

This was published 6 years ago

The rise and fall of AMP's Catherine Brenner

By Deborah Snow

It all started to go wrong for Catherine Brenner the day that Jack Regan walked into the witness box at the Financial Services Royal Commission in Melbourne.

The date was Monday, April 16, and Regan, the head of advice at financial giant AMP, was due to give his much-anticipated evidence under the hawk-eyed gaze of presiding justice Kenneth Hayne.

Forty-seven year old Brenner, the well-remunerated chairman of AMP, logged on to follow the webcast live from Japan.

Former AMP chair Catherine Brenner.

Former AMP chair Catherine Brenner.Credit: Peter Braig

She, her husband Phillip Brenner, a former medical specialist, and their three daughters aged 15, 13 and 9, had arrived in Japan two days earlier, the first day of the school holidays. It was to be a welcome break from the hectic schedule that engulfs many professional families during term time: juggling demanding careers, sport at weekends, and evening social commitments which could sometimes become as much about work as play.

Brenner and other senior members of the company were braced for difficult questions about malfeasance within its financial advice division. They knew the royal commission would hear about repeated instances of AMP charging some clients fees when no service had been given - behaviour that went back years and had been covered up within the company.

Yet there was a high level of confidence that Regan was well armed for the onslaught to come.

For two weeks prior to his appearance before the royal commission, he’d been relieved from normal duties so he could be “prepped” for his appearance, with two QCs reportedly involved in the process.

AMP's Anthony "Jack" Regan leaves the royal commission.

AMP's Anthony "Jack" Regan leaves the royal commission.Credit: AAP

AMP had convinced itself that because the company’s dirty laundry had already been laid out for the scrutiny of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) in the months preceding the royal commission, it could assert ‘nothing new here’ and point to a willingness to confess past sins and make amends. Directors were also confident they could demonstrate the board’s ignorance of the conduct at the time it was occurring.


What they hadn’t counted on was the ferocity of the public reaction to Regan’s evidence.

The heat started rising for Brenner when the questioning began to home in on an investigation which AMP had asked law firm Clayton Utz to carry out in 2017, probing the history of the fee for no service issue. The final report of that investigation had been searing. But attachments to Regan’s witness statement showed numerous emails about drafts of the report bouncing back and forth between Clayton Utz and AMP’s top in-house lawyer, Brian Salter. The email trail linked Brenner to some of the changes Salter had sought. Brenner suddenly saw herself  painted as having tried to influence the “independent” and “external” report in a way that shored up the position of her chief executive, Craig Meller.


Regan was not well versed in this area. The company would later protest that he was “not involved in any material way in the preparation of the report”. He floundered in questioning. Yet he agreed with a proposition put to him by the royal commission’s QC that he felt “discomfort” about assurances to ASIC that the Clayton Utz report was independent of AMP.

In the company’s response some days later, AMP insisted that the report had never been portrayed to ASIC as completely independent– rather it had been independent of the “advice” business unit within AMP. And it completely rejected wrongdoing by Brenner, who, the argument ran, was just being diligent by ensuring the role of her chief executive was clarified.

But by then it was too late. The public travails of Catherine Brenner - one of the most senior women in the Australian business community - had begun.

The firestorm

From Japan, Brenner spoke to senior AMP executives the night that Regan’s evidence concluded. It was clear she would have to fly back to Sydney. Another director, Holly Kramer, was also overseas, on a trip to Israel. Frantic calls between board members bounced across the globe. Brenner arrived back in Sydney on Thursday morning after an overnight flight.


The dominoes began to fall in quick succession. By Thursday, Salter had stepped aside from his general counsel duties. By Friday, chief executive Craig Meller had fallen on his sword. The following weekend a crisis board meeting saw Brenner hand in her resignation. Soon afterwards it was announced that two other female directors ( Kramer was one) would step down before the annual general meeting due on May 10. Salter learned that he was to be terminated permanently, despite vehemently denying wrongdoing.

At the senior levels of AMP, there was shell-shock, according to well-placed sources. “We were not expecting the firestorm that suddenly broke out inside the media, our investors and also within the government,” one told Fairfax Media. “It took everybody by surprise. And it’s one of the reasons Catherine was in Japan, because she didn’t expect it either. So then there was a gap of a couple of days, where there was a vital lack of leadership about how to manage the fallout. You end up with half your board gone, you lose your CEO, and chairman, and general counsel; and there are now five class actions pending. In terms of crisis management it was a complete disaster.”

The episode became a lightning rod for other concerns some had about Brenner's chairmanship. "Normally you have a much more seasoned executive as your chair, who is older and more experienced than your CEO. The situation was reversed here," said one observer.

Brenner had established herself at a relatively young age at the very top tier of the corporate world. She sat on the boards of major listed companies Coca-Cola Amatil and Boral as well as her prestigious AMP chairmanship. She also sat on the board of trustees of the Art Gallery of New South Wales (from which she has since stepped aside) and the board of SCEGGS Darlinghurst, the top private girls’ school attended by her daughters. Now what she had worked towards all her life was hanging by a thread.

Catherine Brenner at the Coca Cola Amatil annual general meeting in May, after the AMP scandal broke.

Catherine Brenner at the Coca Cola Amatil annual general meeting in May, after the AMP scandal broke.Credit: Janie Barrett

As Brenner went to ground, the media pack closed in. Photographers camped outside the family home at Centennial Park. In the financial press, unnamed sources poured scorn on her fitness for the chair, questioned her past business record, lampooned the emphasis the slender blonde placed on her (always immaculately) groomed appearance, and queried the amount of family time she had sacrificed to pursue her corporate ambitions. Her husband’s past was raked over (he had been a senior urologist but lost his authority to possess or issue prescriptions for addictive drugs in 2015).

Further commentary painted Brenner as a jumped-up creation of corporate guru David Gonski – “the chairman of everything” as he is sometimes known – a man with more reach into more corporate boardrooms and government ears than anyone else in the country, who had championed a number of women, including Brenner.

She had “never run anything”, never been a CEO, had come out of nowhere as a mid-level investment banker and taken up plum corporate positions that she was not ready for. Or so the arguments ran.

Union-busting businessman Chris Corrigan was one of the few to put his name to such criticisms. It was “demonstrably the case” that she had only got the AMP job because she was a woman, he told The Australian newspaper. “Can you imagine that a man with moderate investment banking experience at a second-rate investment bank would have got to be chair of the AMP?”

Her supporters were horrified. Some - senior figures in the business community – are now rallying publicly in her defence (although keen-eyed observers note Gonski thus far has not been among them).

Prominent in Brenner’s support is Ilana Atlas, chair of Coca-Cola Amatil, where Brenner still holds a seat on the board. Atlas and her fellow directors held the line when the shareholders' association demanded Brenner’s head at the company’s annual general meeting two weeks ago, with camera crews hanging outside the doors.

Atlas said Brenner would stay on until her term reached its natural expiry date next year, and would remain in charge of the board’s risk and sustainability committee.

Atlas told Fairfax: “I have found some of the commentary on Catherine quite extraordinary. It’s obviously coming from people who have not worked with her. As a professional colleague, I would say that she is an excellent director: highly committed, very hardworking, very diligent, always across every issue. She went about getting a deep understanding of the business and the people in it.”

Pushing back against comments like Corrigan’s, she said, “you hear some of the blokes complaining - but we are in the midst of a social revolution; now they have to compete against 100 per cent of the population, not 50 per cent.”

Prominent businesswoman Yasmin Allen.

Prominent businesswoman Yasmin Allen.

Prominent businesswoman Yasmin Allen, who sits on the boards of Santos, Cochlear and the ASX, was in London soon after the storm broke over Brenner. She says the view from Britain has been one of astonishment. “To be criticised for a business judgement or decision is absolutely fine. No-one has a problem with that. But to move into that kind of personal attack? I feel like I have stepped back 50 years. People are saying 'Wow, if you put your head up and take a high-profile position and something goes wrong this is what is going to happen to you if you are a woman'.”

As a company chair, she said,  Brenner's job was not to direct the business but act as sounding board for the CEO. "These are high-level, evolved skills that not everyone has. She has a high level of integrity and was very generous with her time when I sent people to her for advice." 

Bob Cameron, who founded and then chaired Centennial Coal, where Brenner was a director for five years, told Fairfax: “She was a major contributor around the board table. We all held her, and I still do, in very high regard. Based on my experience I would happily serve on another board with her.”

Others speaking up for Brenner include Kim Williams, with whom she served on the Opera House board,  former investment banker John Wylie, and businesswoman Belinda Hutchinson, chancellor of the University of Sydney, and former head of Chief Executive Women.

“I have been distressed and saddened about some of the things written about her,” says Hutchinson. “Her family life has nothing to do with her professional life, you don't hear men being written about in that way. To have your children put through what they have been put through, not being able to go to school without the press waiting at the door, I think is incredibly cruel.”

Angus James, her former boss at ABN Amro, said: “She’s become the get-squared for every white Anglo-Saxon male who feels aggrieved about not getting any board posts, supposedly because women of less calibre are getting them. It's complete tripe”.

The rise of Catherine Brenner

In some ways, Brenner’s rise is the classic tale of the small-town girl made good. Brenner herself did not wish to be interviewed. Those who know her well speak of a softly-spoken woman, not an out-sized personality but charming and highly intelligent, with a marked drive to succeed.

Unlike many of the those she now mixes with, Brenner did not go to one of the “best’’ private schools or “best” university colleges.

The eldest of four children, she was born in Gundagai, to Mike and Diana Hogan, both teachers who moved frequently to take up rural postings around the state. When she was in primary school they moved to Canberra so her father could fill a headmaster’s position, and they upped sticks again when Brenner was in year 8, to the lush mid-north coast. There Hogan became the first lay head of the Catholic school, St Augustine’s, while Brenner attended Coffs Harbour High, known locally as Jetty High. She seems to have found school a breeze: winning prizes, debating, public speaking, and still finding time to get to the top of the local Girl Guides. She told one friend she tried to get “every badge you could get in the book”. She worked in local stores to earn extra cash, and was anointed Lions Youth of the Year in one of her final high school years.

Goal-setting, determination and pursuing opportunity at every turn were early hallmarks. An influential high school economics teacher and the work experience she landed with a Coffs Harbour solicitor nudged her towards law and economics at Macquarie University. Throughout most of her five-year degree, she supported herself by working as the in-house boarding mistress at Sydney girls’ school, Loreto Normanhurst, a role which often meant sacrificing evenings and Saturday nights.

After graduation and a six-month backpacking tour overseas, Brenner took up a position at leading law firm Phillips Fox. She discovered an appetite for corporate law and the more entrepreneurial side of legal practice. Two years later, she left the law to join investment bank BZW, which later acquired ABN AMRO.

Those years gave her a seat at the table through one of the biggest corporate transactions Australia had seen – the privatisation of Telstra, through tranches 1, 2 and 3. Her boss at ABN AMRO, Angus James, says he had “huge” confidence in Brenner. “We handled Telstra 1 through 3 and she was a core part of those teams,” he told Fairfax. When UBS tried to poach Brenner, he fended them off by agreeing to support her longer-term plan.

“Catherine is a very meticulous person,” he said. “She had a plan about what she wanted do with her career, and she consulted widely on that. She made it very clear that she would continue in investment banking, but only for a short period and then look at board positions, because that's where she thought she could progress herself and add some value.”

James told her: “Look it's early, [she was still in her early thirties] but there is nothing wrong with that if you can achieve it.” He smoothed the path, as she sought out mentors, among them the late Ken Moss, with whom she used to catch up every few weeks.  Gonski became another key supporter.

Catherine Brenner with mentor Ken Moss in 2008.

Catherine Brenner with mentor Ken Moss in 2008.Credit: Louie Douvis

In 1998, in the middle of pitching for the Telstra 2 float, Brenner met her husband to be, Phillip, then an up-and-coming urologist, and the brother of Maxine Brenner, who went on to marry OneTel founder Jodee Rich.

Now Brenner entered a world which overlapped with that of some of Sydney’s wealthiest families, including the Packers. Phillip Brenner had once dated James Packer’s sister, Gretel, and his uncle, property tycoon Robert Whyte, was a mate of billionaire Kerry Packer. The wedding of Catherine and Phillip took place on Observatory Hill in 1999, in a ceremony which incorporated elements of both her Catholic and his Jewish background. Friends say she had to fit the wedding date around a corporate deal. The family connection opened the door to her first non-executive directors’ position, on the board of Whyte’s private company Trafalgar, in 2003.

Other board appointments soon followed: Centennial Coal in 2005, biotech company Cryosite in 2006, and in 2007, membership of the federal government’s Takeovers Panel. In 2008 she finally broke through to the top echelon, joining the Coca-Cola board, then chaired by Gonski. Her status as a non-executive director was further enhanced when she joined the AMP board in 2009, followed by Boral in 2010.


The real prize came in mid-2016, when she vaulted into the chairman’s position at AMP after the abrupt and mysterious departure of then chairman Simon McKeon, who was facing a divided board. Brenner had signalled her interest in the role and duly landed it, after a two-month interregnum during which interim chair John Palmer led the team looking for a successor. She had a shaky start, appearing to openly chide chief executive Craig Meller for not moving quickly enough to improve company fortunes (chairmen and their chief executives are meant to be joined at the hip in public, so corporate wisdom has it).

And it has often been whispered that Brenner manouevred herself into that highly sought and well-paid ($650,000 per year) role. But Palmer told Fairfax that he “categorically and emphatically rejects” those accusations. “The company had difficult issues to confront,” he said. “She was one of those who showed the willingness and the courage to deal with them, knowing that would be unpopular and would cause some consternation in some parts of the business and wider community. Her integrity, her diligence, intelligence and courage have been amply portrayed throughout that period.”

He insists that once the current “storm” has passed, she will bring “even greater wisdom and experience to corporate governance”.

Not all share his confidence about her corporate future.

That, very likely, rests in the hands of the Royal Commission and its findings in relation to her, the explosive Clayton Utz report, and AMP’s sins more generally.

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