

This was published 19 years ago

Sydney or bust?

Federal police are under fire for allowing the Bali Nine to be arrested on drug charges in a country where they could face the death penalty. Should they have been allowed to come home?

John Charles Dodd can count himself among the luckiest of illicit drug importers. Dodd, 54, was the acknowledged mastermind of a bungled drug deal that resulted in three "dumb junkies" being sentenced to 50 years jail each among the open sewers and rat-infested cells of Thai prisons.

It appears that Australian police knew of Dodd's conspiracy before he or any of his crew left Australia, and that the police alerted their Thai counterparts.

But unlike the three mules who were arrested as they tried to board a plane bound for Sydney with condoms filled with heroin hidden in their bodies, Dodd and his accomplice were allowed to return to Australia before their arrests in March, 1996. One of the mules, Lyle Doniger, later said Thai police told him AFP officers were on hand at the arrest.

Dodd and his mate served their sentences in Australia - of less than five years and 2½ years respectively - while their co-conspirators initially faced the death penalty. In contrast, Werner Paul Roberts, who conspired with solicitor Andrew Fraser to import cocaine, was allowed back into Australia carrying $2.7 million of the drug, even though police knew of his plan before he left Melbourne in August 1999.


There is nothing unusual in allowing drug couriers back into the country and tracing the path of the drug into higher levels of crime syndicates; indeed, the AFP website proclaims its expertise in so-called "controlled deliveries" and drug substitutions.

"There are many instances where they will have the narcotics tracked into the country and have a drop off," says Rob Stary, a solicitor with one of Melbourne's biggest criminal practices.

Civil libertarians and lawyers raised an outcry yesterday over the arrest of nine Australians in Bali for allegedly smuggling heroin. The nine, followed by federal police for more than two months, were effectively handed over to Indonesian authorities. The result, say critics, is that they are exposed to a possible death sentence instead of the substantial jail terms they would have faced in Australia.

The nine arrested include four people who were allegedly found to be carrying almost 11 kilograms of heroin strapped to their bodies, an alleged ringleader, and four others arrested at a hotel at which police found scales and a small quantity of heroin.

Australian Council of Civil Liberties president Terry O'Gorman said that in 30 years as a criminal defence lawyer he had never seen a similar case. The AFP had left the nine Australians to face a possible firing squad if convicted, despite the fact that it had been the primary investigator and the alleged crime was primarily targeted at Australia.

"It is an absolutely unheard-of precedent and one that suggests that the Federal Government is nowhere near as committed to opposing the death penalty as it says it is," O'Gorman said.

O'Gorman argued that for Justice Minister Chris Ellison to say the AFP had no choice but to hand the matter over to its Indonesian counterparts amounted to "weasel words", as it was commonplace for Indonesian police to conduct surveillance for the AFP.

Dr Darren Palmer, a senior lecturer in criminology at Deakin University, said it was common practice to try to follow the drug trail into higher levels of criminal organisations.

"The obvious thing is that if you look at similar type of practices where people are engaged in trafficking, rather than catch the mules, they monitor their movement, or replace the goods and monitor that, to move up the organisation and to see what their distribution network is," he said.

"The only explanation I can anticipate is that they believe there was more to be gained by acting while the people were in Indonesia."

While it was possible the nine arrested comprised the entire syndicate, Palmer said experience showed that the principles in any drug importation kept themselves remote from the movement of the drugs.

Stary said the Bali nine were more vulnerable than Sydney woman Schapelle Corby, who has been charged over the importation of four kilograms of marijuana found in her luggage at Ngurah Rai airport in Bali. It was not as if they would be treated leniently had they been apprehended in Australia.

He said the nine Australians in Bali were in a similar situation to that of Melbourne man Nguyen (Tuong) Van, 24, who was sentenced to death in Singapore after being caught with 400 grams of heroin at Changi Airport, but is now awaiting the outcome of an appeal for clemency.

"In Australia, with that quantity you would be looking at life imprisonment maybe with a minimum non-parole period of 15 to 20 years," Stary said.

Nick Harrington, Victorian president of anti-death penalty campaigners Reprieve Australia, said the Bali arrests were not the first time the AFP had been complicit in exposing Australians overseas to the death penalty.

"If they were watching them so closely, why can't they nab them in Sydney?" Harrington said.

An Australian human rights barrister based in the US, Richard Bourke, said Australian authorities should not be co-operating with, or helping investigations that may result in the death penalty. Australia routinely agreed to extradite prisoners to countries that retain the death penalty, he said, but only after obtaining a guarantee that the death penalty will not be sought against the prisoner.

Melbourne lawyer Paul Galbally said one effect of allowing the arrest by Indonesian police was that the Federal Government would now have to make a plea for clemency, as it had in Schapelle Corby's case.

"The (AFP) have been involved in controlled deliveries in the past," Galbally said. "If the intelligence was clear that they are going to be carrying a prohibited import there's no reason they could not have been arrested here in Australia.

"Arrests here would also have been helpful in the AFP working up the line (of the drug syndicate)."

Defending the actions of federal police, the national manager of the AFP's border and international network, Michael Phelan, said it was always dangerous to allow narcotics to "run live", and it was important to intercept drugs as soon as possible. "Once the information is supplied to the Indonesians ... it's actually up to the Indonesians as to whether or not they decide to take the couriers out at (the) airport or decide to let them run."

He said the AFP worked very closely with its overseas partners and when offences occurred offshore it was a matter for overseas authorities to decide what action to take.

People needed to understand that this was a "transnational" criminal investigation.

"We provide information to them. They provide information to us," he said. "If we don't co-operate with law enforcement authorities overseas we wouldn't be able to gather the intelligence we do to disrupt narcotics coming into Australia."

Phelan said it appeared that the syndicate was linked to a larger operation in Indonesia and Australia. A key role of the AFP was to disrupt drug importation. "That's a significant amount of heroin that's not going to reach the streets," he said.

AFP sources denied the Bali case involved a controlled delivery that occurs when a shipment is intercepted and replaced with a harmless substance to ensure that it does not get to the streets. They said they did not have the power to carry out operations in another country unless the offshore authorities led the investigation.

Justice Minister Ellison said yesterday it was premature to speculate on whether the Government would plead for clemency if the nine were charged, convicted and sentenced to death.

Liberty Victoria spokesman Brian Walters, SC, said Australian police should not be involved in exposing Australian citizens to the death penalty and pointed to the ages of those arrested, five of whom are 21 or younger.

"They are just kids. They are stupid and heroin does a lot of harm, but kids do make mistakes, especially at that age," he said.

"Somebody's telling them they are going to make a lot of money, and that someone is not running the risks themselves."

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