

This was published 8 years ago

The morning after the night before: The Trans-Atlantic fallout over Brexit

By Paul McGeough

Washington: Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump hailed the British vote to quit the European Union as "fantastic," whereas his Democratic challenger Hillary Clinton merely "respects" a decision that is convulsing global markets and unnerving her campaign.

As panic set in among institutional and private investors, the American political and pundit classes spun the shock referendum outcome defensively and cautiously, save for Trump whose insurgent, anti-establishment campaign is reckoning on a trans-Atlantic spillover come November – if the Brit can take a lash at London and Brussels, then many Americans will more seriously consider smashing Washington.

The last in the world to open in the wake of the British result, US markets played catch up with Asian and European sell-offs – both the S&P 500 and the Dow Industrials were down sharply, by about 2.5 per cent; the Nasdaq tumbled four per cent.

Big banks were hit badly in early trading – Bank of America shares fell more than 5 per cent; Citigroup was down more than 7 per cent; and JPMorgan Chase was off by more than 4 per cent. Havens were up markedly – gold by 5.4 per cent, and the yield on US 10-year Treasury notes plunged to 1.56 per cent, a four-year low.

Donald Trump mixing with the locals in Scotland.

Donald Trump mixing with the locals in Scotland.Credit: Getty Images

"The volatility will be negative for risk assets," said Albert Brenner, who oversees asset allocation at People's United Wealth Management, which manages $US5.5 billion, but he cautioned: "we don't think the sky is falling."

Analysts were wary, warning of short-term blowups. But economists countered that most big banks and money managers came into the crisis with low amounts of leverage and lots of cash – and they took comfort from central bank declarations that they were ready to leap in with short-term dollar, euro or pound loans to institutions.

In Washington, International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde cautioned that it would take time to establish the new EU-UK relationship, but the IMF has already predicted that Brexit could reduce total output of all advanced economies by half a percentage point by 2019.


Washington and other capitals in the trans-Atlantic security establishment gave assurances that Britain and the EU would continue to play their part in global affairs.

British Prime Minister David Cameron falling on his sword in the wake of the Brexit vote.

British Prime Minister David Cameron falling on his sword in the wake of the Brexit vote.

President Barack Obama, who on a recent visit to Britain went out on a limb in urging voters to stay in the EU, said on Friday: "The special relationship between the US and the UK is enduring, and the UK's membership in NATO remains a vital cornerstone of US foreign, security, and economic policy.

"So too is our relationship with the EU, which has done so much to promote stability, stimulate economic growth, and foster the spread of democratic values and ideals across the continent and beyond."

Traders on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange yesterday.

Traders on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange yesterday.Credit: Richard Drew/AP

Clinton's campaign pitch on the back of the British vote was more subtle that that of Trump. Without articulating her 'Trump is a Looney' narrative, she implied it, claiming this was a "time of uncertainty" that called for the leadership qualities that her campaign boasts – "calm, steady, experienced leadership in the White House, to protect Americans' pocketbooks and livelihoods, to support our friends and allies, to stand up to our adversaries, and to defend our interests."

She said in a statement: "Our first task has to be to make sure that the economic uncertainty created by these events does not hurt working families here in America. We also have to make clear America's steadfast commitment to the special relationship with Britain and the trans-Atlantic alliance with Europe."

It was timely for Trump to be in the UK, but the optics were skewed because he was visiting one of his golf courses in Scotland, where the vote was overwhelming in favour of Britain remaining in the EU. But the New York mogul talked his way around that: "It's a great thing. I think it's a fantastic thing."

Predicting, even urging, a complete break-up of the EU, he declared: "[It] looks like it's on its way ... I think you're going to have this happen more and more."

As anti-EU advocates in France and the Netherlands were demanding similar votes, Trump pointed to public anger and distrust in the UK and the US, declaring: "There's plenty of other places – this will not be the last."

Trump analysed the likely impact of the British vote on the US with surprising clarity and good sense: "This changes everything. We all need to learn from this. For me, the immediate takeaway is that for far too long political leaders and the institutions they represent haven't been listening."

With no distinction between Republicans and Democrats, he said: "When you lose support for your positions you have to change course. For too long our elites have not been listening to how people are hurting and this is the clearest example, a very dramatic result.

"We need to start listening to British and American people and Europeans at large and bring them into the conversation more fully."

Claiming great similarities in the mood of both countries, particularly on the issue of migration, Trump tweeted to the world from Scotland: "Place is going wild over the vote – they took their country back, just like we will take America back. No games!"

Prominent political consultant and pollster Frank Luntz warned of an inevitable spillover to the US: "I have seen the future. If a wave of voter populism can sweep Britain out of Europe, it can sweep Donald Trump to the presidency in America. The anger I heard in Britain is far wider and deeper in America. Just as [the leave vote] exceeded every poll, so did Donald Trump in the primaries. And that may well continue into the fall."

But the vote is seen as a warning for the GOP, as much as the Democrats who have had the White House for eight years.

Warning that charismatic, far-right leaders rise only when establishment leaders surrender to them – as with the anti-EU lobby in Britain and with the Tea Party and the Trump campaign in the US – Guardian columnist Richard Wolffe argues that the GOP had embraced the Tea Party in the belief that it would undermine Obama.

He writes: "Instead of ejecting them to join a third party, the [GOP] embraced them, including their conspiracy theories about the president's birth and religion. Now, after alternately ignoring and ridiculing Trump, they are shocked that the leader of the birther conspiracy is their nominee. The GOP's short-term appeasement has imperiled its own future."


Wolffe makes his point with this graphic quote from Sir Nicholas Soames, a senior Conservative MP and the grandson of Winston Churchill: "If you have an Alsatian sitting in front of you, and it growls at you and bares its teeth, there are two ways of dealing with it – you can pat it on the head, in which case it'll bite you. Or you can kick it really hard in the balls, in which case it'll run away."

The moral of his story? Conservative leaders on both sides of the Atlantic had lacked the courage to kick anyone in the balls. Except, perhaps, themselves.

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