

This was published 7 years ago

Who is Donald Trump's trusted adviser Steve Bannon?

By Nick O'Malley

New York: Back in October last year when the idea of a Donald Trump administration seemed like little more than a fantasy, Steve Bannon, soon to be one of the most powerful men in the United States, was already making waves in Washington.

Bannon was the executive chairman of Breitbart News, a far right online outfit that made Fox News look fair and balanced, dainty even. But he was having an impact. Bloomberg published a long profile of him in which his DC political editor Matthew Boyle observed, "If there's an explosion or a fire somewhere, Steve's probably nearby with some matches".

Bloomberg called him the most dangerous political operative in America.

Now Bannon sits toward the apex of Trump's government-in-waiting. Trump is considering appointing him chief of staff. At the very least he will be a senior counsellor to the incoming president.

Steve Bannon, campaign CEO for Donald Trump, during a national security meeting with advisers at Trump Tower in October.

Steve Bannon, campaign CEO for Donald Trump, during a national security meeting with advisers at Trump Tower in October.Credit: AP

And as shocking as such an appointment might appear to the existing political class, such an outcome makes perfect sense in the context of the campaign.

Bannon is the Trump campaign reduced to its id. He is a wild and energetic forced possessed of what looks to be a joyous hatred of the current order, of the establishment of both parties, of tradition, of government itself.

His rage at the machine was revealed in a series of emails from 2014 obtained by the Daily Beast. Irked that Breitbart had not been invited to a Republican function Bannon wrote to a staffer, "Leadership are all c---s". . "We should just go buck wild."

Going buck wild meant stirring up the anti-establishment right wingers who read Breitbart to oppose the Republican establishment. Fox News might have broken the ice on this sort of angry oppositional right-wing reporting, but Breitbart under Bannon turned up the volume.

Steve Bannon leaves Trump Tower on Friday.

Steve Bannon leaves Trump Tower on Friday.Credit: AP

"Let the grassroots turn on the hate because that's the ONLY thing that will make them do their duty," he wrote.

And Breitbart did turn on the hate and the grassroots did go buck wild. They made America ungovernable. Any Republican in Congress who allowed the basic business of government to continue was attacked and felt the threat of a primary challenge. The Republican House speaker, John Boehner was felled, the government shutdown when supply was blocked. Sensing the mood Senator Ted Cruz led a campaign to have the US default on its sovereign debt, threatening the entire global economy.

Steve Bannon, right, with park ranger Caitlin Kostic and Donald Trump at the Gettysburg National Military Park in October.

Steve Bannon, right, with park ranger Caitlin Kostic and Donald Trump at the Gettysburg National Military Park in October.Credit: AP

But even that did not appease the sort of revolution Breitbart was championing. Cruz might have been a radical in DC, but to the sort of people who read Breitbart and on to vote for Trump, he still looked like an insider. At least by comparison to Trump.

The incendiary Breitbart was not Bannon's only political weapon. He helped fund a non-profit called the Government Accountability Institute. One of that organisation's most successful projects was funding the book Clinton Cash by Peter Schweizer. It charted the Clinton Foundation's acceptance of donations by foreign governments and figures.

While the Breitbart content was designed to appeal to the grassroots, this book, which was exhaustively researched even if jaundiced in its thesis, was targeted at the so-called "liberal media". It was to be fodder for New York Times and Washington Post readers - and reporters - already mistrustful of the Clinton family.

It did more damage to Clinton than Bannon could have hoped. Leaks from within the FBI showed that its investigators were using it as a guide to probe the Clintons.

"We've got the 15 best investigative reporters at the 15 best newspapers in the country all chasing after Hillary Clinton," he told Bloomberg about the success of the book last year.

Bannon is one of those driven characters who seems to succeed in whatever field he embraces. Born in 1952 he went on to Virginia Tech and later became a naval officer, serving as a surface warfare officer in the Pacific Fleet. He left the navy and went on to Harvard Business school, only to land himself on Wall St at Goldman Sachs at the start of the boom in the 1990s.

He specialised in media deals, split and founded his own company and, as payment for a deal, took some shares in a little show called Seinfeld.

Now he was rich. He moved on to Hollywood and with his Seinfeld wealth was able to fund conservative projects. In 2004 he made a film celebrating Ronald Reagan as the Cold War's triumphant hero called In the Face of Evil.

His next move was to Breitbart, the media company founded by Andrew Breitbart, who himself had been mentored by the father of the right-wing online movement, Matt Drudge.

After Breitbart's death in 2012 his influence he became the helmsman for what was already a right-wing outlier. He steered it towards the "alt-right."

The online alternative right was driven not only by macho anti-establishment posturing, but a strident opposition to what it considered to be political correctness.


As a result it is embraced not only by libertarians, but by elements of the far right, including white supremacists and anti-semites. Bannon harnessed that energy.

Again showing his uncanny knack for seeing how future chips would fall, Bannon led Breitbart towards Trump, well before other conservative media realised that Trump might become the Republican Party's candidate, and for that he will be well rewarded.

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