

This was published 8 years ago

Budget 2016: Scott Morrison leaves hip pockets untouched

By Matt Wade

How pre-election budgets have changed.

Not so long ago they were marked by targeted giveaways designed to woo voters. When John Howard was fighting for his political life prior to the 2007 poll the budget unleashed a wave of new spending including $31.5 billion worth of tax cuts, top-ups for superannuation and a boost to childcare subsidies.

But things are different now. With revenue under great pressure in the wake of the mining boom, governments are in no position to fund handouts - even when a tight election looms in eight weeks.

There's an ultra-modest tax cut to offset the effects of 'bracket creep' - a term that describes how wages growth gradually pushes workers into higher tax brackets. The Treasurer says this bracket tweak - lifting the middle tax threshold by $7000 to $87,000 - will spare 500,000 workers from moving into the second top tax bracket. But it will only deliver up to $6 per week to those who earn over $80,000. Eight in 10 taxpayers miss out out altogether but the budget papers raised hopes for the future - it describes this year's modest offering as "a downpayment" on future tax relief as the budget position allows.

The new Low Income Superannuation Tax offset will give a modest boost to some nest eggs.

The new Low Income Superannuation Tax offset will give a modest boost to some nest eggs.Credit: Virginia Star

A striking feature of Scott Morrison's first budget is how low- and middle-income hip pockets are largely left untouched.

"This is not a time to be splashing money around," he said in his budget speech.


Very high income earners will be hit by changes to superannuation tax concessions, but the Treasurer claimed in his budget speech that 96 per cent of individuals with superannuation will not be adversely affected. At the other end of the scale the new Low Income Superannuation Tax offset will give a modest boost to some nest eggs. The Treasurer claims it will assist around 2 million low income women to build their superannuation savings.

But there is one group that loses a lot from the budget: smokers.

Illustration: Ron Tandberg.

Illustration: Ron Tandberg.

The government will match a policy already announced by Labor and extend an annual 12.5 per cent increase in tobacco excise for four years from mid 2017. That is in addition to a pre-existing indexation increase pegged to wages growth. Analysis of Labor's policy shows the changes mean a pack of 25 cigarettes that now costs around $25 rose to nearly $41 by 2020. By the end of the decade 75 per cent of the cost of cigarettes in Australia would made up by tax.

The change to tobacco excise is expected to raise the Commonwealth $4.7 billion over the next four years. But the states will benefit too - the budget papers estimate the price hike will raise an extra $445 million that will be paid to states and territories.

The Coalition's move on tobacco excise shows it has become politically acceptable to levy massive taxes on smokers.

Taxing tobacco is an easy target because it affects less than one in five voters. It is also very unpopular - even among those who smoke.

Taxing tobacco has also proved to be very effective – the combination of higher prices and plain packaging have helped drive down smoking rates.

There are clear health benefits from less tobacco use and the taxation of cigarettes has been an effective way of changing behaviour.

The government will also take away benefits that would have accrued to households in future under carbon tax compensation. It means families and pensioners, not yet receiving welfare but who qualify in the future, will receive less than they would have otherwise to assist with energy bills and some other payments. Those already receiving carbon tax compensation will not be affected.

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