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This was published 8 years ago
Republican Party in suicidal tailspin over Donald Trump's unstoppable rise
By Paul McGeough
In an eerie evocation of fascist rallies the world might have thought had been consigned to history, leading Republican presidential contender Donald Trump demanded that thousands at a rowdy Saturday rally in Florida should swear they would vote for him – "no matter what."
"Let's do a pledge. Who likes me in this room," Trump demanded, between interruptions as protesters were manhandled out of the rally. He raised his hand as a court witness might.
But, recreating images that became hallmarks of Italian Fascist and German Nazi rallies and watched by the cameras of the world's media, the crowd then stretched their right arms much as followers of Hitler and Mussolini did.
Performing as in a grainy Movitone News clip, most in the crowd held their right arms outstretched at an angle while Trump demanded again, "I've never done this before. Can I have a pledge? A swearing? Raise your right hand."
Donald Trump asks supporters to pledge their allegiance to him during a rally in Florida.Credit: Screenshot/CNN
He then led the crowd: "I do solemnly swear that I, no matter how I feel, no matter what the conditions, if there are hurricanes or whatever, will vote on or before the 12th for Donald J Trump for president.
"Thank you. Now I know. Don't forget you all raised your hands. You swore. Bad things happen if you don't live up to what you just did,"
Meanwhile and probably more so after the Orlando spectacle, the Republican Party was in shock, reeling.
Slugging it out to name a presidential nominee for an election in November, the party is foundering in uncharted waters.
A man protests Donald Trump while he speaks during a campaign rally in Florida.Credit: AP
Deconstructed, the debate among Republicans can be reduced to a single question – is the long-term viability of their once-venerated party more important than a single term in the White House?
"My party is committing suicide on national television," tweeted Jamie Johnson, an advisor to former Texas governor Rick Perry who was an early casualty in the nomination race, during the mayhem of last week's candidates' debate.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump talking to the media after a campaign rally in Orlando, Florida. Credit: AP
"We're in territory that our party hasn't seen," said Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee.
Political biographer Jon Meacham told MSNBC: "Trump has managed to hijack the whole political party, and the pilots are asking why no one is on their side – the passengers are cheering for the guy who took over the plane."
Donald Trump has been raging ahead in the polls and primaries.Credit: AP
Described by some as an insurgent from within, by others as an outside raider mounting a hostile takeover, Trump's disdain for the policies and practices of the GOP have wrong-footed Republican grandees and the conservative US establishment – political, moneyed and media – at every turn.
Trump was supposed to self-immolate, to be torched by his own political ignorance and naivete. Instead he has surged in the primaries, taking command of a nomination field that has shrunk from 17 to just four.
Votes in Kansas, Louisiana, Maine and Kentucky on Saturday and in Puerto Rico on Sunday are a waypoint between two big voting dates in big states – last week's Super Tuesday, in a dozen states; and March 15, in five states that include the vital turf like Florida and Ohio.
In the first returns on Saturday's vote, Texas Senator Ted Cruz pulled ahead of Trump – but with his 51 per cent win, with 73 per cent of the count tallied, Cruz had captured just 17 of the 40 convention delegates in play. Nationally, in primaries, to date, Trump still has a good lead over Cruz – 335 to 248 delegates in a race in which the winner needs 1237 delegates to secure the nomination.
At each stage of the process, the commentariat has identified the hurdles that surely would trip up Trump. This weekend is no different – his penis talk in last Thursday's candidates' debate; several of the contests are in caucus states, in which Trump has been weak; and these are "closed elections", in which only registered Republicans are allowed a vote.
As the primaries progress, the Republican leadership is at war with itself – a war of ideas on how to dress up what sounds like a coup being plotted by some, by which to rob Trump of the nomination in the event that he prevails, as a legitimate application of the party rules.
A difficulty is that so far, Trump can ridicule the biggest names behind the push as failures – Mitt Romney, who lost against Barack Obama in 2012; John McCain, who lost to Obama in 2008; and the hundred-odd conservative national security and foreign policy experts who have condemned the Trump candidacy – but a good many of whom were the architects of the failed invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Like the hotel and apartment towers that bear his name, Trump is making the party his own, sideling and abusing the leadership at all levels; and along the way, jettisoning policy and principle in serial pronouncements which when written down, invariably reveal themselves to be meaningless.
What to do?
Romney effectively called for Republicans to vote in the remaining primaries to deny Trump the delegate count he needs, so that a new round of voting could take place at the party's convention in July, to deny Trump the nomination – a so-called brokered convention, the last of which was in 1976.
But Ted Cruz, a Texas Senator fighting Trump for the nomination, warns that to subvert the will of the rank and file would be a great mistake – "if that happens, we'll have a manifest revolt on our hands all across the country".
The warning by Cruz was underscored by outpouring of contempt and fury by callers to talk shows on conservative radio in the wake of a speech last week by Romney, in which he seemed to suggest a brokered convention as a strategy to defeat Trump
Last year the leadership went to great lengths to block a Trump breakaway – he was threatening to quit the Republican Party and run as his own candidate against the Democrats' Hillary Clinton and whoever the Republicans might select. Now some believe he should have been pushed out – that way, they argue his guns would have been trained on Clinton, not on fellow Republicans.
Writing in the weekend, former George W Bush adviser Michael Gerson argues that stopping Trump at a brokered convention is an obvious choice for the party. "But if Ohio or Florida falls to Trump [in primaries on March 15], anti-Trump Republicans are likely to face a choice between voting for Clinton or supporting a third-party candidate."
A #NeverTrump campaign has been launched and there is a reported gusher of donations to fund an advertising campaign to tear down the real estate mogul.
Their difficulty is, that in leaving their run so late; they might be too late. Trump has harnessed, and now owns, the rank-and-file conservative voter anger that the GOP failed to address in any meaningful way and for which they were rebuked by a weekend editorial in The New York Times.
"It is an excellent thing that the Republican leaders have noticed the problem they have fostered, now embodied in the Trump candidacy. But until they see the need to alter the views and policies they have expressed for years, removing Mr Trump will not end the party's crisis."
It's asymmetric war – Trump appeals to the gut; the party leadership talks to the brain.
Sounding more like Mussolini, whose quotes he happily retweets, Trump says he wants to "open up the libel laws", by which he means he wants to rip down the First Amendment, so that he can go after his media critics; and he menaces contributors to the campaigns of his opponents that "they better be careful, they have a lot to hide".
He incites the ugly side of his audiences, ordering his security to "throw [protesters] out in the cold"; or weighing in himself with incendiary threats like, "I'd like to punch him in the face".
For Trump, torture is the go; international law is to be ignored and his fellow Republican and House speaker Paul Ryan might as well be road kill – "I'm sure I'm going to get along with him; and if I don't, he's going to pay a big price."
Ruth Marcus, writing in The Washington Post, warns Americans of what they might be getting: "Trump is [Richard] Nixon with all of the megalomaniacal willingness to abuse power and none of the crafty realpolitik. He's attracted to strongmen, past and present – unapologetically retweeting a quote from Mussolini and basking in praise from Vladimir Putin."
And despite the media's near obsessive attention to the Republican civil war, there is a sober warning to Clinton and her team in a description of Trump, by Dannel Malloy, the governor of Connecticut and one of Clinton's fellow Democrats.
"He's formidable, he understands voter anxieties and he will be ruthless against Hillary Clinton," Malloy told The New York Times. "I've gone from denial – 'I can't believe anyone would be listening to this guy' – to admiration, in the sense that he's figured out how to capture everyone's angst, [and] to real worry."