

This was published 9 years ago

Joshua Wong, the teen who shook Hong Kong's future

By Philip Wen

Hong Kong: Amid the evening peak-hour mayhem on the neon-bathed streets of Mong Kok, most are too busy to take notice of the rake-thin, bespectacled teenager melting in and out of the crowd.

But Joshua Wong, still weeks shy of his 19th birthday, is one of Hong Kong's most powerful political identities and instantly recognisable faces. The mastermind of the Umbrella Revolution.

Student activist Joshua Wong Chi-fung.

Student activist Joshua Wong Chi-fung.Credit: Jerome Favre

One young fan stops in his tracks to say hello; others do a double take as they scurry past.

The reception, though, hasn't always been friendly. It was here in this dense working-class Kowloon neighbourhood, when Wong, walking down the street with his girlfriend, was grabbed by the neck and punched in the face by an unknown assailant in July; an attack he describes as "unprovoked and politically motivated".

Occupy co-founder Benny Tai during the protests.

Occupy co-founder Benny Tai during the protests.Credit: Ring Yu/Ming Pao

It comes then, as a bit of a surprise that Wong arranges to meet for our interview in the heart of Mong Kok given his chequered experiences here.

But having graduated from high school, he is now studying at the nearby Open University. "It's just a five-minute mini-bus ride away," he explains, arriving in a white T-shirt and a sporting a navy backpack; his trademark bowl haircut clipped considerably shorter around the sides.

A year has passed since a mass political awakening erupted in Hong Kong, drawing hundreds of thousands of umbrella-toting protesters to occupy city streets demanding the right to choose their next leader. The unprecedented mass civil-disobedience campaign lasted 79 days, sharply divided public opinion and thrust uncomfortable questions about free and vibrant Hong Kong's coexistence under Communist Party rule.

Then still 17, Wong was a key driving force behind the protests as leader of Scholarism, the student activism group he founded. Captivating the international news media with his fiery speeches belying his youth, he was catapulted into international prominence as the face of the protest movement.

Benny Tai in his office.

Benny Tai in his office.Credit: Philip Wen

Pro-Communist Party school curriculum prevented

Wong is pursuing a degree in politics and public administration but admits he is "not really interested" in academic research. He describes himself, half-jokingly, as a major in student activism and a part-time uni student.

Joshua Wong, founder and convener of the student group Scholarism, marches during a pro-democracy rally in Hong Kong.

Joshua Wong, founder and convener of the student group Scholarism, marches during a pro-democracy rally in Hong Kong.Credit: Bloomberg

"I like to organise campaigns rather than having the research and writing 3000-word essays; after you write 3000 words it's meaningless because no one will read it," he says, speaking very quickly, as though he is trying to keep up with his thoughts.

The intensity of his political rhetoric makes it easy to forget how young Wong is. But he insists he still has time for play. He goes to the cinema regularly with his girlfriend and remains partial to his Gundam action figures and cartoons (Gundam is a popular Japanese science fiction franchise based on giant flying robots).

A pro-democracy activist holds a yellow umbrella in front of a police line on a street in Hong Kong's Mong Kok district on November 25 last year.

A pro-democracy activist holds a yellow umbrella in front of a police line on a street in Hong Kong's Mong Kok district on November 25 last year. Credit: Getty Images

Scholarism meetings begin only after a half-hour sessions on the PlayStation 3. Their current game of choice? Grand Theft Auto V.

But they are merely fleeting distractions from the weighty issues confronting Wong. In what he describes as "political persecution", Wong faces up to five years' jail after he and other activists were charged with unlawful assembly, inciting others to take part in an unlawful assembly, as well as obstructing police.

A pro-democracy protester shows a sign saying, "I want true universal suffrage", during demonstrations in Hong Kong in November 2014.

A pro-democracy protester shows a sign saying, "I want true universal suffrage", during demonstrations in Hong Kong in November 2014.Credit: Getty Images

And just last week, he was confronted and harassed on the city's packed MTR subway by an angry video blogger. Footage of the confrontation has garnered more than 400,000 views online.

Despite his youth, Wong is a political veteran, having convened Scholarism with like-minded students when he was just 14. He caused an immediate sensation. Protests he led in 2012 successfully prevented the introduction of a "moral and national education" school curriculum widely derided as pro-Communist Party, which among other things, glossed over the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.

The Umbrella Revolution lasted 79 days.

The Umbrella Revolution lasted 79 days.Credit: Getty Images

The street cred he earned from that stunning success helps explain the overwhelming momentum he was able to generate last year alongside fellow student groups like the university union-led Hong Kong Federation of Students, and Occupy Central with Love and Peace, masterminded by two mild-mannered academics and a Baptist minister.

Disaffection, especially among Hong Kong's youth, was already high due to unaffordable housing, stark income inequality and diminishing employment opportunities.

They were worried, too, about increasing signs that China's ruling Communist Party was encroaching on the freedoms maintained from the 1997 handover from British rule that set the territory apart from any ordinary city on the mainland – including a free press and an independent judiciary.

Nominally, under the so-called "one country, two systems" arrangement, Hong Kong is free to govern itself. But the chief executive is chosen by a 1200-strong nomination committee, most members of which are not elected by popular vote and it is seen as stacked with political and business elites controlled by China. The chief executive, Leung Chun-ying, is widely pilloried for being beholden to Beijing's interests.

Despite this, hopes in Hong Kong had been raised that an electoral reform package could eventually deliver real democracy. But in August last year, an edict issued by Beijing meant that while the city would be offered the first direct elections in 2017, all candidates would be effectively vetted by the Communist Party.

Fatherly figure advocated non-violence

But despite the huge wave of euphoria and infectious festival atmosphere in the early weeks, the occupation fizzled and lost support the longer it dragged on. In Mong Kok in particular, one of the three key staging grounds of the occupation, the working class and local business owners (as well as some triad elements) were infuriated by the disruption to their daily lives, which occasionally overflowed into ugly and violent confrontations.

"After a month, the occupation should have ended rather than allowing the whole thing to drag on and consume all the energy of the movement," says Occupy co-founder Benny Tai, a law professor at the University of Hong Kong. "We disagreed with the students – we thought it's better to end it but the students wanted to continue it."

A year on, both Beijing and Hong Kong's governments show no sign of compromise; though in a moral victory, the pan-democrat contingent in the Hong Kong legislature blocked the passage of the Beijing-endorsed electoral reform package in June. Things are back to square one.

Many who participated in the 79-day occupation expecting a quick victory have now been left deflated. Numerous pro-democracy interest groups, including the Hong Kong Federation of Students, have splintered. And while the Occupy protests unified everyone for a time, there is now no consensus on how to proceed.

"I think some people – the number may not be small even – within the movement, they may be frustrated," Tai says. "That kind of being defeated, that kind of feeling, I admit is here.

"It's not that they have given up about the democratic movement.

"What they could not see is just how to continue, so I think it's a time of adjustment, reflection, at this stage."

If Wong is the face of Hong Kong's defiant youth, then Tai, a smartly-dressed university professor in his early-50s, cuts a wise, fatherly figure.

Existing demonstrations – an annual candlelight vigil on June 4, the anniversary of Tiananmen Square, and a protest every July 1, the date of Hong Kong's handover to Chinese sovereignty – while drawing large crowds, had become predictable.

Tai outlined a proposal for a non-violent civil disobedience protest three years ago in a column in the Hong Kong Economic Journal. "The power of civil disobedience lies with using non-violent methods to break the law, thereby appealing to the general public's sense of justice," he wrote.

"What turned out was completely different to the original plan, which was just to have 10,000 people in a more passive way that will sit in the street, waiting to be arrested by the police," he says.

One of the raw, defining images of the protests was of an overcome Tai weeping inconsolably in the street, with the elderly Cardinal Joseph Zen bent over in an embrace, trying to comfort him. The photo was taken about 4am, just before day was about to break on the first night of the protests.

"That was taken almost immediately after the firing of the last tear-gas canister," he says. "We could see the police putting down their shields ... they started to show they were not going to use more force.

"At that point I just looked all the protesters, they were very tired at that point and I just felt that they're so beautiful. And so I cried, that's the feeling, the emotion just came."

Pledge on basic law expires in 2047

Tai says he suffered from depression after the end of Occupy.

"I found myself within such a dark tunnel and actually you're frustrated and losing heart and not knowing what to do in the future," he says. "Up to this point that I may say that I might still be in this dark tunnel but I can see the light from the exit is growing lighter and bigger as I continue."

For the Communist Party, perhaps the most troubling lesson from the protests is that an entire generation in Hong Kong, previously considered politically apathetic, has undergone a transformative awakening.

Wong's plan is to push for a citywide referendum to be held to decide the future of Hong Kong. He wants renewal in the city's legislature, which he says is full of middle-aged pan-democrat politicians with stale ideas.

The key goal however, Wong says, is to harness Hong Kong's politically awakened generation and help them understand the fight for the right of self-determination and democracy is a long one.

"Compared to those who [were] born after 2000, I'm old already," Wong says. "How do we turn the political awareness and passion to transform or change the civil society, or increase our bargaining power, these are the important issues from my point of view."

Under the conditions negotiated before the 1997 handover from British rule, China agreed to retain Hong Kong's basic law – which enshrines the territory's autonomy and protections of people's rights and freedoms – for 50 years.

That agreement expires in 2047. By then, Wong will still be only 50 years old. And therein lies the nub of why Hong Kong's youth has taken matters into their own hands.

"What is the future for us? No one else is asking," Wong says.

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