

This was published 5 years ago

Transcript: Marcus Blackmore on China, bad businesses and his dad firing him three times

By Elizabeth Knight

Marcus Blackmore will shortly step back out of semi-retirement to take over as interim chief executive of vitamins giant Blackmores.

The ASX listed company has been on a rollercoaster ride recently and in February announced its chief executive would leave the company.

Below is a full transcript of Marcus Blackmore's interview with Elizabeth Knight where he canvasses a wide range of topics including the future of his business, how he lobbies in Canberra, predictions for China, how he was fired by his father three times and what he sees as being at the heart of the trust issues bedevilling business.

Question: Firstly, I just wanted to say, thanks Marcus for joining us and coming in. So, perhaps if we could first touch on recent events. It's been a busy few weeks for Blackmores. So, to get back to - let's start with that Australian regulation issue. When we last spoke, which I think was last week, you were on your way to see Kerryn Phelps to speak about the coalition's plan to take naturopathic medicine off the list of health insurance rebates.

The decision, I believe, was off the back of a review by the former Commonwealth Chief Medical Officer, who found there was no clear evidence demonstrating the efficacy of natural therapies. Well, firstly, can I ask you, how did that meeting go?

Marcus Blackmore: The meeting with Kerryn Phelps went well. I've known Kerryn for a long time. She's an integrated medicine practitioner. She was disturbed by the action of the Morrison government in introducing this regulation, that will, from 1 April, will mean that a number of natural therapies will not be able to claim anything back from private health insurance. It was based on work done by a previous - the Labor government actually commissioned the work. The work, from our point of view, was totally unscientific and flawed. Some of the work, for instance, on the homeopathic review, we believe suffered from the same problem.

The ombudsman has it at the moment and we are hopeful that he'll release his report to say the way the review was conducted was unscientific and that and so on.

So, we don't believe the basis of the argument was valid. In fact, when it comes to the rebate, that was tried some years ago, when Tony Abbott was the Health Minister.

At that stage my own private health insurance company were able to give us a letter to say those people who actually avail themselves of the extra benefits on their private health insurance actually cost the government less. It was an amount of something like $250 a year.


Now, there's a bit of logic in that, because those people who do yoga, or go to a naturopath, or something, they're generally people who look after their health better. Ultimately they're going to be a less impost on the public purse.

We were able to demonstrate that. Unfortunately, the insurance companies are getting a bit battered around the head by the government at the moment, so they haven't exactly come forward with the same data at the moment, but I'm sure it's there.

Those people who do yoga, or go to a naturopath, or something, they're generally people who look after their health better.

Marcus Blackmore

Question: Is the insurance - do you believe that the motivation for the government to do that this time, is being pushed by the insurance companies?

Blackmore: No, it's been pushed by government to try and save a quid. Look, we've had different estimates, but we've certainly been talking to Minister Hunt about it. I understand that the saving was to the order of $20 million. But it's a false saving. Those people will now move to more orthodox medicine and they're going to cost the government a lot more.

See, when it comes to complimentary medicine and natural therapies, people largely pay through the nose for these things. If you go to a doctor - I was with my cardiologist this morning. I walked out there and said, well how much do I owe? Nothing. It's all on Medicare. If there's any prescription that he wrote, that won't cost me anything. It might cost me a couple of dollars as a dispensing fee.

Heatlh Minister Greg Hunt.

Heatlh Minister Greg Hunt.Credit: Simon Schluter

But if you go to a naturopath, or you go to a herbalist, those people are going to be restricted in their practice, because of this legislation, because of this regulation. Those people, they have the - if they prescribe complimentary medicines they get charged GST. So, my argument with government is stop beating us round the head. We're actually revenue-positive to you guys. Whereas the pharma industry is costing $8 billion a year, which is the subsidy for drugs in Australia. That's not to say we don't need drugs, of course we need drugs, [unclear].

Question: So, apart from what it might cost say the government purse to do this, how much will it impact your company and its profits [and sales]?

Blackmore: Well, I think one of the problems for us is the unidentified consequences. We believe a large part of this is driven by the Friends of Science. There are two people on the Medical Board in Australia that are part of Friends of Science and they - now the Medical Board's putting out a whole new policy on complimentary medicine and integrated medicine practitioners. If that gets up, it could spell the death knell of integrated medicine practitioners in Australia.


So come back to the unintended consequences. For instance, we're aware that there are a number of ex-diggers with PTSD and they've found in this hospital that yoga is really good for them. Now, to suggest that yoga has no evidence is sheer stupidity on behalf of that review panel. Sheer stupidity. They just don't look. It was never intended that they look that far. They were out to rubbish complimentary medicine, which, I've got to say, they've done fairly effectively.

Question: Well, you're, of course, yourself, an ex-veteran of Vietnam. Am I correct there?

Blackmore: Well, yes, I was. So, I have a particular interest in PTSD. I don't think I have it, not yet anyway. But thankfully there's a wonderful woman in my life, her name is Petrea King. Petrea King runs a centre called Quest for Life at Bundanoon in the southern highlands. She's takes on people with PTSD. She took on eight policemen with PTSD. Six months later seven of the eight were back at work. Now, I don't think there's any conventional medical treatment that can get that sort of result. So, it's an ongoing thing. In her case, you just go to spend a week there. She was diagnosed with Leukaemia, oh, 15, 20 years ago and told she had - 20 years ago - and told she had 18 months to live. So she lived.

She is thankful for that, obviously and she's now dedicated her life to people with trauma. Whether it's PTSD, whether it's been diagnosed with cancer, whether it's loss of a loved one, or something like that. So, they go and do this week at her retreat at Bundanoon, which Caroline and I are large supporters of and I think she gets some outstanding results. It's basically to do with lifestyle changes, what you eat, what you don’t eat, medication, yoga and things like that.


Let me tell you a story. I did a defence job, for Defence. I was chairman of the Defence Reserves Support Council, which looks after our reservists, of which we've got 22,000, or something, in Australia. On my board was an amazing Aboriginal man, Tom Calma. Now Tom Calma is the Chancellor of Canberra University. So, I said to Tom one day, I said, Tom, you black fellers, I said - I can talk to him like that, he's a good friend - I said, Tom, you black fellers, you've been into spiritual medicine for, not hundreds, thousands of years. Us white honkies, we're just starting to get into it.

If 10 years ago you said you were meditating, people thought you had rocks in your head. Now just about everybody's meditating sort of thing. Yoga and things like that are becoming so popular. I said, what a shame it is us white honkies didn't sit down with you black guys when we first came here and said, what can you teach us and what can we teach you. I think the world would have been a better place. Tom said to me, Marcus, I've never thought about it like that, but I think you're right. It's a good story.

Question: Perhaps let's bring ourselves back down to the business itself for a minute. Your chief executive, of course, Richard, resigned a few weeks ago. He'd only been there for 18 months.

Blackmore: Yep. He'd been in the company a lot longer.

Question: But he'd been chief executive, of course. He's succeeded Christine Holgate. What happened there? How did it get to that and was it just - did you make the right decision in the first place to hire him? Or did you - was it a right decision in the first place to hire an internal? How do you feel…

Blackmore: Well, that's - I suppose, I would imagine some of my directors say we should have gone outside, which we are now doing, to replace Richard. But look, it was an ongoing thing for some time. My board - and I've got a very competent board and I'm about to have three women on the board, so that's a plus. The board were concerned about - had been aware that there's a need for change in the business. That's been on the table for a couple of years really. In fact, that change was about, we're not making decisions quick enough. We almost had a silo sort of mentality in the place. Different departments not integrating with one another, not communicating with one another well enough.

The place was sort of becoming a bit too bureaucratic. These are the sort of things that happen if you don't manage your growth well enough. I think that's the nub of our problem. So, the board absolutely believed, they called it transformational change. Well, I think that exaggerates it a little bit. We're not in…

Question: Well, it does suggest it's very large to have a transformation, doesn't it?

Blackmore: Yeah. I don't think it needs to be that large. But certainly we need to improve on things. When the board sat down with Richard and that process has been going on for a little while, Richard made a decision that he would resign, that it was probably appropriate for somebody else to take the company through that next phase. So, that was it. It had nothing to do with the drop in our share price the previous week. Nothing.

Question: Well, of course, the interesting part is, of course, they did come virtually one after the other.

Blackmore: Yeah. So, I guess the timing of Richard's resignation was probably not the best in that sense, because some people just put two and two together and said, well, hang on, share price dropped 23 per cent or something this week and the chief executive goes next week. It's obvious what's happened. Well, that wasn't right at all.

Question: Coincidence in a sense?

Blackmore: Yeah.

Question: Oh, well, not coincidence. But at any rate, so that, of course, since you did have that, I mean, of course, the drop in the share price was on the back of your outlook statement. The slowing sales, out of - sorry, the growth of sales out of China. So, I guess the question is - and now, of course, analysts have come in and downgraded your full year on the basis of that outlook report. Do you think the analysts have got it right, or are they getting too nervous?

Blackmore: I'm not sure analysts have ever got it right that much. But look, we're living in a very sensitive market. The sensitivities - I remember years ago, when we had an exposed, we had a small business in the US. Any company that had an exposure in the US got marked down. So, my board at the time decided we'd get out of the US. We were just selling skin care products which we had then. So, we got out of it. Well, this is a parallel situation. We've now got a market that's very sensitive about companies that have got an exposure to China. Is that unreasonable? Probably not. I mean, the China market is a massive opportunity. I mean, there's just so many people live there, obviously and they're getting wealthier.

It's a massive opportunity. But it comes with a higher level of risk, in comparison, say, to our other more established markets in Asia, where we've been for something like 30-odd years in those other markets. So, when we inferred that we - we don't give guidance. We went public in 1983 and I think in that time we gave guidance once. The problem with guidance is, that if you say I'm going to make $20 million profit this year and you make $19,999,000, they’ll say, the headlines in the paper the next day, Blackmores falls short, or something.

So, what we do in our outlook is to simply say, if a shareholder said to Marcus, how are we going, then the outlook should give him that sort of indication. Remember at the moment we report quarterly. So, our shareholders get a lot more information than they do from most other companies in the market. I know there's conjecture within our investors and on the board, about whether we should have quarterly reporting. If we hadn't had quarterly reporting, some of these things wouldn't arise. In this case it was a half-yearly announcement. So, we just said, I think the words were, we expected to make a similar profit this year than we did last year. So that - what we didn't do, was meet their expectations. Yep.

Question: I mean, obviously, you agree that you didn't meet expectations, so maybe you didn't game the system quite as well as a lot of other chief executives do, in managing those expectations, I guess.

Blackmore: Well, yes and no. I mean, if you look back at what I said to the shareholders about three years ago, I made a speech, I said - and it was related to the very significant increase in our China business. We went in and in the space of five years we went from $2 million a year to $130 or something. So, there was a very significant change. I said to the shareholders, we didn't see it coming and we didn't see it going. Now, in retrospect, I made a very true statement at that time.

So, we didn't - and it's largely related to the activities of the daigous in Australia. They're people that are - they could be Chinese students in Australia, Chinese people living in Australia, Chinese tourists and they see an opportunity to buy the products cheaper in Australia and then pack them up. Whether it's Christine's Australia Post, or whatever it is and ship the product to the platforms in China. So, we lost a lot of that business in the last few months, largely related to pricing. One of our biggest exporters is one of the discount pharmacy chains, Chemist Warehouse in Australia. I still think they're going all right.

So, one of the problems for us, as a business, is to really understand how much of our product is actually being consumed in the China market, or consumed in Australia, or being bought in Australia and shipped overseas. What happened was, the daigou thing became so strong, ...some quite big daigou companies with their own warehouses and that sort of thing, well those companies started to fall over a bit.

Question: So, you've got a bit of an inventory problem in China now, too much stock in some of the channels?

Blackmore: That was one of the by-products of that. See, if you're a daigou, they've got a difference, they're not a regular sort of business. They actually go and buy the product and pay for it straight way. Most businesses buy a product and pay your 30 days or 60 days. They don't do that. They've got to buy the product now. So, they've got a fair financial impost right up front. Then all of sudden, perhaps, the Chinese government said, well, we're a bit concerned about this. So, any sort of indication from the Chinese government that might affect that sort of trade, they get scared. They don't want to be caught with that stock. So, they're more sensitive than regular exporters would be.

Question: So, this is more - the issues that we saw emerge in the last - in the half year was more sort of company specific, rather than the Chinese economy showing any sort of…

Blackmore: Yeah, no. Yeah. I think that's a fair comment. I don't know, I'm not an economist. I go to China and I see all these buildings going up and I see all the cranes around the place. Then I read about their GDP is, instead of being eight per cent this year, it's only - I don't know about the actual numbers - but it's only going to be seven per cent, seven per cent of the second biggest economy in the world is a massive, massive amount of money. I don't think we're overly impacted by the general economic conditions, whether it's in Australia, or [overseas].

We sell products to people that want to improve their health. Sometimes, I can tell you in the past, sometimes when things got tight we sold more product. We certainly sold more of our Executive Stress product, I can tell you that.

Question: How do you think, just on an even more general sense, given that you had a lot of exposure to China, the relationship between Australia and China is sitting at the political level at the moment? I mean, obviously there appears to be more tension now, than there has been in the recent past. Do you get that sense?

Blackmore: Well, I think it - you'd get that sense if you read the papers. But I mean the fascinating thing to me was last year the Chinese government - and Xi Jinping was there - the Chinese government put on an import show. It was a massive trade show in Shanghai, massive. We had quite a big stand there. I met the Director General of the Chinese - not the Chamber of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce. Very senior ranking person in the Chinese government on trade. His responsibility was Oceania and the US. So, I guess he's been a pretty busy boy lately.

Anyway, I said, I talked to him, we were fortunate to get a time with him and I said, why are you doing this? I don't think I know of another country in the world that puts on an import show. Plenty of them put on export shows. Plenty of them put on trade commissions. I said, this is amazing to me. He said, we just want our Chinese people to have more choice. That was his reasoning. At that meeting we - Xi Jinping spoke to a select group. When I say a select group, there must have been 400 people in the room, I think, at least, you weren't that selected if you got a seat, which I was fortunate to do.

He made really positive statements about the continuing - the Chinese government was keen to allow companies to set up in China. See, China's going through a massive transformation like virtually no other country has in history. Perhaps with Russia with its change from a purely communist society, to more capitalist. I think the Chinese have done a hell of a lot better job than what the Russians did. They don't have the graft and corruption and what-not to the same extent. But there is, within the Chinese government, there's massive amount of changing - and they've got to increase the bureaucracy to meet that level of change going on.

Classic example, in our space, about - well, I don't think it's five years ago, they suddenly all banned all supplement imports coming into the country. Well, overnight, Blackmores became a fish oil company in china. This was in early days for us in China. So, it was pretty depressing, I've got to tell you, at the time. But when we spoke to the bureaucrats who made these decisions, you started to understand why. In a socialist country, driven by the communist party, they are very focussed about protecting their individuals.

So, if you've got companies shipping product into China with unrealistic claims on it, or whatever and they didn't have the bureaucracy, or the regulatory requirement to handle that, the simplest thing is to just ban it all. Now, it wouldn't happen in Australia, in a democracy like Australia.

They wouldn't get away with it sort of thing. It'd be a massive uproar. But in the more controlled environment they have in China, it was actually, from my point of view, a fairly logical thing to do. They said, as soon as we get this new regulation in place, you'll be fine again and we were.

Question: Just - and in the sense of our Australian government and how it's treated China, do you think it's treated China well enough, given China is a close partner obviously?

Blackmore: I don't know. I think some of the statements have been a bit inflammatory from some of our ministerial people at times. I tell you, I listened to Paul Keating, some years ago now and I thought he made a very profound statement. When you get into the debate about the South China Sea, it is massively important to the Chinese. It's massively important to the Japanese, because that's where all the shipping trade goes. So, Paul Keating said, can you imagine what the Americans would think, if the Chinese had an aircraft carrier going up and down the coast of California? When you stop and think about it, that's what the Chinese have got.

They've got - the Americans have had a large control over the South China Sea for almost centuries, if you like. So, they've got aircraft carriers running around there. So, I thought that was a really profound statement. It puts the whole thing in a different light. We've moved, in the last, I don't know, 20 or 30 years, from the flower people and ban the bomb and we're all going live happily ever after and we're going to love one another and all that sort of thing, back to a stage where I think military power of nations has becoming increasing important.

Of course, Chinese spends a lot of money on the military thing and those other countries, like America, as a percentage, are spending less. So, what the consequences of that will deliver over the next five to 10 years, I'm not so sure, but I'll be interesting.

Question: Getting back to Blackmores for a second, I guess - and maybe looking and asking you to project it and [further] forward, what do you think the next big thing will be for the company? The next big leg up to growth? I ask that with the second question, cannabis. Is there a day that you think you will see a cannabis in a pill, with a Blackmores label, sitting on the Chemist Warehouse shelf?

Blackmore: It might have a BioCeutical's label on, not a Blackmores' label. We are currently - we have an interest in that space. I think it's very messy at the moment. All the do-gooders around the place want to go and do IPOs on companies, because they've got some sort of involvement in cannabis, or whatever. Cannabis, of itself, marijuana, was being used by naturopaths for many, many years. But then it became a drug of addiction and everything and was banned. In fact, they banned cava in Australia a couple of years ago.

I thought, hang on, this can't be right. My wife and I spend quite a bit of time in the South Pacific and they're up there on cava all day, every day, sort of thing. I don't see them all dropping dead in the street, but the regulator here banned cava. Anyway. So, it's a contentious product at the moment. We are funding a half-million-dollar trial, with Dr Charlie Teo, for the use of cannabis in brain cancer patients to reduce pain and that sort of thing. So, I think that'll be - that may give rise to a particular type of product that we could sell. So, I don't think it's the be-all-and-end-all, but it could be an opportunity.

We're not that prominent in that space, but I think if we are in it, I think it will be a very credible, ethical sort of position for us. So, outside of that, we talk a lot about wellness. I just came from a meeting with my marketing people and what-not and I'm saying, I'm not sure that I like this wellness space. Everybody and his dog is in wellness these days. Whether it's the exercise you do, whether it's gym equipment, whether it's push bikes, or whatever. There's a whole raft of ways that people are satisfying their health requirements in this great umbrella of wellness.

I think, for Blackmores, we need to be more unique and more specialised in that. We're about creating natural health solutions. Our biggest competitors are the drug companies. They provide health solutions. We provide natural health solutions. For my father and I, being naturopaths, being trained as naturopaths, that's where we sit in our philosophical values in the business. How we design products and how we integrate with - there's so many answers in nature.

Question: So, are you saying that too much is going under that wellness umbrella?

Blackmore: Too much for us. I think it's the right thing. It's amazing what's happening with people. They're walking more, they're riding bikes more, they're going to gyms more. The gym thing has just expanded unbelievably. So, the different ways of people wanting to be healthy. That fits perfectly for Blackmores. We're in that space. I think we're in the business for the future. We've got the medicine for the future. My father used to say, food is medicine, but medicine is not food. I thought it's a really good statement. We also say, from a Blackmores' point of view, we offer no wonder drug, just the resourceful use of nature. So, I think, as long as we stick to our guns, I think the business will do really well.

Question: you're a consummate lobbyist and networker, or you've been called as such.

Blackmore: Yeah, apparently. My father taught me. He said, son, it's politicians make the laws, the bureaucrats enforce them. So, you're better have a say in who makes the laws. Of course, a lot of that has been hanging on for the last few years now.

Question: So, who do you count among the people that you think have helped you over the years, within the political ranks?

Blackmore: We had a blue with the government some years ago. The Member for Adelaide, was Trish Worth. She put up a regulation in the parliament that we couldn't use the words drug-free, or free of drugs. Now, the reality was, we didn't use it. But if you're going to try and - the one thing that politicians really do understand is votes. Our current minister's got several thousand letters of protest about the loss of the rebate and nothing's happened.

He did say, when I met him in Canberra, he did say he would review it, but it's already a regulation and, to the best of our knowledge, at this stage it hasn't been reviewed. So, if you've got - if you want to get people active to write a letter, don't do a petition. Petitions are presented to the parliament at the same time as prayers and have about the same significance I would say. So, what you've got to do is get people to write a personal letter. Now, they've got to be people committed to our space, to natural medicine and feel strongly about it.

Now, the good thing for us is we've got a hell of a lot of people that take on the responsibility of looking after their own health and are prepared to stand up when we're being attacked. So, we've had a bit of success in the past. So, on this drugs-free campaign, I think the Democrats had the balance of power in the Senate at the time and we got several thousand letters to politicians and so eventually it went before the parliament. Because regulations don't get debated in the parliament, only changes to the act. So, the regulations bypass that.

So, the regulation sits on the House for two weeks, on the table and the different parties check it and, oh, yeah, there's nothing wrong with that. Sign off on it and give it a tick and then it goes to the Governor General and then it becomes law. So, there's no debate in the parliament. The only way to get debate in the parliament is to have a member of the Senate [unclear] to move a motion of disallowance. So, we had the Labor Party - and I'd spent some time with them, so they moved a motion of disallowance. They believed it was an unrealistic thing. There's already a therapeutic goods act that says you can't make false or misleading claims.

There's a trade practices act at the time that you can't make false or misleading claims. But of course, that environment, those acts, mean put the onus on the regulator to prove your claim is wrong. Now, they don't want to go to that trouble, so they just want to have simple regulation. You can't say it's drug-free and so if you use the words, you're guilty, because you've broken the regulation. That's the better form of the government for them. So, anyway, we gained a lot of protest.

Oh, we then got another motion of disallowance was from Senator Bill O'Chee, he was the guy that used to go tobogganing, the Queensland Senator. He came to see me and he said, I'd like to see you, but I don’t want everybody to know that I've come here, sort of thing. Anyway, I gave him the story. He moved a motion of disallowance. So, the parliamentary secretary had two motions of disallowance, one from the Labor Party and one from our own party.

Question: This change that's coming through in two weeks, in the beginning of April…

Blackmore: So, what we're hopeful is that it will become such a big public issue that the government of day, whatever persuasion that is at the time, will seek to remove that regulation. We hope that's the case. I think, one of the interesting things about - we don't know the outcome of the next election, but I think there's a fair chance that the independents and minor parties will have a hell of a lot to say. The days of - what was his name? Bob - the Greens' guy from Tasmania.

Question: Bob Brown.

Blackmore: Bob Brown, yeah. The Tasmanians got roads built and all sorts. Dams built and all sorts of things happening for them. Well, Kerryn Phelps has got a challenge to get re-elected, of course and she's an integrated medicine practitioner. I know she is disappointed about this rebate issue and I've known her for 25 years, as an integrated medicine practitioner. She was head of the AMA. She was responsible for a more realistic approach to doctors using complementary medicine. Well, now we've got the medical board putting out a policy, which I think it might be a separate issue altogether, I suspect, than some of the discussion we're having today, I think it'll become a big issue. It could likely be an election issue. You never know in politics.

So, I was going to say, when Senator - when we defeated the Howard government in the Senate and I certainly knew John Howard, known him for many years and I basically have nothing but admiration for the guy. He then put Senator Tambling, because we took up this issue because it was a simple issue for people to understand. Yes, I'll write a letter. So, then he got Senator Tambling for the Northern Territory and he became the next parliamentary secretary. Then what we got, within the government, was the, what was called the Tambling Reform Agenda. The TGA had been giving us grief as an industry.

So, this was the one issue that we took to the government and the end result was that - about, I walked into the parliament one night during budget night - and I walked in with Senator Tambling, who we knew very well. He came to our industry functions and things. I said hello to a number of politicians as we're walking though there. He said to me, Marcus, he said, you know a lot of people in this place. I said, yeah. He said, I reckon a lot of people here take your product. I said, most of them do.

The number is 70 per cent of the Australian population use supplements. Then people have Friends of Science and they totally ignore this. They don't look for the science. The science is there. The evidence is there, but they don't want to look for it. It's bland statements one stage [it said], there's no evidence, no science for traditional Chinese medicine. Now, so help me, the Chinese have been dealing and working with traditional Chinese medicine for 2,500 years. Orthodox medicine, drugs as we know, only started in 1940, with the discovery of cortisone. Antibiotics a little bit before that.

So, it's almost like a new industry on the planet in comparison to herbal medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. Wouldn't you reckon - the Chinese aren't stupid - you'd reckon after 2500 years they'd worked out what works and what doesn't work. Science is about observation and deduction. We've - the orthodox medicine, [those vote - they] our critics say, then these products, they're dangerous, complementary medicine, people die from taking these products, which is false. You should check with your doctor before you take any supplements.

Then hang on, I sat down with an orthopaedic surgeon the other day. Caroline and I went on holidays in Fiji. We were in a small resort. A guy and his wife came in and I said, what do you do, mate? He said, I'm an orthopaedic surgeon. I said, that's pretty neat. He said, a lot of my patients take your fish oil and your glucosamine. He said is there any evidence for it? Oh, God love us. Anyway, the women that runs our institute has written a textbook, in collaboration with others, so I sent him the textbook, which has got all the evidence in it for those sort of things.

I said to him, how long does it take to be an orthopaedic surgeon? He said, 10 years. Six years of medicine, two years out in the country working at, for want of a better description, not quite appropriate, but at as an apprentice with another orthopaedic surgeon. Then another two years back in a big smoke to get your fellowship, or whatever, in ten years. I said, tell me this, in ten years, how many lectures would you have attended on nutrition? None. Not one. Now, wait a minute. This defies logic. Here's the profession to whom we entrust our health and they have no knowledge, they have no lectures on the petrol that we put in the body. It just doesn't make sense.

So, one of the things we as a company do, we spend a lot of time educating doctors and people with an interest in this space. We run a conference every year in our BioCeuticals business, which is a practitioner business, we run - we get 400, there's four, sometimes more, practitioners, come to that three-day conference. Forty per cent of people that attend that conference are medical practitioners now. Because they haven't learnt anything about it at the university level, but they've got patients coming in and saying, doctor, I'm taking this glucosamine, or the fish oil and I feel better. They want to know more knowledge about that.

Bruce Robinson, Dean of Medicine at Sydney University, now head of NHMRC, the chairman of NHMRC, he rang me one day and said he'd like to have a sandwich lunch with me. Like my father, I've copped criticism all my life and after a while it's water off a duck's back, so I thought that's what I'd copped. Anyway, he wanted us - he said to me, 'Marcus, I want my doctors to have a better understanding of complementary medicine'. I thought, wow, that's pretty good. He also, subsequently, wrote a letter to me and said, 'I want my doctors to be more holistic in their approach'. I think that's one of the failures of orthodox medicine.

You go to the GP. You get a referral. I went to my cardiologist this morning and when I'm walking out the girl says, oh, you've got to get a referral before you can come back. Oh, okay. So, you end up in that specialist area. Like my mate that's an orthopaedic surgeon, that's what he does, he's a surgeon. My darling wife, she's got - bit of a golfer tragic, I've got to tell you, so she couldn't do 18 holes, she had to have a cart, because her knees were so bad. She had a bit of an accident 10 years ago. They told her at the time, look it'll be all right for 10 years, then you'll probably have to have a knee replacement.

I said to her, you're going to an orthopaedic surgeon. What he does is surgery. I think you need to think about whether there's an alternative. So, she found a physiotherapist, an exercise physiotherapist at Newport who has like a little gym attached to her practice. Caroline goes there three days a week. She doesn't use a cart anymore.

Question: Oh, really, fantastic. Oh, that's great. I suppose we'd better get back to our last few questions on Blackmores per se.

Blackmore: Oh. I wander off a bit. But see, that's the difference. When these doctors go to our conference, they pay. When they go to a pharma conference, they don't pay. That's the difference. When you go to our conference, those medical practitioners, who are now practising integrated medicine or something, they want more knowledge. They're - I can't tell you, it's just exciting to be with them. It's prompted - you know who prompts it all, [busy] women. Women.

Question: What's that do?

Blackmore: When the good Lord built the joint, he gave women the responsibility for the family's health. Men are hopeless. Men cut themselves, ah, bugger it, don't worry about that. It's not until it gets infected before they'll do anything about it. But women accept the responsibility of the family's health and therefore they're keen to get more and more knowledge so that they can look after that responsibility.

So, our customers are equal, pretty well, like men and women, in terms of usage. But the people doing the purchasing are more often women. They worry about that. I've got mates of mine that say, Marcus, I'm taking some of your rubbish. I said, what are you taking? They said, I don't know, my wife just puts it on the breakfast table and I don't want to cause any drama, so I just take it. They wouldn't have a clue what they're taking.

Question: At least someone's looking after them! So, to go back to that broader question about your career, was there ever a point at which you thought Blackmores - I mean obviously it was a large company when you started, but is going to be - like take that next leg and become a really big successful story? Did you see, when you started, that this is where you'd be now?

Blackmore: My dad sacked me three times. The last time I became a medical detail for the ethical division at Johnson and Johnson. That gave me a bit of an insight as a young man of how well the pharmaceutical industry trains it's sales reps and that sort of thing. But I, given the differences, my dad was a Gemini and I'm an Aires, not exactly the best combination at times. The Gemini's are good half the time, sort of thing, but anyway.

So, my dad sacked me over a design of a toothpaste tube and my dad was ultra-conservative, ultra-professional, never practiced without a nursing sister in his practice. His idea of a good pack was green and white, or something and I'd organised this purple pack of toothpaste. We used to sell toothpaste then.

He didn't like it and wasn't going to do it. I foolishly said, while he was having a shave one morning at home, dad, if you're not going to listen to me, you may as well get rid of me. He didn't say anything. We walked out to the kitchen and dining room where my mum was and he walked out and said, 'well son, as all parents do, I've given you everything else in your life, I may as well give you that too'. Oh. Then he said, 'you get out of the house, as well'. I'm like - I'd come back from Vietnam, or whatever and I thought I knew everything, I suppose.

Anyway, so I thought, I think I've overdone this a bit. So, I got the flick. So, I was unemployed for six months. I wanted to stay in the industry. I loved the industry. But nobody'd employ me. 'Oh, you'll go back to your father.'

So, I ended up working in the pharmaceutical industry. It was a crucial stage of my life, because I had to make up my mind then, was I going to stay in the family business, which was basically a family business in those days, or was I going to go out and show my father that I'm pretty good? Then I thought, well, I'm also a bit stupid. I mean, he's already started something and as we know, it's a lot more difficult to start a business than it is to grow a business.

He's given me a head start in life. So, it will satisfy my stupid ego, by being able to turn that business into a much bigger business. That's the decision I made. But I can tell you, the prompt was I was walking across the street and I was standing on the side of the road, I could take you and show you that spot I stood at. I had a girlfriend at the time, who worked for Avis. So she used to do my CVs when I went - my CV was, failed university and he spent a couple of years in the army, so wasn't that flash. I had a car and I wasn't doing too badly, I suppose, in that sense. I lived in a bedsitter under a house in [Mossman].

Anyway, on the other side of the road there was a guy who was cripple. He couldn't walk across the road. He had to be helped to get across the road. I sat there and I looked at this poor bugger and I thought, what am I complaining about? I've got a car, I've got a girlfriend, maybe I haven't got a job at the moment. It just changed my attitude, that single thing, just looking at that guy. The next day I got a job as a sales rep. So, an important part of my life.

Question: But, I mean, basically Blackmores went along, then it took that huge leap when you really conquered that Chinese market. Did you expect to do that?

Blackmore: Yeah, the Chinese market, that represented a fairly significant leap for it. But prior to that, it was fairly steady growth over the years. When I took over the business, I think it was doing - I was 28 years old and my father died a couple years, so it was 1975. The business was doing, oh, was something like $7000 or $8000 a year. That was worth a bit of money in those days. But now we do $600 million.

It's been an amazing journey for me. People say to me, you're a wealthy man. How did you make all your money? I said, I never made any of it. I've just got all these people that work for me, they make it all. I have an absolutely belief in life that if you look after people, 99.99 per cent of the time, they'll look after you.

Question: That segues quite well into perhaps my, what will be my perhaps second to last question, which is the reputational damage that many large companies have at the moment, not just in Australia, but around the world. That whole sort of institutional backlash that we're seeing. We've seen particularly with the banks in Australia and all that sort of stuff. We've got the Me Too movement. The belief that a lot of these profit-making institutions are putting profits ahead of customers and the community. In your game, reputation would be ultra-important.

Blackmore: Absolutely. At the end of the day, if you're going to stick a tablet in your mouth, you're sure as hell want to trust the company that made it. Trust is a terribly, terribly important issue for me in the business and it has been and I'll tell you another story. I went to Church of England Grammar School and I'd been in the state school system. I'm two weeks into this new - into the private school system. In the mornings, we sat down there in two classrooms, the scholarship class as it was in those days, and a master sat there to supervise. You were supposed to do study, not your homework.

Well, we're all doing our homework, I suppose. Anyway, that particularly morning, no master was there. So, we had two adjoining classrooms with just a door between us. Anyway, we started an ink fight, because we all had fountain pens in those days. So, we start an ink fight. That was a bit of fun for a while and I was involved. Then the master comes in. He looks around the room and he said, 'boys, boys, all those involved in the ink fight, I'll see you up in my rooms at three o'clock, said you're going to get the cane'. I’m sitting there thinking: 'this bloke's kidding isn't he? I'm not going up there. You don't own up to things like that'.

Anyway, I didn’t. I was the only boy of about seven or eight of us, that didn't own up and it [laughs] I can tell you, had a profound influence on my life, profound influence. Yeah, I told the story, we got admitted to Queensland Business Hall at home and I told them that story and there happened to be a little churchy boy in the room at the time. So, it was a good story. But I think that was the genesis of me and my father's influence, just how much trust you have to have with your people and the business that you run. The failure has been the failure of business.

The failure of not looking after people, the failure of just - I say in lectures that I give, if wealth creation is the only reason for being in business, the world would be a poorer place. I've been saying that for 20 years or so. You do have a responsibility to the community in which you live and where your staff life. We sponsor the Bilgola Surf Club and we just, as a matter of history, have always done those things. But I just think that's part of being in business. But, I've been a bit on my own in some respects and…

Question: Well, perhaps you're getting a bit more company now?

Blackmore: Yeah, well, the triple modern bottom line and all that sort of thing going on. I think business has got a lot to answer for. Now, I'm not sure about - I mean, I think, I'm not convinced that our system of governance is much good. Do you mean to tell me that the people at AMP knew that somebody down the bottom of the line was still collecting money on insurance policies as people die? How would the directors find out about that? I say to my directors, I'm in the office four or five days a week, I don't know what goes on in the company all the time. We've got bigger. So, what chance have you got?

But the shareholders hold the directors responsible for all those things. I think it's unrealistic. I would like to see the German system where - and I know David Gonski holds a similar view, because I've talked to him about it - I'd like to see the German system, where the senior operatives of the company are the board, if you like. Then you had an advisory, a supervisory advisory board. So, they don't have the same legal responsibility and therefore I think they're more willing to give you good advice on how to run the business. Anyway I don't think I'm about to change the governance of companies in Australia but, I think the German system is probably a better system than what we've got.

Shareholders, how can they hold directors responsible for some of those things? Just crazy stuff, I reckon. Anyway.

Question: So, just lastly, I gather that you have set up, or you intend to set up a trust to hold your shareholding?

Blackmore: Yeah, I've got that.

Question: Which, presumably would make it a little bit more difficult, which I presume then goes on in perpetuity to your children? But would it make it more difficult to, as a takeover, if ultimately that's the way it went?

Blackmore: I don't think so. It might make it easier, because I won't be there, because if somebody wants to take over the business, I'll tell them to bugger off. Whereas the people that I will put - have been placed, or will put in place - and I've always said, see I own 24 per cent of the business, basically. I've always said, there is a price at which I can't convince the other shareholders they shouldn't accept, right. Now, also I don't accept it, then the new owner of the business is sitting there with one shareholder, with 23 per cent. One shareholder with 23 percent could make a lot of noise and make life uncomfortable. So, they want to talk to me first.

But I say, there is a price. So, then I'd say, the next question, 'what's the price, Marcus'? I'll say, 'wouldn't have a clue'. I don't know. But there will be a price. There'll be that same logic will apply, whether it's the people administering my foundation, or whether it's me.

Question: Would that be a price, not so much at which you're happy to take, but at which you think you're obliged to allow the rest of your shareholders to take?

Blackmore: Yeah. But I think the same logic will apply to the trustees of my trust. The same logic. They might be quicker to accept a price than I would. I just feel, my - when you're bought up in a business and your heart and soul is in that business. My staff will tell you, you know what, I see some little thing around the place, I tell you an example. The other day I had a wonderful old Swiss engineer tell me: 'there's no new ideas in the world, Marcus, they're just rehashed'. So, I met a guy when I was at Harvard Business School, who had an advertising agency in New York. He gave his staff a bottle of champagne on their anniversary.

Give one on your birthday, we give them a bottle of champagne when they join the company, because they've made a good decision to join Blackmores. Here's a bottle of champagne. We give them a bottle of champagne on their birthday. We give them a bottle of champagne on their anniversary. He said to me, go back and go and ask - and I've just done it in our office in Adelaide, when I was there a couple of weeks ago - do you remember what date you joined this company? Everybody around the table knew the exact date. I can tell you, if they're female, they probably even remembered what they wore that day. So, it is so…

Question: So, do they get one each year on their yearly anniversary? Is it a yearly anniversary, or is every five years, or 10 years?

Blackmore: Yeah.

Question: So, do they get a bottle of champagne each year on that day?

Blackmore: Every year.

Question: Well, that's generous.

Blackmore: Now, the reality is, we go through a bit of champagne.

Question: Bit of - yes, bet you do [laughs].

Blackmore: But I think it's really nice - and they get a bottle of champagne, thank you for another year at Blackmores. So, anyway… Couple of weeks ago I found out, I don't know how, that in one area of the company they didn't have the champagne. I said, 'what do you mean?' I mean, the whole thing is meaningless - not meaningless, but it's lost its meaning, a large part of its meaning, if you can't hand them the bottle of champagne, just our thanks for your anniversary. That doesn't mean anything. So, I hit the roof. I got really upset about it then, because it's a system that I put in the place a long time ago. Quite honestly, it was one of the problems we'd had with the person in charge, the person, the leader of that group. If he didn't have the licence to walk down the pub down the road and buy a bottle of champagne for that person, I'll give the game away. So, it was - I made a big issue of it. Then, oh, hear Marcus going on…

Question: Well, is the guy who got it wrong going to have a bottle of champagne next year?

Blackmore: Probably not. Not if I have anything to do with it. But I don't - the other thing we do, is we take 10 per cent, I started off at five. My dad gave everybody a week's pay at Christmas. But the thing he said, now son, you've got to give them the pay at least two weeks - I think it was two weeks, or something - before Christmas, so they know how much money they've got to buy their Christmas presents. Now, it doesn't matter to the toffs at the top of the company, but it matters to a lot to the people on the factory floor. So, we gave them a week's pay, in enough time to know how much money they've got for Christmas presents.

If he had a good year, you got another week's pay in the middle of the year. So, I changed that to be equivalent of the company's profit. I wanted my staff to really understand the profit motive. Because we can be altruistic as you like, but if we don't make a profit we won't be in business. So, that was my way of doing it. So, I started at five, then went to seven and half and then went to 10. So, today our staff get 10 per cent of the after-tax profit, divided up amongst all the staff, every six months, in proportion to what their salary is. We have a big [staff]…

Question: So, that's your bonus pool, in a sense?

Blackmore: Yeah. Well, we have - it comes out of our profit. So, shareholders don't get it. So, shareholders only get 90 per cent now, or there's 90 per cent left. So, we have a staff session, that's videotaped to all our offices. We now do it in Asia, with our Asian offices.

Question: But it's not - it's equally apportioned, relative to what you earn.

Blackmore: Yeah.

Question: It's just across the board, even amount.

Blackmore: It's across the board. So, what happens is the chief financial officer gets up, that's our sales, that's our cost of goods, that's how much profit we made, that's how much tax we paid to the government. So, at the end of the day, this is what's left. That's the profit after tax and you get 10 per cent of that. So, we then worked that out in the number of days - working days that they get. So, when we had the big year, with the daigous, they got 44 days of profit. What do we get now? So, they get about a month's extra pay and it's all because we're doing profit.

Question: Got to get a job there.

Blackmore: It's very good. I love it. We did a - that's - so your point before about business being on the nose, that's one of the reasons it is on the nose. It doesn't - we don't share the wealth. That's why Christine always said, I was a socialist. I was a comm - not a communist - I was a capitalist, with socialistic tendencies. She, on the other hand, was a socialist, with capitalistic tendencies.

But, see, I have this undying belief. If you look after people, they'll look after you. It's really - maybe it's an over-simplification, I don't know. But I'm sure that if more companies did that sort of thing, they'd ingratiate themselves with their staff more and staff retention would be better and things like that. It's a very - isn't it? John, you've been part of it. It's a very special day for us. So, they never - they don't know how many days they're going to get. When it's announced it's, yay.

Three years ago they came to me and said: 'oh, look, we pay fortnightly or something and so the pay day is only three or four days before Christmas'. So I said, that's not enough. They said: 'well, if we've got to have a special pay day it's going to cost us money'. I said: 'I don't care'. That's a tradition that's been in this business and it will stay in this business. They've got to know how much money they've got so that they can buy their Christmas - and they know how much money to spend on their Christmas presents.

Question: Well, that's amazing and on that note, I think, I'd better let you go.

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