

This was published 6 years ago

'I'm old fashioned in terms of retail': Hounsell's kiss of death for Myer

By Colin Kruger

If Myer's new executive chairman, Gary Hounsell, wanted a glimpse into his future, he only needed to look over the ditch at Auckland on Wednesday morning.
A few hours before Hounsell claimed the scalp of his CEO, Richard (Rumbers) Umbers, former Commonwealth Bank boss Ralph Norris fell on his sword barely seven months after axing his CEO, Mark Adamson.

Norris's blood-letting at Fletcher failed to stem the bleeding at its troubled building division. The Kiwi giant's latest update on Valentine’s Day reported that losses this year will be quadruple what the company estimated just four months ago.

Gary Hounsell has taken over from Richard Umbers at Myer.

Gary Hounsell has taken over from Richard Umbers at Myer.Credit: Eddie Jim

It means total losses will tally up to $NZ1 billion ($1.27 billion) over the two consecutive fiscal years ending June 30, 2018.

Gary Hounsell and Ralph Norris

Gary Hounsell and Ralph NorrisCredit: John Shakespeare

Keep in mind that New Zealand is experiencing the biggest building boom in its history.
It left Norris with no option other than to step down ahead of its shareholder meeting this year as the stock staged its biggest plunge in two decades.
"It's fair to the shareholders for somebody to take accountability," said a rather glum Norris. He blamed the issue on incompetence rather than anything sinister.

It is worth keeping in mind that Norris was not foolish enough to step into the CEO role while finding a replacement.

New, New Myer

But let’s focus on Jennifer Hawkins’ new dance partner, Hounsell, who put on quite a show for the media on Wednesday after getting rid of Rumbers “with immediate effect”.
Let’s set the scene.
Solomon Lew, retail legend, billionaire, and Myer’s largest shareholder, is about to call an extraordinary general meeting to dump the entire board.
Myer aided his cause with yet another profit downgrade last week, which raises further questions about whether the department store operator is in a death spiral.
Time is of the essence.

“This is about my impatience,” said Hounsell on Wednesday, justifying his decision to get into the driver's seat and “turbocharge” the New Myer strategy and provide the “urgency required to deliver shareholder value”.


Let’s be clear, aside from his few months on the Myer board, Hounsell has no retail experience.

CBD is not sure he has any experience running an ASX-listed company as CEO - he’s a former beancounter from Arthur Andersen.

But at least we all have some personal retail experience to bring to the table.
“I still go into stores,” Hounsell told reporters - before quickly confirming they are Myer stores that he frequents.

“It’s my favourite place to shop”. Nothing too fancy of course. “I’m old fashioned in terms of fashion retail,” said Hounsell.

But who would want the permanent CEO job given the uncertainty of Solly Lew on one side - and possible financial collapse, on the other?
“My wife probably asked the same question the other night,” quipped Hounsell.
And what of Hounsell’s future if his own attempts prove futile?
“If I don’t succeed, then the shareholders can determine what they want to do with me.”

We suspect Lew already has a few ideas as to what he would like to do with Hounsell.

"Mr Hounsell lacks the retail industry experience to be the chairman of Myer let alone be its CEO," said Lew in reply to the changes on Wednesday.

And Lew pointed to a line in Hounsell's statement from October last year when he was preparing to take the chair: "I come to this role very motivated by how much progress the management team has made in delivering New Myer."


CEO stakes

And who would take on the role of Myer CEO in the face of such adversity - even if you got the Rumbers' exit package of $1.2 million worth of pay in lieu of notice?
Rumbers' former deputy, Daniel Bracken, is no longer available. On Monday he started his new job as CEO of another retail basket case called Specialty Fashion Group.

Ahmed Fahour former CEO of Australia Post.

Ahmed Fahour former CEO of Australia Post.Credit: Andrew Meares

But what about the mega star CEO who was enjoying the company of Rumbers and Hounsell in the Myer Marquee on Melbourne Cup day - Rumbers’ former boss, Ahmed Fahour.
It would be worth the price of admission just to see Fahour face off against Lew.

Joyce words

A twitter newby called @john05970496 caused quite a ruckus on Wednesday when he took to slamming Barnaby Joyce.

"He is a person willing to act without considering the consequences, time and time again. Time to go, Barnaby, and don't come running to Hancock for a job after the people wise up to you," said one of two tweets on the subject.

In case you hadn't twigged the Tweeter appears to be Gina Rinehart's estranged son John Hancock, who has previously blasted Barnaby's extraordinary intervention into the family's bitter legal battle over a multibillion-dollar trust.

For those with short memories, here's an excerpt from the letter in 2011 sent to John's sister, Hope Welker.

"All good families have their problems but before it gets really out of hand, I would try to get it back in house and out of public view."

Easier said than done, hey Barnaby.

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