

This was published 3 years ago


Is it delegation? Or is it laziness?

By James Adonis

Scholars refer to it as “laissez-faire” leadership but the rest of us know it better as lazy leadership – a similar-sounding label to describe those whose idea of a leader is someone who doesn’t need to do much. Someone who rarely needs to be present or visible, who’d rather be hands-off than too involved. But could it be we’re misinterpreting their passive behaviour?

It’s possible that what we perceive as disinterest in decision-making they perceive as granting autonomy and what we view as neglect of their duties they view as sharing responsibility. In other words, they think they’re empowering when in reality they’re disengaging.

Laziness and delegation can sometimes be conflated.

Laziness and delegation can sometimes be conflated. Credit: iStock

A pertinent example is delegation because it shares some of the same characteristics as lazy leadership. Both require the leader to step back, to let employees make decisions and to pass on tasks they would have otherwise completed themselves.

Of course there are several obvious differences between the two, some of them quite striking, such as the active and directive nature of delegation versus the detached and somewhat sedated nature of lazy leadership. But the similarities are similar enough to question whether good intentions are inadvertently misunderstood.

There are a couple of factors that explain how the two become conflated. One is that employees feel they’ve been set up to fail if an initial discussion to clarify objectives is overlooked. Another is a sense they’re out of their depth if there’s a lack of ongoing mentoring and support.

Frustration and anxiety then ensue. They can ensue even if the leader specifically informs employees they’re intentionally being left to their own devices to resolve a problem by themselves for developmental reasons – as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Despite that explicit explanation, “the degree to which the [employee] understands or accepts this may be questionable. Even with positive developmental motivations, a manager stepping back may create role ambiguity … and may cause [employees] to consider the manager’s lack of involvement” as aloof and negligent.

That’s how scholars have framed their research on this issue, the findings of which are due to be published next month in the Journal of Leadership and Organisational Studies.

They suggest it’s “entirely possible that what a manager or even an outside observer might view as delegation [could] be perceived by the subordinate as the absence of needed leadership … Therefore, managers who use more delegation could have subordinates who perceive them as laissez-faire leaders, regardless of whether this judgment was objectively accurate.”


To further understand the consequences that arise, the researchers analysed the perceptions formed by almost 150 employees of their leaders over a period of two months. Those who rightly or wrongly determined their boss to be less of a boss and more of a phantom reacted with what’s known as “dysfunctional resistance”.


Dysfunctional resistance is passive aggressive. It can include refusing to comply with a leader’s request, exerting less effort on the job, pretending to have forgotten their leader’s instructions and acting as though they don’t understand what’s been asked of them. Half defiance, half pantomime.

In effect, once they decide their leader is lazy and indifferent, they retaliate by mirroring that conduct. They, too, become lazy and indifferent. That surely makes for an unproductive and undesired workplace for all involved. (Or uninvolved as the case may be.)

The primary lesson that emerges is this: delegation alone is insufficient. The follow-up is just as important. It necessitates active communication, the provision of resources and feedback on what went well and what could be improved. Otherwise it isn’t delegation. Neither is it leadership.

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