

This was published 10 years ago

Dymocks hails new chapter in $2b book market if import bans scrapped

By Sue Mitchell

, the owner of Australia's oldest and largest book retailer, has been lobbying for 27 years for restrictions on the importation of books to be unwound. Now, the 74-year-old may finally get his wish.

Forsyth, the chairman of Dymocks Group, envisions a renaissance in the $2 billion book market if the government agrees to scrap parallel import bans.

The multimillionaire philanthropist has been campaigning for an open market for books since 1987, six years after selling his printing business to buy the bookstore chain founded by his great uncle William Dymock in 1879.

Despite multiple inquiries – including a Productivity Commission review in 2008 that found book lovers were in effect subsidising publishers by paying on average 35 per cent more than consumers overseas – parallel import restrictions remain in place.

Mr Forsyth finally sees light at the end of the tunnel after the Harper competition law review recommended last month that remaining ­restrictions on parallel imports be removed.

"Every time we get into this the politicians go to water," Mr Forsyth told Business Day in his first media interview in almost 10 years. "Hopefully it will be different this time.

"I suspect this government may have a better handle on the economics of it. They seem to be taking a harder line with some of these things and I suspect they may see the logic in it.

"Sometimes in Australia people are paying far too much for books and that's not very clever for what's supposed to be the Clever Country."

'Extraordinary anomaly'

Parallel import restrictions­ ­prevent bookstores importing commercial quantities of books if Australian publishers stock them within 30 days of release overseas.


If parallel import restrictions were removed, book prices would fall by an average of 20 to 25 per cent, he said. That would revive book sales and enable bricks and mortar retailers to take back market share from online juggernauts Amazon, The Book Depository and Booktopia, which now account for 25 per cent of Australian book sales.

"A lot of what is now going to Amazon and overseas retailers would be more attractive here if people could buy in Australia for the same price structure," he says "If they can buy here, it's easier to return books and look before you buy."

Forsyth is also a critic of the GST exemption for goods worth less than $1000 bought online overseas.

"It is an extraordinary anomaly," he said. "It transfers Australian jobs overseas and ... tilts the playing field against Australian retailers, who consequently make less profit and pay less tax."

Dymocks has been in talks with the federal government about parallel import bans since the Harper review's draft report came out last month.

"I'm more hopeful that this government is a better economic manager than the last one, and if you're managing economics, well, this is such a no-brainer," Forsyth says.

More than one third of Dymocks' competitors have gone out of business in the past 10 years, according to IBISWorld figures. Retail book sales have fallen more than 5 per cent a year over the past five years while online book sales have surged 26 per cent a year.

Right way to go

Dymocks has managed to buck the trend by embracing e-commerce and emulating big retailers such as Woolworths and Myer by harnessing the power of "big data" to analyse customer shopping habits and drive sales through its Booklovers club.

Dymocks' same-store sales rose 8 per cent last financial year – well ahead of the 1.3 per cent growth in the total book market – and sales in the first quarter of 2015 had risen 8.6 per cent.

"The [data] analysis allows us to identify customers far more individually and what they like and don't like and what turns them on," Forsyth says. "It also enables us to give them the service where they require it, whether it's online or click-and-collect or in-store."

Mr Forsyth is widely credited with introducing modern bookselling techniques to Australia by adopting a franchise structure and increasing the number of stores from two to more than 80 in Australia at the chain's peak.

He believes Borders and Angus & Robertson collapsed because most of their stores were company-owned.

"Undoubtedly franchising is the right way to go – our figures show that a good franchisee can get an extra 25 to 30 per cent more sales out of any given store," he said. "They have their own money on the line and they don't come in at 9am and leave at 5pm."

Mr Forsyth hopes to take the company's use of data analytics to a new level after appointing Professor Salah Sukkarieh, an international expert in robotics and intelligent systems, to the Dymocks Group board as a non-executive director.

Potential for robotics

Best known for its chain of 70-odd book stores, Dymocks Group also owns macadamia farms on the north coast of NSW, confectionery maker Patons, which exports to more than 40 countries, the Healthy Habits takeaway food chain and an extensive property portfolio, including the 80-year-old Art Deco Dymocks Arcade on Sydney's George Street.

In 1991, Dymocks became the target of a clandestine spying operation by Coles Myer, which wanted to buy the Dymocks building on the cheap.

Mr Forsyth hopes to tap Professor Sukkarieh's knowledge of data analytics and robotics to reduce costs and better service customers in all its businesses, particularly horticulture.

"The potential for robotics is massive, but that will take us some time to identify," he said.

Professor Sukkarieh fills a gap on the Dymocks board after the departure of former NSW Premier, who stepped down after returning to politics in 2012. Other directors are Forsyth's partner,, Cathy Tiberio and, a former managing director of Dymocks and Sheridan.

"We maintain a skills matrix for the skill sets we want to attract on to our board – they're obviously aligned with what we're doing today and what we hope to do in the future."

Forsyth ran Dymocks' book stores for about 10 years before handing over the reins to focus on growing other parts of the empire.

The group now has sales of "several hundreds of millions" of dollars. It is looking for acquisitions in retail and property while expanding the Healthy Habits chain in Australia and overseas and launching new macadamia-based products.

"We want to acquire businesses where we can utilise our skills," Forsyth says. "We have run our ruler over a couple of things that haven't come up to scratch."

Forsyth likes to keep a low profile and has no plans to take Dymocks public again, so the group appears destined to remain in family hands. His son James now runs Dymocks' stationery business.

"We're not short of [money]," he says. "We have a strong balance sheet. In public companies, it tends to divert a board's attention, it becomes all about governance."

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