By Millie Muroi
The corporate regulator says super funds have struggled to keep pace with the fluctuating valuation of Australia’s biggest private technology company, Canva, adding that many were too slow to revalue their positions even as venture capital funds cut the company’s valuation.
The graphic design platform was in the spotlight last year after its US investor Franklin Templeton cut the value of its stake in Canva by more than half since buying in at a peak valuation of $US40 billion ($62 billion) in late 2021.
Canva founders Cameron Adams, Cliff Obrecht and Melanie Perkins.Credit:
In 2022, several venture capital funds, including Australian venture capital heavyweight Blackbird, slashed their valuations of Canva by about 36 per cent to $US25.6 billion ($40 billion). In August this year, Canva added two new investors at a valuation of $39 billion.
Companies like Canva are seen as higher-risk assets, and the technology sector last year experienced a pullback from funds, as they slashed their valuations of private tech companies amid a collapse in publicly listed tech stocks.
The rapid fall in Canva’s valuation prompted the review from APRA on how super funds were managing their investments in technology. Notable super funds with stakes in Canva include Australian Super and Hostplus.
On Monday, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) released the findings of its review into the governance practices of super funds invested in Canva.
While APRA broadly gave its nod of approval to the processes used by super funds to value Canva, the regulator said there was room for improvement in how super funds dealt with unlisted assets.
“APRA assessed the majority of registrable superannuation entity (RSE) licensees’ governance practices related to their valuation of Canva as appropriate,” it said in a letter to super funds on Monday.
APRA said in March that super funds needed to be much more proactive, revisiting the value of their holdings more frequently, and following a broader swath of issues in unlisted asset valuation practices flagged by the regulator as part of a review in late 2021.
Several superannuation funds hold stakes in private companies such as Canva, but there is debate about how these companies are valued because of the lower frequency and transparency with which their valuations are reported compared to publicly listed companies.
In its letter on Monday, the regulator said it found valuation policies applied by registrable superannuation entity licensees were consistent with their respective valuation policies and that their practices and policies were broadly in line with APRA’s expectations.
“We observed examples of better practice by RSE licensees, particularly relating to querying the valuation approaches of appointed investment managers and reflecting valuation adjustments according to the specific circumstances and policies of the RSE licensee,” it said.
However, APRA also noted several areas for improvement, including inadequate interim revaluation triggers in valuation policies; deficiencies in information provided to the board; gaps in board skill sets, access to expertise and willingness to challenge information provided; and lack of consideration of the expected performance and unit pricing impact of valuation decisions.
The regulator did not name specific funds but said it continued to address these issues with RSE licensees since the conclusion of its review.
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