Australians' lack of knowledge about the crisis in Sudan should shame local activists, writes Amanda Vanstone.
Arnold Zable's article "Prolonging the agony" (on this page on Wednesday) displays a myopic view of refugee issues. It is, regrettably, typical of too many self-appointed spokesmen on refugee issues in Australia.
For people such as Zable, the issue of refugees for Australians seems to be the issue of asylum seekers in Australia. This is a very inward-looking view. At a time when another major refugee crisis is unfolding in Sudan we should be trying to take a broader perspective.
The latest refugee crisis in Sudan is not the first. For more than a decade there have been Christian Sudanese who have fled southern Sudan to neighbouring Kenya or Egypt.
Comparatively little is known of this crisis in Australia. This should be a matter of shame to some refugee advocates within Australia. The many stories of suffering associated with that crisis should not be unknown to Australians.
Australia has provided permanent resettlement to more than 10,000 people from southern Sudan in the past three years.
Why does the word "refugee" in Australia bring to mind people in detention centres in Australia, who have been found not to be refugees, rather than people trapped in refugee camps for years in places like the UNHCR's Kakuma camp in Kenya?
Age columnist Robert Manne has explained his focus on asylum seekers arriving without authorisation in Australia with the term "ethics of proximity". We should care, he says, more about the asylum seekers on our doorstep because they are near. We cannot do anything about the very much larger number of refugees in the world. We should just show compassion for those who make it to our shores.
Perhaps if Manne knew more about the bigger picture of refugees he would see what a morally bankrupt view this is. His conspicuous compassion is tokenism at its worst. It suggests to me that he cares little about the global problem of refugees. The unfolding events in Darfur in Sudan illustrate why I say this.
People fleeing violence in Darfur urgently need, first, security, then food, shelter and health care. As is always the case, the best solution to their problem is the restoration of security in their homes, so that they may return.
Resettlement must always be a solution of last resort. The numbers of refugees in the world make anything else impossible. Just as important, however, is that when the sources of persecution are no longer there, the return of groups that once felt threatened can help rebuild a sense of security.
However, there will always be people who have little prospect of return. The sad fact is that places for resettling them are very scarce worldwide. Australia's annual allocation places for refugees, and special humanitarian places - 12,000 in the financial year just finishing, rising to 13,000 in the year about to start - is one of the largest in the world. There are very few alternatives for people who are in the most urgent need of resettlement.
European countries whose refugee places are consumed by asylum seekers and people smugglers have few places for those most in urgent need of resettlement. The ethics of proximity must seem twisted to people who have languished for years in refugee camps.
I invite Arnold Zable to widen his gaze and take a greater interest in refugee problems around the world. His criticism of the Government's temporary protection visa reflects a narrow and short-sighted view of the problem.
I have made no promise of a place in the mainstream migration program for all present TPV holders who are not assessed as needing further protection. The Government's decision has recognised the contributions many TPV holders are making to the Australian community and the links they have formed. In recognition of this fact, a wide range of opportunities has now been opened to TPV holders.
It is obvious, however, that the creation of a return-pending visa recognises there will some people who do not qualify either for further protection or for a mainstream visa. They are expected to return, and when they do their place will be made available for someone overseas in need of resettlement.
That is the way the system works. The freed TPV place is made available to someone in urgent need of resettlement.
Return and resettlement are both important to solving the world's refugee problems.
I invite Arnold Zable to take an interest in unfolding events and to support Australia's contribution to the security and food and shelter needs of people fleeing Darfur.