

This was published 8 years ago

Budget 2016: Schools and hospitals win $4 billion extra funding

By Jane Lee and Adam Gartrell

The Turnbull government will invest an extra $4 billion in schools and hospitals in an attempt to neutralise Labor's key strength ahead of the July election.

The amounts, confirmed in Tuesday's budget, represent a minor retreat from former prime minister Tony Abbott's 2014 pledge to cut $80 billion from both over a decade.

Meanwhile, the government maintained its agreement with the states and territories to grow public hospital funding by $2.9 billion for three years from 2017.

Budget papers revealed that under the hospitals agreement, NSW would receive about $652 million in additional funding between 2017 and 2020, while Victoria would receive an extra $478 million.

The Coalition has pledged to grow public hospital funding by $2.9 billion for three years from 2017.

The Coalition has pledged to grow public hospital funding by $2.9 billion for three years from 2017.Credit: Peter Braig

The agreement stalls the government's plans to limit hospital funding growth to inflation and population growth rates – which the Australian Medical Association has argued would leave hospitals in a "funding black hole" - for another three years.As revealed on the weekend, it will also spend an additional $1.2 billion in public and private schools over the three years to 2020. This will lift recurrent school funding from $16 billion in 2016 to a little over $20 billion in 2020.

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The largest cut in health was to aged care providers, with the government planning to save $1.2 billion over four years in funding for aged care providers who deliver complex health care to residents.


The savings would come from changes to the Aged Care Funding Instrument, which determines the level of funding paid to aged care providers, including plans to halve inflation for the complex care component this year.

Budget papers described the amount providers were claiming from the government to provide complex health care - including pain management - as "unsustainable spending" because it was growing two-and-a-half times faster than the amount they claimed for daily living activities and to help manage residents' cognitive impairments.

"Savings arising from better targeting of the funding that aged care providers receive will provide the ability to introduce new aged care intiiatives and help meet the continued growth in aged care funding overall," they said.

It follows the government's MYEFO announcement that it would introduce $10,800 fines this year for aged care providers that deliberately lodged false claims for government funding under the instrument, in a move set to claw back $472 million.

Medicare changes

The government will also continue its freeze on Medicare rebates for all GP, medical specialist and allied health services until June 2020. It predicted this would save about $925.3 million between 2018 and 2020. The private insurance rebate and the Medicare levy surcharge would also be frozen until July 1, 2021, saving a further $744.2 million.

The budget also signalled a number of cuts and other changes to the Medicare Benefits Schedule on the recommendation of the Medical Services Advisory Committee, which is conducting an ongoing review of the schedule.

The government will remove or amend items the committee had identified as "clinically obsolete". Budget papers said the federal government would claw back about $5.1 million in rebates from these items over four years, but did not detail which items.

Further information would be available from the Department of Health when the changes took effect, they said.

Rebates for newly listed items on the Medicare Benefits Schedule and Veterans Benefits Schedule would also be restricted to save a further $51.4 million over four years. This included consolidating 57 skin service items and restricting concurrent claims for varicose veins treatments "where clinically appropriate."

The government will also spend about $36 million to add retinal photography and magnetic resonance imaging of the breast to the Medicare Benefits Schedule, enabling more people to be diagnosed early for Diabetic Retinopathy and breast cancer respectively.

In exchange for additional funding for schools, the government plans to impose new quality conditions on state and territory governments, emphasising a "back to basics" focus on literacy and numeracy. It will also require them to at least maintain student funding levels in a bid to stop cost-shifting to the Commonwealth.

It will be tied to a needs-based distribution of funding like Labor's so-called Gonski school funding reforms.

Education Minister Simon Birmingham described it as the "most signficiant package of eduction quality reforms in a generation".

"We are commited to fairness and equity as core values across all parts of our education system," he said.

The government has also committed an additional $118 million over 2016 and 2017 to increase funding for students with disabilities. The funding will be targetted at schools and students with the highest need.

However, the money on offer falls well short of what the opposition is promising to deliver under the "full Gonski".

Labor says it will boost schools funding by $4.5 billion over 2018 and 2019. But the annual increases of 3.56 per cent are more generous than the inflation rate increases that were being offered under Tony Abbott's government.

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