," she said.

Attorney General and Minister for Industrial Relations Christian Porter said when the code was introduced it was intended to be a clear and concise reference to help small business employers meet their obligations.

"As this report makes clear, there is a very widespread view that the code is not achieving these objectives," he said. "The government has already identified the small business code as a possible area of reform. I will be considering this report whilst I determine an appropriate consultation process on the issues raised."

Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations Christian Porter.

Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations Christian Porter. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The Ombudsman said there has been a substantial increase in unfair dismissal claims since the Fair Work act came into operation.

Data from the Fair Work Commission annual reports show the total number of lodged unfair dismissal claims has almost doubled in the last ten years increasing from 7994 in 2008-2009 to 13,595 in 2017-2018.

Australian Council of Trade Unions secretary Sally McManus said the government should reject the recommendations.

"This report is a blueprint for undermining the rights of working people and letting bosses fire them for any reason or no reason," she said.

ACTU boss Sally McManus.

ACTU boss Sally McManus. Credit: Jason South

"It suggests that the independent umpire should help bosses who want to do this – this is a dangerous and irresponsible suggestion."

Giri Sivaraman, employment law principal at plaintiff law firm Maurice Blackburn, said a wholesale new division of the Fair Work Commission was unprecedented and would be a "very significant change".

Mr Sivaraman said the recommendation for the code not to be applied on the grounds of capacity would also have far-reaching consequences.

"That is quite significant as it will remove the rights of people who are ill and injured to remain at work," he said.

Mr Sivaraman said the Small Business Fair Dismissal Code operated well in its current form.

"I don’t think it is too onerous to require basic natural justice," he said. "These provisions have been in place for a long time, they are well established and there is plenty of precedents around them."

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