

This was published 4 years ago

Troubled iSignthis makes disclosure changes following expert report

By Sarah Danckert

Troubled technology group iSignthis will make a series of changes to the way it deals with company disclosures following a review by an independent expert the company agreed to hire after concerns by the market operator.

The full report by Clayton Utz remains under lock and key after being delivered to the ASX on Friday morning after the market operator sent a series of questions about the report, including its scope, to the group, which is suspended from trading.

ISignthis chief executive and John Karantzis.

ISignthis chief executive and John Karantzis. Credit:

ISignthis agreed to hire an independent expert after a preliminary report by the ASX alleged significant breaches by the group over its disclosure practices, particularly in regards to how it reported its revenue and key contracts with customers.

The company, which provides automated payment verification and payment services to clients including trading sites and gaming platforms, is at loggerheads with the ASX over the suspension of its shares since October. ISignthis is suing the ASX in the Federal Court, while the corporate watchdog is also reviewing the company's disclosures.


ISignthis released the report's summary on Monday but has not released the full report for commercial and legal reasons. ASX intends to release the report on the exchange when it is satisfied it meets its standards.

In a letter to shareholders, iSignthis chief executive John Karantzis said the independent expert had found no material non compliance findings by the company, but added he accepted the expert had found areas that needed improving.

"Where the independent expert has found that there have been shortfalls, we will improve," he said.

The expert has recommended a raft of changes including that iSignthis makes announcements when it signs up a customer that will have a material impact on earnings and making available shareholder meeting requisition requests.


The updated continuous disclosure rules also beef up iSignthis board's oversight of the activities of its executives. This includes requiring disclosure obligations extend to directors and that a committee is set up including Mr Karantzis, chairman Tim Hart, and the company secretary to discuss matters of potential disclosure.

The company will also be required to hand over presentation to the disclosure officers (the board and senior executives) before they are made public so that no sensitive material is inadvertently leaked.

Staff will also be re-trained and iSignthis will develop a “more detailed” media relations policy that more closely aligns to the practices of other companies".

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