

This was published 5 years ago


'Irony' lost on ATO staff as spin goes into overdrive

There’s spin and then there’s spin. If you only read the Australian Taxation Office’s response to a report into its use of garnishee notices, everything is hunky dory.

Garnishee notices are a powerful tool that let the tax office take control of bank accounts when it believes money is owed.

ATO Commissioner Chris Jordan.

ATO Commissioner Chris Jordan.Credit: Andrew Meares

Its use - or misuse - of the powers has been under the microscope since a damning investigation by The Age, Sydney Morning Herald and ABC's Four Corners.

The ATO used the findings from the Inspector General of Taxation's report to give itself a clean bill of health.

"It is pleasing to see that the Inspector-General found absolutely no evidence of a culture of antagonism against small businesses or any other type of taxpayer," the statement from Commissioner Chris Jordan said.

"In their review they found professional, hard-working people following our processes and attempting to do their often difficult job as well as possible.

"These findings are in stark contrast to the picture painted by ABC’s Four Corners program in April 2018 which would have its viewers believe that our staff were rushing to issue garnishee notices without proper thought or process to meet a target."

In other words, the ATO was saying there’s nothing to see here. But this is something that can’t be airbrushed with spin.


In truth the IGT's report into garnishees, found problems especially in the department's Adelaide office during the period described by ATO whistleblower Richard Boyle, who is facing 161 years in jail after being charged with 66 offences, signed off by Jordan.

Despite the review's careful wording, restrictive terms of reference and internal politics, it still found some small business people were "disaffected" as a result of the garnishee notices.

"Problems did arise in certain localised pockets with the issuing of enduring garnishee notices for a limited period, particularly so at the ATO’s Adelaide local site, but these problems were anticipated and addressed by management once they became aware of them," the IGT report said.

Its investigation couldn’t find evidence there was an ATO direction for a "cash grab" or that debt staff’s personal performance were set on amounts collected but said: "this is not to say that all staff on all occasions have exercised that power proportionately and appropriately."

The same report tried to dismiss as "ironic" an email sent out by an ATO officer to staff just before the close of business saying: "The last hour of power is upon us… That means you still have time to issue another 5 garnishees…. Right?"

The irony must have washed over staff in Adelaide as the report says: "For the month of June 2017, the local Adelaide unit site recorded an increase in both the number of garnishees issued and the proportion of enduring garnishees issued across the site."

The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprises Ombudsman’s Kate Carnell isn't likely to buy the ATO's spin. She last year blamed performance targets for the mistreatment of small business and separately suggested the IGT also needed to be looked at.

She was spot on.

Last week the Small and Family Business Minister Michaelia Cash asked Carnell to review the ATO’s treatment of small businesses involved in legal disputes, including moves to begin recovery of debts before cases are resolved. Cash obviously felt, too, that there was something amiss.

Kate Carnell wants greater powers to investigate small business complaints against the ATO.

Kate Carnell wants greater powers to investigate small business complaints against the ATO.Credit: Louis Douvis

So too did a bipartisan House of Representatives Standing Committee on Tax and Revenue which released  in February a scathing report into the ATO which found an imbalance of power and made 37 recommendations to fix the power imbalance with those in the ATO's sights.

MPs, like independent senator Rex Patrick, are promising more tough questioning in parliament.

Faced with all of that, you'd hope the spin will stop.

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