

This was published 3 years ago


Are employees a cause of bad management?

By James Adonis

The massive volume of research on reasons why employees hate their job points a united finger toward one direction as the culprit. Their manager. Indeed, much of this column for 12 years has been dedicated to this phenomenon. But to paraphrase an occasionally true truism, the proverbial pointing of an employee’s finger neglects the three pointed back at them.

That’s the premise of a fresh study, the findings of which are due to be published next month, run by a global team of scholars that included our own Curtin University. They began with the widely accepted empirical statistic that two-thirds of employees blame their boss for their workplace woes but what the researchers really wanted to explore was the following question:

Two thirds of employees blame their boss for their workforce woes.

Two thirds of employees blame their boss for their workforce woes.

Could it be that some employees are in fact the cause of their boss’s bad behaviour?

There was a particular type of bad behaviour on which they focused their analysis – “petty tyranny” – which some would argue is the most annoying; certainly the most suffocating. It encompasses excessive micromanagement, the rejection of ideas, an insistence on obedience and the prioritisation of punishment over rewards and recognition.

It’d be of no surprise to anyone that typical casualties in such work environments include job satisfaction, well-being and performance, with very little chance of their resuscitation.

There is no doubt the manager is in many cases responsible for these outcomes. For factors that may be associated with their incompetence, personality, lack of training, their own senior leaders and who knows what else. Employees, too, can be culpable, with the researchers concentrating their investigation specifically on resistance.

Employee resistance can be brazenly verbal – an outright “no” to a managerial request – or it could instead be on the subtle end of the resistance continuum, something akin to a charade. This commonly involves acting as though they’ll comply with the request but having absolutely no intention of doing so.

It’s easy to see how managers could interpret that disobedience as a threat to their identity and as “a challenge to their power and control”. Even as a personal insult. One that needs to be eliminated via some of the oppressive and punitive behaviours mentioned earlier – whatever it takes to “intimidate their followers in order to reach their primary objective”.

That is in essence what the scholars discovered in their innovative experiment which used audio recordings to measure how managers reacted when they were confronted by different intensities of employee resistance.


The results of the experiment revealed employees are not always “powerless individuals who are under the control of their leader” and it’s a misperception to assume they’re “solely passive victims”. At times they can be quite active and “integral to the leadership process” with an ability to “trigger destructive leader behaviour” by defying and resisting.


In trying to restore their status in this specific context, managers and leaders usually retaliate. Which is ultimately their grave mistake. Because it sets off a tit-for-tat series of vindictive acts that sees them “trading the roles of victim and perpetrator” with their employees, worsening the situation when they could have just decided to be the bigger person. The role model.

It’s likely, for example, that they misconstrue their employees’ resistance. What they judge as resistance may actually be a well-intentioned protest at what employees have viewed as inconsiderate or morally questionable.

That’s why impulsive reactions generally produce a counterproductive consequence, especially when considering how difficult it is to “differentiate whether follower resistance comes with a positive or a negative intention”.

If there’s ever to be an impulse of any sort, much better for all concerned for it to be concern. That is, the type of concern associated with curiosity and a desire to understand. Not of worry and anxiety. Why contribute to something that’s already at unprecedented levels?

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