

This was published 8 years ago

Donald Trump digs a hole for himself with attacks on Muslim hero's parents

By Paul McGeough

Washington, DC: Not only is Donald Trump callous in his treatment of those who have fought in America's wars, he's also ignorant of the wars and the ways of a world in which as a US president he'd be, as it were, calling the shots.

The weekend just gone has had millions of Americans cringing in disbelief - first because of Trump's inhumane disregard for a Muslim American family whose son died fighting as a US soldier in Iraq; and then because the man who didn't know what Brexit was also didn't seem to know that in 2014, Russia had snatched the Crimean peninsula from neighbouring Ukraine - where Moscow continues to stoke a brutal separatist war.

Despite being overshadowed in the mainstream media by Hillary Clinton's speech on Thursday evening, the appearance of Khizr and Ghazala Khan on the Philadelphia convention stage last week electrified social media.

Their dignified and powerful questioning of Trump's treatment of Muslims amounted to a stunning put-down of Trump's charge that many American Muslims are terrorist sympathisers who turn a blind eye to terrorism, for which reason he proposed a ban on all Muslims entering the US.

Donald Trump says he  feels "like a great and very brave soldier".

Donald Trump says he feels "like a great and very brave soldier".Credit: AP

As Khan's wife did all she could not to crumble emotionally, the Harvard-educated lawyer made an eloquent challenge to Trump, setting out the heroic manner in which their son, Captain Humayun Khan, "a patriotic American Muslim with undivided loyalty to our country", walked into the path of what proved to be a vehicle-borne suicide bomb in Iraq, after ordering his men to take cover.

Khan made the point that having arrived in the country from Pakistan as a two-year-old, the young soldier would have been barred from entering the US under Trump's policy proposals.

"Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims. He disrespects other minorities, women, judges, and even his own [party] leadership. He vows to build walls and ban us from this country," Khan said.

Then, pulling a copy of the American constitution from an inside pocket in his suit jacket, Khan spoke directly to Trump: "Donald Trump you are asking Americans to trust you with our future. Let me ask you: have you ever read the US constitution - I'll gladly lend you my copy."

Khizr Khan and his wife Ghazala at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

Khizr Khan and his wife Ghazala at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.Credit: AP

Any smart politician would have take Khan's words on the chin - and if he was inclined not to, aides most likely would have wrestled him to the ground to keep him away from the cameras.

But despite this being a country in which those who have made the "ultimate sacrifice" are respected and revered beyond belief, the incredibly thin-skinned Trump lashed out - just as he did earlier in this campaign, when he charged that Arizona Senator John McCain was not a war hero because he had been captured in the Vietnam War - "I like people that weren't captured, OK?"

Trump's response to the Khan speech was to demean Ghazala Khan as a wife who was not allowed to speak - but on Sunday, in a poignant op-ed in The Washington Post, she did. Eloquently.

"When Donald Trump is talking about Islam, he is ignorant," she wrote.

"Donald Trump says he has made a lot of sacrifices. He doesn't know what the word sacrifice means."

Trump suggested that Khan's speech had been written by the Clinton campaign, which had a racist tinge because it seemed to be code for "a migrant from Pakistan couldn't write a speech like that".

"Who wrote that? Did Hillary's script writers write it," he demanded of ABC talk show host George Stephanopoulos.

Trump rightly would have been surprised by the speech because, unlike most that he gives, Khan's consisted of coherent sentences.

Later, Trump pointed out that Captain Khan had died 12 years ago - which read like an implicit "Get over it!"

In the wake of Trump's response, the Khans gave a series of interviews, explaining that it was the mother's emotional response to seeing big pictures of their son as a convention stage backdrop for their appearance that had made her unable to speak.

They urged the GOP leadership to call out Trump.

And Republican operatives did. Former George W. Bush speechwriter Peter Wehner tweeted: "He's a man of sadistic cruelty - with him there's no bottom". Tim Miller, communications director for the failed Jeb Bush nomination campaign denounced Trump as "inhuman".

But the Republican leaders on whom Khan called directly for a response - House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate leader Mitch McConnell - dodged his appeal.

But Trump was not yet done in making a fool of himself.

When Stephanopoulos turned to geopolitics and Russia, Trump insisted that President Vladimir Putin would not make a military move into Ukraine - despite having already annexed the Crimean peninsula in 2014.

Sounding more like a spokesman for Moscow than a candidate for the US presidency, Trump declared: "He's not going into Ukraine, OK - just so you understand. You can mark it down, you can put it down."

Stephanopoulos: "Well, he's already there, isn't he?"

Trump: "OK - well, he's there in a certain way."

What followed was a classic Trump circumlocution - "But I'm not there. You have Obama there. And frankly that whole part of the world is a mess under Obama with all the strength you're talking about and all the power of NATO and all of this.

"In the meantime, he's going away. He takes Crimes [sic]."

This came in the wake of a midweek interview in which Trump was asked if, as US president, he would recognise Putin's annexation of Crimea, to which he responded: "We'll be looking at that, yeah, we'll be looking."

Despite Trump's confusion, it's unfair to dismiss his service to his country.

He does know sacrifice - when asked by Stephanopoulos, he claimed that running his businesses constituted "sacrifice".

Like so many rich kids in his day, he dodged the Vietnam War, although he's wont to claim that his attendance at a secondary school run on vaguely military lines constituted service to his country.

And, gobsmack of all gobsmacks, in an interview in 1997, when he might have been mistaken for a mature adult, he argued that the danger he faced from getting sexually transmitted diseases as a young man was his own "personal Vietnam".


Here's what the would-be president said: "I've been so lucky … It's a dangerous world out there. It's scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam-era. It's my personal Vietnam - I feel like a great and very brave soldier."

Lest we forget.

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