

This was published 8 years ago

Turkmen in Syria find themselves in Russian cross hairs after plane downed

By Ruth Pollard

In Yayladağı, on the Turkey-Syria border: As the boom of artillery fire echoed across the valley, 52-year-old Mohamed, hands ever so slightly shaking, placed his palms across his chest, turned his eyes skyward and exhaled.

He had just fled his village in the Turkmen Mountains under intense Russian air strikes and Syrian regime bombardment with his wife and two daughters. His relief was palpable.

"You can hear the sounds of the attacks, it is all around us," Mohamed said as he and his family rested for the first time since they left home that morning.

It is a day after Turkey – in an act of aggression that shocked its allies and raised fears of an escalation in the already brutal Syrian conflict – shot down a Russian warplane over this border area following accusations it had violated Turkish airspace.

A Turkmen rebel manning a mortar in the fight against Bashar al-Assad's forces.

A Turkmen rebel manning a mortar in the fight against Bashar al-Assad's forces.Credit: Halab News Network

One pilot was killed by Turkmen rebel fighters affiliated with the opposition Free Syrian Army, the other was rescued and is now, according to Russia, back at its base in the Syrian coastal city of Latakia.

On one level, the Turkey-Russia tensions have so far remained a war of words.

Russian President Vladimir Putin called Turkey an "accomplice of terrorists" and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov cancelled a planned trip to Turkey and severed military contact between the two countries.


Warning "all potentially dangerous targets will be destroyed", Russia's Defence Ministry also announced it would send its latest air defence system to back up its Latakia base.

Cluster bombs used by Russia have been found in Syria.

Cluster bombs used by Russia have been found in Syria.Credit: HRW

Meanwhile, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan​ said the downing of Russia's warplane was "fully in line with Turkey's rules of engagement".

"We have no intention of escalating this incident. We are only defending our own security and the rights of our brothers," Mr Erdogan said.

A Turkish army truck loaded with self-propelled guns heads to the Syrian border.

A Turkish army truck loaded with self-propelled guns heads to the Syrian border.Credit: AP

In a letter to the UN Security Council, Turkey said it shot down the jet when it flew more than 1.6 kilometres into Turkey's airspace for 17 seconds despite being warned 10 times while approaching to change direction, the letter said.

However the Russian co-pilot denied any warnings had been issued. Speaking on Russian television, Captain Konstantin Murakhtin​ said: "There were no warnings. Not via the radio, not visually. There was no contact whatsoever."

Russian anger: posters showing a portrait of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and reading "Wanted Erdogan","Erdogan", and "Turkey", left after a protest at the Turkish embassy in Moscow.

Russian anger: posters showing a portrait of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and reading "Wanted Erdogan","Erdogan", and "Turkey", left after a protest at the Turkish embassy in Moscow.Credit: AP

But for civilians on the ground in areas targeted by Russian and Syrian regime attacks, it is much more than a diplomatic stoush – it is a matter of life and death.

Trapped in what they describe as a cycle of escalating Russian air strikes, supported by Syrian regime artillery fire, Mohamed says the family was left with no choice.

Lieutenant-Colonel Oleg Peshkov died after his plane was shot down.

Lieutenant-Colonel Oleg Peshkov died after his plane was shot down.

His wife Um Shereen, 47, said the Syrian Turkmen minority were under bombardment from the sky, the ground and the coast.

"Our rebels are fighting Daesh [Islamic State], Hezbollah, Iran, Russia and the Syrian regime – they must fight as we will not accept that we must live under a dictatorship," Mohamed vowed.

"Our place used to be relatively safe, now there is no safe place. We sold our car a long time ago – we left our houses and farms behind."

As a biting late autumn wind tore through the town that sits at the border with Syria, Um Shereen admitted her family had not yet found a place to stay.

"We have been terrified, and now we don't know where we will stay tonight," she said. "We have nothing but these clothes we are wearing."

A Turkmen rebel leader based on the front lines on Turkmen Mountain told Fairfax Media by phone it appeared Russia had intensified its attacks in the last 24 hours to punish opposition forces for the death of one of its pilots.

He confirmed Turkmen rebels had shot at the pilot as he parachuted from the burning plane and said "now we expect we will be hit by everything from the Russians".

"For us it cannot get any worse than this," the leader, who asked to be identified as Abu Musab said. "We are under a very intense, heavy campaign from the Russians and the Syrian regime."

He warned many civilians from nearby villages had fled to the border with Syria, where they were attempting to shelter from the fighting.

Turkmen, a Sunni Muslim minority group who mostly live in the Turkmen Mountain area along the border between Syria and Turkey, with some villages in the Aleppo countryside, Iraq and northern Lebanon, are ethnic Turks who have been in the region since the 11th century.

They were some of the first opposition fighters to take up arms against the Assad regime after years of repression.

"Why is Russia bombing our villages?" asks Abu Ali, a 55-year-old who two days ago left his home in the Turkmen Mountains to cross the border into the Turkish town of Yayladagi.

"The Russians are claiming they are fighting terrorists, but there is no Daesh there, only Turkmen," he says.

There are 30 Turkmen villages in the mountainous region as well as up to 79 farms, many of which have been abandoned as families flee the conflict.

"Civilians cannot stay there any longer because the Russian air force strikes from the sky, the regime bombards us from the ground, people are being slaughtered, they have to escape," Abu Ali says.

Several Turkmen interviewed by Fairfax Media mentioned Russia's use of the banned cluster bombs in their bombardment of the Turkmen Mountain.

Their allegations follow a report from Human Rights Watch last month in which it detailed the use of an advanced Russian cluster munition in an air strike south-west of Aleppo on October 4.

"The use of the weapon near the village of Kafr Halab raises grave concerns that Russia is either using cluster munitions in Syria or providing the Syrian air force with new types of cluster munitions to use," Human Rights Watch reported.

"New photographs and videos also suggest renewed use of air-dropped cluster munitions as well as ground-fired Russian-made cluster munition rockets as part of the joint Russian-Syrian offensive in northern Syria."

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