

This was published 8 years ago

AFL season 2016: Top Magpies under the pump

By Caroline Wilson

Eddie McGuire's move to publicly question – for the first time since enforcing the Nathan Buckley succession plan – his own leadership at the Collingwood Football Club might well be the best call he has made all season.

According to McGuire his two boys, the same black-and-white-clad progeny who grimly stood beside their stony-faced father by the Magpies' players' race in the shadows of Saturday evening, talked him out of his confidence slump but the seed among frustrated supporters has been planted.

Yet again, McGuire has made himself the centre of the story and whether his motivation was to shield Buckley or to deviate attention from the unhappiness at the Holden Centre it is clear that such melodramatic talk is just that. McGuire resign after a loss to Carlton? McGuire resign at all? Please.

The attention-seeking president – last week he took ownership of the Greater Western Sydney academy review and downgraded the Giants' greatest victory in the process – said the game plan did not suit the players currently available. He said the coaching staff must address this. And McGuire is one of a number of strong Buckley supporters who believe that the coach must change certain key aspects of his style.

Yet again, Eddie McGuire has made himself the centre of the story.

Yet again, Eddie McGuire has made himself the centre of the story.Credit: Getty Images

If not, he will not survive in the job beyond next season, possibly sooner. No doubt that message will be delivered with subtlety over the coming weeks and months to the Pies' favourite son. But the truth is that Buckley is just one of a group of top Magpies under the pump. Never has the harsh spotlight shone so brightly on long-time recruiting boss Derek Hine, whose insecurity only intensified with the appointment last week of Graeme Allan at the club.

Buckley and Hine were in dispute over the recruitment of the underperforming James Aish and Hine won, meaning that Collingwood have not only traded away this year's first-round draft pick but also a second-round choice as part of the Aish deal. Last year's trade period reaped Adam Treloar but that came at a heavy cost to the Magpies and not everyone agreed with that cost.

The significance that Allan, who led the list building at the Giants and has returned to Collingwood via a McGuire captain's pick at a time the Magpies list has rarely looked so thin, has not been lost on anyone in the football department. Surely it is inevitable over the coming months that Allan's role will be expanded from women's football and netball.


Former ironman Trevor Hendy's influence over Buckley and his access to the players is another source of frustration for some football staffers at the Holden Centre. That Hendy has been brought in to help the coach achieve some balance in his life is vaguely ironic given that the original plan had Mick Malthouse remaining as coaching director for the first three years of Buckley's tenure.

Nathan Buckley is just one of a group of top Magpies under the pump.

Nathan Buckley is just one of a group of top Magpies under the pump.Credit: Getty Images

The spectacular failure of that plan must be worn to a significant degree by McGuire and Gary Pert. Because although Malthouse's departure should have empowered the inexperienced coach, Buckley instead was left to deal with the two camps among the players that resulted in Malthouse being spurned as senior coach.

Not that they are taking any joy in the fact now, but not everyone close to Buckley and his friend and manager Craig Kelly agreed with the champion footballer's swift elevation to the senior job. There was a strong view – pushed by Tony Shaw but shared by plenty of others – that he required a significantly longer apprenticeship than one year under Malthouse and that the apprenticeship should have been served elsewhere.

Having lost the experienced football boss Geoff Walsh to North Melbourne – Walsh's departure was precipitated following a dispute with some board members and notably Alisa Camplin – and Rodney Eade to coaching; Neil Balme has the task of guiding the young coach through this crisis.

But it is a multi-layered crisis underlined, of course, by the fact that this is Collingwood and the president is Eddie McGuire, who must take a dramatic position of some sort it seems each week. And if Buckley fails, then surely McGuire and Pert must shoulder significant blame despite the fact that Malthouse failed at Carlton.

Which only makes the stakes so much higher and the pressure that much more intense. And while Buckley never performs better than in the media, the same cannot be said of his president of late.

This is not a McGuire-bashing exercise. He has made errors over his 18 years but whenever he does leave the club he will leave his legacy in tact, having rebuilt Collingwood in every sense and will go down as one of the all-time great club presidents. He will be an impossible act to follow.

But 18 years is a long time. Perhaps when McGuire does depart or maybe even before, the Magpies should take a look at repeating what Jeff Kennett did at Hawthorn. In changing the Hawks' constitution, that club ensured that every board leader must be given a use-by date. Because no one should ever be bigger than their football club.

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